Att alltid sträva efter att lösa konflikter på ett fredligt sätt utan
militärer och vapen är tankar som måste förankras i medvetandet hos
människor. Media däremot älskar uppenbarligen krig, tortyr och vissa terroristgrupper. - Det djärva påståendet är faktiskt statistiskt fastställt...
Exempelvis bjöd amerikansk mainstreammedia in dubbelt så många tortyrförespråkare som tortyrkritiker till sina program, efter att den hårt censurerade rapporten om USA:s världsomspännande tortyr släppts...
Exempelvis bjöd amerikansk mainstreammedia in dubbelt så många tortyrförespråkare som tortyrkritiker till sina program, efter att den hårt censurerade rapporten om USA:s världsomspännande tortyr släppts...

ISIS har snabbt blivit en enorm global succé inom krig & terror mycket tack vare den otroliga uppmärksamhet gruppen fått av media. T o m de ryska anti-Putin-aktivisterna i "Pussy Riot" ligger här i lä.
Ett permanent lönsamt globalt krig mot ISIS är numera fullt möjligt tack vare media.
Rekrytering av nya jihadister i den omfattning som skett hade varit fullständigt omöjlig utan medias enorma draghjälp att etablera ISIS som ett välkänt globalt varumärke.
Medias dagliga skrämselkampanjer har säkert varit värda många miljarder i PR för terrorgruppen.
- Om kampanjer för fred och frihet med empatiska godhjärtade människor marknadsförts på samma sätt i media, hade sannolikt krigsindustrikomplexet fått lägga ner diverse dödspatruller & vapenfabriker...
- Vilket naturligtvis aldrig kommer att hända eftersom media och de "presstituerade" kreaturen älskar sin lönsamma tortyr och sin ännu lönsammare terror.
SÅ. - Vill du ha rasism, krig och elände - fortsätt då att stödja mainstreammedia.
US Network TV: - Torture Advocates Outnumbered Critics 2-to-1
FAIR survey finds torturers well-represented on TV news***
2015-02-07 Activist Post Bernie Suarez
Have you noticed the repeatedly covered Islamic State or ISIS "terror" group is now get daily priceless, relentless coverage from the mainstream media?
The public relations campaign that CIA's ISIS is getting from CIA's Western mainstream corporate media now officially rivals the anti-Soviet Union anti-Communism propaganda campaigns of the 1950s. This unprecedented daily campaign coverage of the U.S./NATO-created, armed and funded group seems to be very focused. ISIS is everywhere, and there is nothing they can't do.
This carefully put together ISIS psyop has featured ISIS fighting and winning battles on multiple fronts with weapons, gear and trucks they magically acquired from the U.S. All the while hacking databases and websites across the globe, evading military annihilation and evading all forms of surveillance and Intelligence tracking from a long list of enemy NATO countries it is fighting and apparently easily defeating with their seemingly endless supply of weaponry.
Quietly, the U.S.-led ISIS terror group uses their ammunition to attack Syria, a country the U.S. has been trying to bring down for years, and now the only real country actually trying to defeat ISIS.
- How convenient for ISIS to be fighting the U.S's dirty wars while Israel and U.S. quietly aid ISIS in their war against Syria. You know what they say about common enemies.
ISIS has simultaneously and broadly fooled the entire world from figuring out where, when and how they get their general supplies (food, water, gas, ammo etc.); and, more importantly, how to take out their supplies.
As months go by, ISIS - a small band of masked Middle Eastern angry "Muslim" men who apparently (judging from their own actions) hate their own religion - continue to win biblical proportion battles against essentially all nations of the world who try to challenge them. Simultaneously, their intentions and crimes are marketed all over the world, while they laugh at the world and are never met with any military or technological challenge to be stopped.
Despite the fact that truth seekers and alternative media continue to expose the ISIS psyop in real-time, the ISIS theater continues without end.
Above and beyond their incredible ability to sustain themselves in the heat of conflict against a long list of NATO countries, ISIS not only maintains their cool but they even have time to stage multiple beheading videos targeting individuals from countries all over the world.
From countries like Japan and China who have nothing to do with Muslims, as well as countries as far south as Australia, as far north as Canada and others. ISIS has been involved planning detailed attacks all the way on the other side of the world in the U.S.
- They have recruited college students, even women from all over the world!
- Amazingly, the ISIS brand seems to grow on average people who for no reason get up one morning thinking "I wanna join ISIS".
The ISIS magic does not end there. ISIS is so cool and so powerful they don't care who their enemies are anymore, they want to tick-off everyone just for being human and not supporting ISIS. They seem to realize at this point that anonymity, indestructibility, technological superiority, free global name branding, massive global video production, female recruiting, periodic beheadings, and simultaneous global ass-kicking is the name of their game and, like god, ISIS apparently cannot be stopped.
ISIS is the true superhuman phenomenon of our modern age (supposedly of course). So "superhuman" and so amazing ISIS has become that even sitting POTUS U.S. Barrack Obama himself was compelled to issue a warning against "exaggerating" the ISIS terror threat. That "exaggeration" of course is being carried out by our own CIA and mainstream media. Nice doubling up on the intelligence. A reminder to all of us that this is all about mind-control.
And as the ISIS psyop rolls on we now see record coverage of the fake terror group in CIA's desperate attempt to permanently ingrain ISIS into the conscience of Americans.
Everyone must be wondering, just who is buying into this? How bad is the damage? Is the psychological damage worse than we think? A question I cannot answer, but I can only speculate that most Americans are hopefully secretly not believing the ISIS psyop. Why? Because the government and their mouthpiece media are trying too hard. Nothing about ISIS feels, sounds or looks real.
We know too much about the origins of ISIS that cannot be hidden. All of the government's efforts to build up the ISIS bogeymonster are thus exaggerated as Obama implies. The ISIS branding is surreal and now a subject of daily coverage, a red flag for anyone paying attention.
With the cost of advertising and public relations nowadays we must all marvel at how ISIS gets free PR every day. The ISIS brand has been chosen to be the most famous and focused-on brand of our time.
- The ISIS name is flashed everywhere today because the Neocons and Zionists who scripted the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) needed an enemy to use as a tool to advance their plans.
Al Qaeda and the Taliban were supposedly defeated (but not really) after 13+ years of "war" in Afghanistan, 11 years of war in Iraq and 13 years of Guantanamo prison. Americans at one time apparently thought these were steps toward defeating terrorism, but now should believe were clearly steps irrelevant to the war on terror.
All the years of phony "wars" (more like illegal occupations) in the Middle East apparently did nothing to stop or even slow down terrorism. Too bad for Americans, who gave up almost ALL their liberties in exchange for the "defeat" of terrorism. Now Americans are forced to see that they were duped as we enter a fresh new era or U.S./NATO-created terror. The fact is that as long as the PNAC plans are in place, so too will ISIS and terrorism. The ISIS brand is thus here to stay.
Know this, that terrorism is what the new world order is all about. The terrorists are definitely the enemy, but the terrorists wear suits, masks, military gear, live in caves and run and control our military and media. The terrorists are not committed to one uniform. They come in different forms. They (ISIS) are very much a part of the new world order and eventually humanity and everyone in America WILL have no choice but to face that there is no distinction between people like John McCain and the terrorists he has met up with. No difference between a rebel, insurgent, terrorist, fighter, militant, Jihadist, soldier, resistance or any other buzz word the media uses to describe those that kill others. There is no difference between an AK-47 and a drone. Both are weapons used to kill innocent people.
With all the cards stacked against humanity let's do whatever we can to move far beyond the "debate" about who ISIS is and instead move mentally forward with how to deal with CIA's ISIS. It's time to accept the reality that our government runs terror groups, which they can turn on a disobedient American public with full immunity. They did it on 9/11/01 and they will do it again.
Will Americans get past the fear of being castrated from society for being called a "conspiracy theorist"? Despite the millions of us who are awakened globally to the plans and doings of the globalists, we've been tasked to awaken the sleeping for their own protection and survival. We also have the distinction of observing objectively the unraveling of the new world order before our eyes. Only time will tell if our actions are sufficient to wake up enough people to turn this thing around.
Until then let us realize we are up against a powerful marketing campaign that is determined to make ISIS greater than life. It is up to us to continue diminishing the ISIS brand, ridiculing it and reminding others that all of this will someday go away if we believe in truth, common sense and reason.
*Bernie Suarez is an activist, critical thinker, radio host, musician, M.D, Veteran, lover of freedom and the Constitution, and creator of the Truth and Art TV project. He also has a background in psychology and highly recommends that everyone watch a documentary titled The Century of the Self. Bernie has concluded that the way to defeat the New World Order is to truly be the change that you want to see. Manifesting the solution and putting truth into action is the very thing that will defeat the globalists.
***Om media gett fredsaktivister samma utrymme de ger ISIS - hade vi kanske haft fred på jorden?

'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'
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