...Ingenting är längre vad det verkar vara. Till och med Wikileaks vågar plötsligt erkänna att systemet är totalt riggat av eliten. Naturligtvis enbart riggat för att öka tryggheten åt de ignoranta undersåtarna...
...Ingenting är längre vad det verkar vara. Till och med Wikileaks vågar plötsligt erkänna att systemet är totalt riggat av eliten. Naturligtvis enbart riggat för att öka tryggheten åt de ignoranta undersåtarna...
WikiLeaks Bombshell: ‘There Is No US Election’

As the ruling elite pushes its rigged election, forcibly cramming crime boss Hillary down our gullets against the people’s choice or will, so goes suppression of information rapidly shutting off the truth spigot, leaving Americans high and dry.
- “A populace deprived of the ability to separate lies from truth, is no longer capable of sustaining a free society.” — Journalist Chris Hedges
Jeff Rense & Charles R. Smith:
Publicerades den 18 okt. 2016 Jeff Rense

Jeff Rense & Charles R. Smith:
- WikiLeaks Reveals Shadow Government Protecting Hillary
Publicerades den 18 okt. 2016 Jeff Rense***

ALLT ÄR RIGGAT - Du är såpastjärna i den globala elitens "Krig mot Verkligheten"
WIKILEAKS: - Ingenting är längre vad det verkar vara - RIGGADE VAL och RIGGAD MEDIA...

'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'
Yahoo let the NSA read your email before you even opened it.
SvaraRaderaYahoo was just revealed to be the very first US internet company to build a program, at the request of US Intelligence Services, to search every single incoming message of every single user in real time.
Let me say that again. Every. Single. Incoming. Message. Every user.
This is an absolutely unprecedented privacy violation.
Surveillance experts and former government officials are saying they have never seen such a broad demand for real-time digital surveillance, nevermind one that calls for the creation of a new computer program.
This program, essentially a wire-tap on the web, is beyond the scope of any of the already overreaching surveillance laws currently on the books.