Engelsmän som tittar på porr kan i fortsättningen tvingas att obligatoriskt registrera sig hos myndigheterna i Storbritannien, (för ökad trygghet). Detta enligt ett nytt lagförslag som redan godkänts av "UK House of Commons". Lagen ska nu granskas av "the House of Lords"...
The "Digital Economy Bill" will require British nationals to register with the government in order to watch porn
Sputnik 2016-11-29
On Monday, the UK House of Commons passed the Digital Economy Bill, which will require British nationals to register with the government in order to watch porn.
The Digital Economy Bill will now go on for review at the House of Lords, the Belfast Telegraph reports. In addition to the special age verification system, the law includes other features that sound like they were ripped out of a George Orwell book—and may not even be effective in achieving their intended aim.
The proposed law also makes provisions for increased data-sharing, restricting access to online commercial pornography, and altering the county’s electronic communications infrastructure and services, according to the UK Parliament.[...]
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The "Digital Economy Bill" will require British nationals to register with the government in order to watch porn
Sputnik 2016-11-29
On Monday, the UK House of Commons passed the Digital Economy Bill, which will require British nationals to register with the government in order to watch porn.
The Digital Economy Bill will now go on for review at the House of Lords, the Belfast Telegraph reports. In addition to the special age verification system, the law includes other features that sound like they were ripped out of a George Orwell book—and may not even be effective in achieving their intended aim.
The proposed law also makes provisions for increased data-sharing, restricting access to online commercial pornography, and altering the county’s electronic communications infrastructure and services, according to the UK Parliament.[...]
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Snoopers Charter for UK - Deek Jackson
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"Englands internet som Kinas" - Massor myndigheter ska granska undersåtarnas internethistorik: Ny lag
Vi erkänner motvilligt att bloggen tidigare gjorde en mindre missbedömning av läget. - Vi var rätt övertygade om att Sverige skulle va första landet i väst som va korkat nog att införa något sånt här. ...Men, Storbritanniens inavlade elit hann tydligen före vår, och deras nya totalitära internetlagstiftning överträffar t.o.m. de flesta diktaturer & slyngelstater i världen. - Massor av myndigheter får tillgång till de engelska undersåtarnas kompletta internetaktivitet och historik enligt en ny lag, för ökad trygghet...
Myndigheternas favoritsajt avslöjad
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PORRSURFARE i ENGLAND ska Tvångsregistreras hos Myndigheterna - NY LAG - för Ökad Trygghet

'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'
A horrifying law just passed in the UK, and it’s turned us into a world-leading arsehole