Call the Cops. - Musikvideo med Rob Hustle som berättar om vad som kan hända när man ringer polisen i USA och andra trygga västländer. Äventyret utspelas till inspirerande musik, utan extra kostnad. - RING POLISEN!! - Rob Hustle och "Call the Cops..."
RING POLISEN!! - Rob Hustle och "Call the Cops"
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'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'
Police Said the Video Showing this Cop's Excessive Force Did Not Exist, They Were Lying
SvaraRaderaDenver, CO — Officer Choice Johnson is currently on a mandatory 30-day vacation after shoving an innocent man down a flight of stairs and lying about it.
Had the surveillance camera footage never been released it would have been Johnson’s word against Brandon Schreiber’s, the man he assaulted. Schreiber would have most likely been convicted of a crime he did not commit.
Caught On Tape: Cop Forced To Resign After Face-Slamming Man Into Concrete
4 Cops Punished for Trying to Report their Supervisor for Being Involved in a Prostitution Ring
SvaraRaderaFort Worth, TX — Four cops in Fort Worth who tried to report their supervisor for being a suspect in a prostitution case were all suspended without pay.
Officers, J.C. Williams, C. Cespedes, D. Shaw, and J. Pittman suspected their narcotics sergeant was involved with a prostitution ring and trying to cover for the prostitutes and their clients.
--UK PM Cameron To TARGET Those Who ‘OBEY THE LAW’--
SvaraRadera“For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens: as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone. “
Mass Exodus Has Begun - CEO's Bugging Out! 500+ Retiring CEO's Another Sign Of Something Ominous To Come?
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
In a follow-up to Susan Duclos' recent story "Movement To The Bunkers: 'They Know It Is Coming' - Elite Actively Practicing Bug-Out Scenario," we have embedded the scribd document below that contains the names of over 500 CEO's of large companies that have either retired from their CEO positions in 2015, late 2014 or plan on doing so within the next month or so as we begin to see a mass exodus from the business world has begun.
With the US dollar poised to soon lose its' world reserve currency status and the US and global economies teetering on the edge of destruction, a brand new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll reveals that 96% of Americans believe there will be more civil unrest and possible race wars in cities across the country this summer, is this another reason why so many CEO's have chosen to 'retire' now? The list below of CEO's 'getting out of Dodge' is like a 'Who's Who' of the corporate business world in America. Are these retirements just a coincidence or another sign of something ominious coming? From Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse Blog.:
Only 4 percent of people that believe that everything will be just fine. In this day and age, it is virtually impossible to get 96 percent of Americans to agree on anything. So the fact that just about everyone agrees that we are going to see more civil unrest should really tell you something. The anger that has been building under the surface for so many years in this country has finally started to erupt. If you have been following my website for a while, you know that this is something that I have been warning about for a very long time. Many people may have thought that I was exaggerating when I talked about the civil unrest that was coming to American cities. But I was not exaggerating at all. In fact, if anything I was downplaying it. In the years to come, we are going to see things happen in our cities that are going to absolutely shock the world.
Gawker's Phase Zero's William Arkin has an excellent new story out called "The Secret Mountain Our Spies Will Hide In When Washington Is Destroyed" which uncovers a secret mountain bunker 100 miles outside of Washington DC in Virginia that leads us to ask, how many more of these secret bunkers are out there that have yet to be discovered? Do these billionaires and multi-millionaires have 'inside information' that the rest of us do not have access to? With all of this information now coming forth, we think that it's very interesting that the Pentagon has also chosen now to be the time that they move much of their HQ and equipment back into their cold war era Cheyenne Mountain bunkers.
The list below goes on like a 'Who's Who' in the corporate business world. Every day more names are being added to the list. What do these people know that we don't know? Several videos below on the elite's underground lairs as well as more up-to-date info and questions asked about Jade Helm 15.
The Exodus Has Begun - CEO's Are Bugging Out! by All News Pipeline
Hänger inte riktigt med här. Vad är det man menar sker med alla CEO?
RaderaKommentaren vill väl lägga fram teorin om att många företagschefer drar sig tillbaka till "säkra platser" för att överleva en förväntad kommande kollaps i samhället.
Exempel på "säkra platser":
Ok.. ja allt går väl att sälja.
RaderaNågon tjänar nog bra på en sån här biljett till framtiden. Kul kommentar att pengar kommer att vara värdelösa i framtiden - vilket underförstått väl betyder- det gör inget om du betalar ett överpris för din framtidsbiljett till mig - för snart är ändå pengar värdelösa...Ja dessa utvalda.
Mormonerna, Jehovas Vittnen och Judar är väl också utvalda av högre makter. 140 000 av Jehovas 6 miljoner anhängare ialla fall.
Lite Anonymous "humor" över sig tycker jag.
En firesale väntar säkert.
Annars finns ju alltid andra skojare...
RaderaNordkorea m fl. vill säkert både tjäna pengar och placera främmande makters elit på specifikt avgränsade område som är lätta att navigera, eller? ;-)
Tänk så många i samma smäll om det smäller. Är eliten så dum? Och mer rädda för sina egna än andra? Jo de har kanske anledning att vara lite rädda. Vem vet?