Bild: En välkänd israelisk statsterrorist som numera eftersöks av spanska polisen...
Spain ‘issues arrest warrant’ for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over 2010 Gaza flotilla attack
The Independent 2015-11-17
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and seven other former and current government officials are at risk of arrest if they set foot in Spain, after a Spanish judge effectively issued an arrest warrant for the group, it has been reported.
According to the Latin American Herald Tribune, Spanish national court judge Jose de la Mata ordered the police and civil guard to notify him if Mr Netanyahu and the six other individuals enter the country, as their actions could see a case against them regarding the Freedom Flotilla attack of 2010 reopened.
The Israeli Prime Minister and other officials now face charges in the case, should it be reopened.[...]
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Spain ‘issues arrest warrant’ for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over 2010 Gaza flotilla attack
The Independent 2015-11-17
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and seven other former and current government officials are at risk of arrest if they set foot in Spain, after a Spanish judge effectively issued an arrest warrant for the group, it has been reported.
According to the Latin American Herald Tribune, Spanish national court judge Jose de la Mata ordered the police and civil guard to notify him if Mr Netanyahu and the six other individuals enter the country, as their actions could see a case against them regarding the Freedom Flotilla attack of 2010 reopened.
The Israeli Prime Minister and other officials now face charges in the case, should it be reopened.[...]
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UPPROPET "Arrestera Benjamin Netanyahu för Krigsbrott" - NU över 100 000 underskrifter!
Flygvärdinnans omfattande undersökning leder till Israel & Mossad bakom 9/11 - VIRAL VIDEO
Ken O'Keefe avslöjar det hemliga projektet för: "THE GREATER ISRAEL"
"Sionistsekten" Mainstream Media (MZM) Räddar (inte) Världen!
Sheeple-media i ett nötskal. - Media gillar oftast olika - döda. "Stop the War coalition", Glenn Greenwald och Miko Peled, sonen till en sionistisk israelisk general, berättar om några av de många saker som global "sheeplemedia" har som uppgift att mörklägga och desinformera världen om...
Sheeple-media i ett nötskal. - Media gillar oftast olika - döda. "Stop the War coalition", Glenn Greenwald och Miko Peled, sonen till en sionistisk israelisk general, berättar om några av de många saker som global "sheeplemedia" har som uppgift att mörklägga och desinformera världen om...
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Är det rätt eller fel att mörda andras spädbarn och bebisar i preventivt syfte? Krig kan ju numera föras i så kallat preventivt syfte utan att allmänheten reagerar något nämnvärt. Är det kanske snart politiskt korrekt igen med preventivt mördade spädbarn, om rätt folk mördar fel folks barn? Allt som behövs kanske är lite mer opinionsbildning i "sheeple-media..."
Radikal Judisk Sionist uppmanar till Terrordåd mot Kristna - "BRÄNN NER KRISTNA KYRKOR"
Partiledaren och radikale judiske sionist-terroristen Benzi Gopstein uppmanar till nya terrordåd mot Kristna i Israel. - "BRÄNN NER ALLA KRISTNA KYRKOR..."
Palestinskt Spädbarn Bränt Levande till Döds i Barbarisk Judisk Terrorattack
Ett palestinskt spädbarn
brändes till döds i en barbarisk terrorattack från högerextremistiska
judiska bosättare. Ett annat 4-årigt barn och familjemedlemmar skadades
också svårt med upp emot 75-procentiga brännskador vid terrorattacken
som utfördes på natten när babyn och barnfamiljen sov. Terroristerna
skrev "Leve Messias Hämnd" på offrens husvägg...
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'
SvaraRadera- French Jews Warned Friday Morning of ‘Impending Large Terrorist Attack’ Netanyahu: Israel Passed Intelligence to France on Attack"
"Far-right settler rabbi: Paris attacks are payback for the Holocaust The quote from Dov Lior, the chief rabbi of the Israeli settlement of Kiryat Arba, was first reported by the Walla! news agency.
Just nu hjälps arabiska judar till EU och Norden och enorm stark styrka av NWO terrorist armé infiltreras ..... det är enorm stor "Trojanska Hästen" som ska söndra hela Europa... vänta och se!
Paris Attack Reported on Wikipedia & Twitter BEFORE it happened
en till bekräftelse att Paris terroraktion gjordes av säkerhetstjänster......
Paris Attacks: Multi-site Exercise planned for morning of Nov 13,2015 Patrick Pelloux, EMT and chronicler at Charlie Hebdo, explains on France Info radio that Paris EMTs were prepared because, "as luck would have it", they'd planned an exercise to train for multi-site attacks on the morning of Nov 13,2015
SvaraRadera17 08:50 Paris attack witness says white, clean shaven, professional gunmen in black Mercedes massacred diners. Two heavily armed gunmen pulled up in a black Mercedes-Benz and calmly slaughtered scores of innocent diners in a Paris bistro before driving away. An eyewitness has told how 20 people were executed in a calculated attack on a busy restaurant in the heart of the French capital as they ate at tables on the pavement."The gunman showed no emotion at all as he began spraying bullets into the diners. He just kept reloading his machine gun and firing, without saying a thing. No screamed terrorist slogans? No shouts of "Allah akbar!"? ".
"Doesn't sound like Syrian refugees. Sounds more like a professional hit squad."....!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OBS! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Paris Attack False Flag: Conspiracy Hoax Exposed
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ????????????????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_235_300/image.jpg
SvaraRadera -
Gearoid O Colmain : " ISIS is western intelligence. We already knew that; this is just more confirmation."
US Apache Helicopter protecting ISIS convoy
....."Totally ignoring that the Syrians were flooding into Europe before Russia even showed up! "
ISIS was founded and funded by the US and its allies like Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel, UK and France:
Benjamin Netanyahu Will Be Arrested If He Ever Sets Foot in Spain Again