De flesta amerikanerna vill se Hillary Clinton bli åtalad istället för att bli president. Den yrkeskriminella bankelitens amerikanska presidentkandidat, Hillary Clinton, råkar illa ut i en ny undersökning...
Over half of American voters surveyed in a recent poll disagree with the FBI’s decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton over her emails scandal.
A survey of 1,000 likely voters was conducted on October 18 and 19 by the polling company Rasmussen Reports. Voters were asked whether they agreed with the FBI’s decision not to file criminal charges against Hillary Clinton, despite acknowledging that she had been reckless and potentially exposed classified information to hostile countries.
The results were released on Friday.[...]
Hillary Clinton Not Sexually Assaulted..By Anyone - FKN Newz 102116 (sanningssatir)
Amerikanska aktivister och systemkritiker dör som flugor och detta gäller speciellt i anslutning till Clintondynastin. MSM mörklägger naturligtvis. Se en förträfflig video från Truthstream som vågar ställa rätt frågor som börjar där MSM slutar. (UPPDATERAD 2016-10-04) - En ny video längst ner på sidan går igenom hela 114 märkliga dödsfall i anslutning till Bill & Hillary Clinton ..
REAL Poll Numbers Show Most Americans Want Hillary INDICTED for Scandal
***Hillary Clinton Not Sexually Assaulted..By Anyone - FKN Newz 102116 (sanningssatir)
Möt familjen Clinton och USA:s nästa president, Hillary? (Trots Bills oändliga sexäventyr)
Amerikas riggade ödesval - Den svåra konsten att välja mellan PISS och SHIT...
Liken staplas på hög runtomkring Hillary Clinton - Aktivister & systemkritiker lever farligt i USA...
De flesta amerikaner vill se Hillary Clinton ÅTALAD istället för som PRESIDENT: NY Undersökning

'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'
Whoever becomes the next President of the United States will be making critical decisions on free speech, basic security, and much more.
SvaraRaderaOn so many of the issues that our members care about, both candidates have some of the scariest plans and policies that we’ve ever seen.
Fight for the Future.
Both Clinton and Trump have called for more mass government surveillance, more online censorship, more restrictions on journalism and speech, and more penalties for whistleblowers.
SvaraRaderaTrump has opposed net neutrality, tweeting false, cable industry talking points [1].
Hillary has called for an “intelligence surge,” asking big tech to surveille users for US Intelligence agencies. [2]
Fight for the Future.