😲(SATIR) ...Var den brutala fårattacken Putins fel eller inte? Vi låter den frågan vara helt öppen för media att ta ställning till. - Hur som helst så blev en fårägare under 2014 utsatt för flockens outtömliga vrede. De revolterande fåren totalmanglade sin ägare tre gånger. Även fårhundar deltog i revolten genom att ivrigt vifta på svansarna, lite på avstånd. Precis som med välkända "Blair Witch Project", så har videon om fårrevolten mystiskt dykt upp först några år efter händelsen...(se den chockerande videon från upproret)
RT 2017-01-13
In an incredible animal challenge to human authority, a sheep uncharacteristically went rogue and revolted against its shepherd in a vicious attack that was caught by the dashcam of a nearby motorist.
The shepherd was rammed no fewer than three times by the aggressive animal who took the opportunity to pounce when the rest of the flock was startled by a passing car.
The sheep ceased his relentless attack only when the German-speaking driver of the car proceeded to honk their horn and yell at the animal – while the shepherd can be heard yelling in agony.
While the dashcam date shows the footage as being filmed in 2014, it recently went viral after being shared via LiveLeak, generating more than 125,000 views in less than a day of being posted.[...]
RT 2017-01-13
In an incredible animal challenge to human authority, a sheep uncharacteristically went rogue and revolted against its shepherd in a vicious attack that was caught by the dashcam of a nearby motorist.
The shepherd was rammed no fewer than three times by the aggressive animal who took the opportunity to pounce when the rest of the flock was startled by a passing car.
The sheep ceased his relentless attack only when the German-speaking driver of the car proceeded to honk their horn and yell at the animal – while the shepherd can be heard yelling in agony.
While the dashcam date shows the footage as being filmed in 2014, it recently went viral after being shared via LiveLeak, generating more than 125,000 views in less than a day of being posted.[...]
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'
Queen, Bush, Carter, Rockefeller predicted to die in 2017...
Som satanister sysslade med att eliminera vit-man samhället och mördade massor av människor, degraderade och eliminerade, så föddes ngt annat som just nu i snabb och växande takt eliminerar iluminater-satanister... förre de förstör mänskligheten... (något hänt och dessa familjer som ville eliminera mänskligheten och skapa kannibal-zombier... elimineras just nu en efter varandra ... tyst och utan "reklam")