Ryskt bombflyg uppges ha slagit ut en stor del av ISIS oljeindustri och förhindrat oljeexporten via NATO och Turkiet. (Ukraina uppges även sälja oljan åt ISIS.) Oljeexporten har under lång tid varit en av ISIS största inkomstkällor som genererat miljarder åt de "välutrustade" terrorkrigarna....
USA säger sig också ha bombat islamisternas oljeindustri. Fast som bevis på USA:s bombningar kunde amerikansk media tyvärr bara visa upp en rysk video med de ryska bombplanen när de slog ut oljeindustrin... aningen pinsamt..?
2015-11-20 sott.net
U.S. media can not agree with itself if Russia is giving ISIS an airforce or if Russia pounds ISIS with the biggest bomber raid in decades.
Such confusion occurs when propaganda fantasies collide with the observable reality.
To bridge such divide requires some fudging.
The U.S. recently claimed to have hit Islamic State oil tankers in Syria. This only after Putin embarrassed Obama at the G-20 meeting in Turkey.
The U.S. then claimed to have hit 116 oil tankers while the Russian air force claims to have hit 500. But there is an important difference between these claims.
The Russians provided videos showing how their airstrikes hit at least two different very large oil tanker assembly areas with hundreds of tankers in each. They also provided video of several hits on oil storage sites and refinery infrastructure.
- I have found no video of U.S. hits on Islamic State oil tanker assemblies.
...The U.S. Public Broadcasting Service did not find any either. [...]
Läs mer:
Russia Decimates ISIS Oil Infrastructure with Biggest Bombing Raid in Decades, Missile Strikes
2015-11-20 The Free Thought Project
USA säger sig också ha bombat islamisternas oljeindustri. Fast som bevis på USA:s bombningar kunde amerikansk media tyvärr bara visa upp en rysk video med de ryska bombplanen när de slog ut oljeindustrin... aningen pinsamt..?
Priceless: - PBS uses Russian video during report of alleged U.S. airstrike on ISIS oil smuggling trucks
***2015-11-20 sott.net
U.S. media can not agree with itself if Russia is giving ISIS an airforce or if Russia pounds ISIS with the biggest bomber raid in decades.
Such confusion occurs when propaganda fantasies collide with the observable reality.
To bridge such divide requires some fudging.
- So when the U.S. claims to act against the finances of the Islamic State while not doing much, the U.S Public Broadcasting Service has to use footage of Russian airstrikes against the Islamic State while reporting claimed U.S. airstrike successes.
The U.S. recently claimed to have hit Islamic State oil tankers in Syria. This only after Putin embarrassed Obama at the G-20 meeting in Turkey.
- Putin showed satellite pictures of ridiculously long tanker lines waiting for days and weeks to load oil from the Islamic State without any U.S. interference.
The U.S. then claimed to have hit 116 oil tankers while the Russian air force claims to have hit 500. But there is an important difference between these claims.
The Russians provided videos showing how their airstrikes hit at least two different very large oil tanker assembly areas with hundreds of tankers in each. They also provided video of several hits on oil storage sites and refinery infrastructure.
- I have found no video of U.S. hits on Islamic State oil tanker assemblies.
...The U.S. Public Broadcasting Service did not find any either. [...]
Läs mer:
Russia Decimates ISIS Oil Infrastructure with Biggest Bombing Raid in Decades, Missile Strikes
2015-11-20 The Free Thought Project
After the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the bombing of a Russian airliner, President Vladimir Putin doubled down on the destruction of ISIS. With the United States still refusing to coordinate airstrikes against ISIS, the Russians have chosen to step up their already blistering assault upon the Islamic State.
Over the last 48 hours, Russia has destroyed an Islamic State controlled oil refinery, a fleet of 500 ISIS controlled oil tankers used to smuggle oil out of Syria, and launched a massive sea based cruise missile attack.
Over the last 48 hours, Russia has destroyed an Islamic State controlled oil refinery, a fleet of 500 ISIS controlled oil tankers used to smuggle oil out of Syria, and launched a massive sea based cruise missile attack.
“We stopped supplies of 60,000 tons of oil per day to the black market and terrorists are losing $1.5 million daily,” Shoigu said.
ISIS exporterar OLJA för MILJARDER till NATO-LÄNDER - "Väst bojkottar rysk kaviar"
ISIS Kalifat exporterar olja för miljarder till NATO-länder problemfritt och våra intelligenta västledare är som vanligt upptagna med att rikta sanktioner mot mycket viktigare saker. Exempelvis rysk kaviar. CIA-agenten som avslöjade CIA:s tortyrprogram, John Kiriakou, har nyligen bekräftat att USA och lydstaterna i väst inte alls prioriterar att stoppa ISIS oljeexport...
RYSKT BOMBFLYG SLOG UT ISIS "Oljeindustri" och Exporten via NATO-länder - MSM gav USA äran
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'
Ryska myndigheter har börjat leverera luftvärnssystemet S-300 till Iran
samtidigt Franska Flygplan bombar civila, sjukhus och Syriens infrastruktur, samt Syriska staten olja mål, då de fått i uppdrag från NWO att förstöra så mycket de kan för Assad och Syrien, då under NATO bifall de hjälper IS..... False Flag för fulla muggar!
SvaraRaderaAnti-ISIS aktivister i Syrien uppger att både sjukhus, stadium, museum, och politiska byggnader har träffats av bomber efter att Frankrike påbörjat olagliga militära hämndattacker mot ISIS i Syrien.