måndag 3 december 2012

Olagligt att filma poliser i tre av USA:s stater?

Olagligt att filma poliser i tre stater i USA

Uploaded by on Jun 17, 2010 (engelsk text)
In Illinois, Massachusetts, and Maryland, wiretapping and eavesdropping laws have been used to prosecute individuals who have recorded police activity in a public location.


Lately there have been a slew of videos coming out showing law enforcement officials using excessive force, and I don't use the word excessive lightly.

In response, a new trend is starting to spread.

- In three states, it is now illegal to film an on duty police officer, even if the encounter involves you, and may be necessary to your defense.

- So are cameras being treated as the new guns?

Alyona talks to Jim Hanson a Retired Special Operations Master Sergeant and military blogger and asks him about this video where the cop punched a woman in the face in Seattle, and ask him if in any law enforcement circles that would be considered a reasonable way to handle that situation.

Polis misshandlar kvinna som

cyklat på trottoaren i öde förstad

Uploaded by on Feb 4, 2009
Raw video shows cop punching a woman in the face four times during an arrest for riding her bike on the sidewalk! Newly released video reveals police brutality.


undermattan.blogg - Olagligt att filma poliser i tre av USA:s stater?

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