onsdag 18 november 2015

James Corbett: VÄST SKAPADE ISIS - redskap för "FALSE FLAGS" (Open Source terrorundersökning)

Välkände geopolitiska experten James Corbetts stora "Open Source Terrorundersökning" på webben avslöjar att ISIS medvetet skapats av USA, Turkiet, Israel och Golfstaterna för att användas för gruppens geopolitiska ändamål. Al-Qaida och dess föregångare skapades av USA/CIA av samma anledning...
Kriget mot Terror-BLUFFENEtt "geopolitiskt ändamål" var exempelvis resultatet av attacken i Paris som omedelbart gjorde att ISIS verkliga skapare på nytt kunde bomba Syrien och trappa upp terrorkriget igen (med stöd från en totalt grundlurad opinion).

Avsikten med de nya bomberna är förstås samma som tidigare, att försvaga Assads regering och ett regimskifte. Detta har komplicerats av att Ryssland börjat bombat USA:s & Israels dyrköpta skyddslingar i ISIS/al-Qaida "på riktigt"...

Paul Craig Roberts:
- Washington has long proven is ability to use Islamic extremists. As Washington used them in Afghanistan against the Soviets and in Libya and Syria against independent governments, Washington used them in Paris. By my last count, the FBI on 150 occasions has successfully deceived people into participating into FBI orchestrated “terror plots.”



Paris Attacks Truth: - ISIS is a False Flag

Publicerades den 17 nov. 2015 corbettreport
As The Corbett Report community continues to track the latest updates on the Paris attack investigation, let us not forget the essential underlying truth: ISIS is a creation of the US, Turkey, Israel and the Gulf States, and they are fostered, funded, equipped, armed, trained and protected by the NATO allies and the GCC, France included.
SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=16964 

The Paris Attacks: - An Open Source Investigation

Publicerades den 16 nov. 2015 corbettreport
Click here to read or contribute to the article: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=16920

The Corbett Report is compiling an open source investigation on the Paris terror attacks. Please help contribute your information and analysis to the article at corbettreport.com.



*Som synes på bilden undertill så angriper ISIS sällan finansiärerna mer än i undantagsfall. Som undantagsfall räknas terrordåd som medför taktiska fördelar för sponsorerna.
Open Source terrorundersökning James Corbett: VÄST SKAPADE ISIS - redskap för "FALSE FLAGS"
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

2 kommentarer:

  1. Sweden raises terror threat level to second highest citing 'concrete information'

    Sweden's security chief has raised the country's terror threat level to four on a scale of five, citing “concrete information.” An investigation has been launched regarding the "preparation of terrorist offenses."

    "One of the reasons for the increase is that the security service has received concrete information and concluded that we must act within the framework of our counter-terror work," Sweden's Security Police (SAPO) said in a statement.


  2. Armed police evacuate London tube station after man 'threatens passengers with scissors'

    Armed police evacuated Tooting Broadway Underground station on Wednesday afternoon after a security alert. Officers are hunting for a man who is alleged to have threatened passengers with a pair of scissors.

    Twitter users said the station was closed and reported a “massive police presence.”




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