Ukraina sänder kvinnobataljoner till stridslinjen i Donbass. De utvalda damerna får äran att strida vid frontlinjen eftersom det blivit nästan omöjligt för stridsledningen att hitta folk (män) som frivilligt vill bege sig dit. Frontlinjen har tidsenligt döpts till "Anti-terror-operations-zonen" (ATO) och de stridande kvinnorna ges sannolikt en gratis chans till en klassisk "Militär Makeover" enligt bilden ovanför...
30.09.2016 The Ukrainian Command sends military divisions, consisting predominantly of women, to the checkpoint near Popasnaya due to shortage of the military personnel and reluctance of the fighters to serve in the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) zone, spokesman for the People’s Militia of the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR), Major Andrey Marochko, said.
“Due to the reluctance to serve in the ATO zone and shortage of the military personnel, the Ukrainian Command already sends even female divisions to the contact line. So, the Krym military division, consisting predominantly of women, was revealed at the Ukrainian checkpoint near the village of Popasnaya,” Marochko said.
According to the Major, the Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to build strength near the contact line in Donbass. So, 10 pieces of the BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launchers, which will be sent to the contact line with the territory of the LPR, were unloaded from platforms in a railway depot in the village of Rubezhnoye.[...]
30.09.2016 The Ukrainian Command sends military divisions, consisting predominantly of women, to the checkpoint near Popasnaya due to shortage of the military personnel and reluctance of the fighters to serve in the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) zone, spokesman for the People’s Militia of the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR), Major Andrey Marochko, said.
“Due to the reluctance to serve in the ATO zone and shortage of the military personnel, the Ukrainian Command already sends even female divisions to the contact line. So, the Krym military division, consisting predominantly of women, was revealed at the Ukrainian checkpoint near the village of Popasnaya,” Marochko said.
According to the Major, the Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to build strength near the contact line in Donbass. So, 10 pieces of the BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launchers, which will be sent to the contact line with the territory of the LPR, were unloaded from platforms in a railway depot in the village of Rubezhnoye.[...]
UKRAINAS armé skickar KVINNOBATALJONER till strid i DONBASS (...i brist på annan personal)

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