Fyra clowner i tonåren har nyligen åtalats för diverse terrorbrott i USA efter att de unga clownerna postat skrämmande clownmeddelanden på Facebook. Amerikanska polischefer har deklarerat att man numera kommer att arrestera alla som klär sig som clowner, eftersom man misstänker att clowner kan lura in barn i skogen. I Frankrike har man infört lokala clownförbud för att rädda barnen från clowner. I Storbritannien har barn traumatiserats allvarligt efter att de terroriserats av mystiska clowner som hoppat fram ur buskar...
En 11-årig knivbeväpnad flicka arresterades nyligen av polisen i Georgia, USA. 11-åringen förklarade att hon var tvungen att ha kniv för att kunna försvara sig mot clownerna...
En amerikansk skola fick stängas ner (lockdown) efter att clownen "Flomo" postat skrämmande meddelande på Facebook. Ett antal tonårsclowner har arresterats i samband med andra clownpubliceringar på Facebook...
En 11-årig knivbeväpnad flicka arresterades nyligen av polisen i Georgia, USA. 11-åringen förklarade att hon var tvungen att ha kniv för att kunna försvara sig mot clownerna...
En amerikansk skola fick stängas ner (lockdown) efter att clownen "Flomo" postat skrämmande meddelande på Facebook. Ett antal tonårsclowner har arresterats i samband med andra clownpubliceringar på Facebook...
Teens charged with ‘terroristic threats’ after creepy clown abduction posts on Facebook
RT 2016-09-21
Four teenagers in Georgia have been charged with making “terrorist threats” after allegedly posting Facebook messages threatening to abduct children while dressed as clowns.
The arrests come in the wake of a craze of creepy clown sightings that have spread fear amongst children and parents alike, and prompted police to establish if any real threat exists amidst the hoaxes. Reported sightings also sparked a spate of school closures.
La Grange police were inundated with calls from concerned parents after a Facebook page, which has since been removed, included threats to dress like a clown and drive around in a white van to nearby schools and abduct children.
Two 18 year olds from Georgia, Steven Goddard and Zaria Dallas, and 17-year-old Tristian Bonner from Alabama were arrested for terroristic threats, according to WXIA. A 16 year old was arrested for terroristic threats and disrupting public schools in relation to the threats.
An 11-year-old girl was arrested at a school in Athens, Georgia, on Friday for carrying a knife. She told police she needed the weapon to protect herself and her family against the clowns.
The arrests come in the wake of a craze of creepy clown sightings that have spread fear amongst children and parents alike, and prompted police to establish if any real threat exists amidst the hoaxes. Reported sightings also sparked a spate of school closures.
La Grange police were inundated with calls from concerned parents after a Facebook page, which has since been removed, included threats to dress like a clown and drive around in a white van to nearby schools and abduct children.
Two 18 year olds from Georgia, Steven Goddard and Zaria Dallas, and 17-year-old Tristian Bonner from Alabama were arrested for terroristic threats, according to WXIA. A 16 year old was arrested for terroristic threats and disrupting public schools in relation to the threats.
An 11-year-old girl was arrested at a school in Athens, Georgia, on Friday for carrying a knife. She told police she needed the weapon to protect herself and her family against the clowns.
- What's Really Behind All the Creepy Clown Sightings?
Publicerades den 6 okt. 2016 Truthstream Media
I made this video after I received a call from our local school district warning us we should call the police if we see a clown in our area. No, I'm not kidding. What in the hell is going on with all the creepy clowns? Because hoax doesn't explain this. It's being hyped too much. I'm obviously speculating in this video, but none of the other explanations I've heard make as much sense to me...
- And they want us to believe this is reality?
British schoolchildren are being terrorized by pranksters dressed as ‘creepy clowns’ leaping out from behind bushes and chasing people down the street. The spate of spookings is thought to have been inspired by similar clown attacks across the US.
Newcastle police are trying to identify those responsible for the stunts. They have arrested one teenage ‘creepy clown’ allegedly carrying a “bladed article” in connection with one of the incidents.
“This arrest should act as a clear warning to others who are actively seeking to cause distress and potentially harm others,” a spokesperson said.
Police say the pranks have left school children “incredibly distressed” and are investigating six different reports of creepy clowns menacing youngsters.
A string of clown attacks in the US appears to be inspiring British copycats. In America, 12 people linked to clown attacks have been arrested across the country in the past two weeks.
The craze first emerged in August, when people dressed as clowns allegedly attempted to lure children into a local woodland.
Creepy clown threats have also led to school lockdowns in Ohio and Alabama, and police have linked the fatal stabbing of a 16-year-old boy in Pennsylvania to the phenomenon, AP reports.
The sinister trend has also carried over to social media, with reports of people setting up Twitter accounts as clowns and threatening to attack schools.[...]
Newcastle police are trying to identify those responsible for the stunts. They have arrested one teenage ‘creepy clown’ allegedly carrying a “bladed article” in connection with one of the incidents.
“This arrest should act as a clear warning to others who are actively seeking to cause distress and potentially harm others,” a spokesperson said.
Police say the pranks have left school children “incredibly distressed” and are investigating six different reports of creepy clowns menacing youngsters.
A string of clown attacks in the US appears to be inspiring British copycats. In America, 12 people linked to clown attacks have been arrested across the country in the past two weeks.
The craze first emerged in August, when people dressed as clowns allegedly attempted to lure children into a local woodland.
Creepy clown threats have also led to school lockdowns in Ohio and Alabama, and police have linked the fatal stabbing of a 16-year-old boy in Pennsylvania to the phenomenon, AP reports.
The sinister trend has also carried over to social media, with reports of people setting up Twitter accounts as clowns and threatening to attack schools.[...]
A South Carolina police chief says anyone dressed as a clown is subject to arrest following reports around the community of suspicious incidents involving people dressed as clowns, one of which concerned an alleged attempt to lure children into a forest. [...]
Blir det möjligtvis ett amerikanskt "krig mot clowner?" - Ondskefulla mördarclowner har på senaste tiden börjat dyka upp lite varstans i världen för att terrorisera hjälplösa människor. Clownerna misstänks ha blivit inspirerade av en Youtube-kanal....
Beväpnade med exempelvis pistoler och motorsågar, smyger de omkring på nätterna och utför sina clownaktiga illdåd mot intet ont anande förbipasserande.
- I södra Frankrike har de onda clownerna blivit en sådan fara för barnen och allmänheten att man infört ett tillfälligt clown-förbud...
A South Carolina police chief says anyone dressed as a clown is subject to arrest following reports around the community of suspicious incidents involving people dressed as clowns, one of which concerned an alleged attempt to lure children into a forest. [...]
Mördarclowner - Nytt Terrorhot mot säkerheten i världen? - Clown-förbud i södra Frankrike
Beväpnade med exempelvis pistoler och motorsågar, smyger de omkring på nätterna och utför sina clownaktiga illdåd mot intet ont anande förbipasserande.
- I södra Frankrike har de onda clownerna blivit en sådan fara för barnen och allmänheten att man infört ett tillfälligt clown-förbud...
Läs mer:
CLOWNAKTIG TERROR! TOKIGA CLOWNER verkar konkurrera mot ISIS i att terrorisera världen

CLOWNAKTIG TERROR! TOKIGA CLOWNER verkar konkurrera mot ISIS i att terrorisera världen

'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'
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