tisdag 10 januari 2017

USA: 7 Personer arresterades när de gav utsvultna frysande hemlösa människor MAT

7 Personer arresterades och fördes bort av myndigheterna när de gav utsvultna frysande hemlösa människor mat i Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park, Tampa, USA. Även en hemlös man arresterades när han desperat sträckte sig efter maten, i samband med att polisen släpade bort de handfängslade medlemmarna från hjälporganisationen...

In Tampa, Food Not Bombs activists arrested for feeding the homeless—again

2017-01-07 http://www.cltampa.com/news
Temperatures were dipping into unfriendly territory Saturday afternoon as sports fans flocked to the events at Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park.

At nearby Lykes Gaslight Park, members of Tampa's homeless community were gathered for hot coffee and bagels, courtesy of the group Food Not Bombs.

There were no altercations, no illicit substances, no bad behavior—unless you count that, according to the City of Tampa, that coffee and bagels were illegal.


Because you have to have a special permit in order to offer free food to the needy in city parks. But obtaining a city permit to feed the homeless twice a week—to set up a table and open bags of chips and bagels and spoon organic beans and rice from a pot—can be pricey because of the insurance policy the city requires.

Given how often they do it (homeless people have to eat frequently, too), that can add up.
Volunteers with Food Not Bombs knew their actions were technically illegal. They had been warned about it earlier in the week.

And they did it anyway.

- As a result, seven people were arrested. For feeding hungry people in a park.

Some were arrested still wearing the plastic gloves with which they served food.

When police arrived on the scene, they gave the activists three minutes to stop feeding those in need.

Then, they moved in, pulling the volunteers away as they continued to serve.

"Please help yourselves," one could be heard saying to those still gathered as he was dragged off.

A man who reached for a last-minute bagel was also arrested.[...]
Läs mer:
USA: 7 Personer arresterades när de gav utsvultna frysande hemlösa människor  MAT
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