tisdag 23 september 2014

USA arresterade t.o.m. en isbjörn vid ny (+100) massarrestering av demonstranter i New York

USA:s stolta poliskår handbojade och arresterade t.o.m. isbjörnen vid nya massarresteringar av demonstranter i demokratins högborg, New York. Runt 2000 demonstranter under arbetsnamnet "Flood Wall Street" hade samlats i finansdistriktet för att belysa finansvärldens roll som de värsta miljöförstörarna...
Demonstranterna ville bl.a. stänga ner delar av New Yorks finansdistrikt för att minska den s.k. "globala uppvärmningen."

De tidigare demonstranterna angående global uppvärmning som av en händelse backas upp av både media och etablissemanget, hade tydligen "råkat" missa den detaljen?

- Enligt uppgifter arresterades över 100 personer förutom isbjörnen...

NYPD arrests 100 Flood Wall Street protesters before UN climate summit

Publicerades den 23 sep 2014
Police on Monday night arrested 100 protesters participating in the “Flood Wall Street” demonstrations. Angry with capitalism and with corporations’ disregard for the state of the environment, a large group turned out in heart of New York City to express their displeasure. The event came the day before world leaders met at the UN to discuss global warming and also coincided with the third anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement. RT’s Alexey Yaroshevksy has details on the protests.***

RT 2014-09-23
New York police arrested the most conspicuous of the Flood Wall Street protest participants - man wearing a polar bear costume. The episode, caught on camera, has gone viral on social media and has grown into one of the protest’s highlights.

Flood Wall Street ends with mass arrests after day-long protest (PHOTOS)

Pictures of ‘Frostpaw the Polar Bear' being handcuffed and taken away by police have taken Twitter by storm.

- Social media users say protesters booed police when it was in the process of arresting a man dressed as a bear, chanting “Don’t arrest the polar bear!” 

The Flood Wall Street event – with 2,000 participants - had an aim of highlighting the role of big business in damaging the environment.

RT 2014-09-22
Just one day after the world’s largest climate-related protest, thousands of more rebellious activists risked detainment to shut down part of New York City’s financial district to demand action against global warming. More than 100 people were arrested.

TIMELINE: NYPD arrests 100 protesters defying order to disperse

United under the “Flood Wall Street” banner, some 2,000 demonstrators streamed into New York’s financial district Monday afternoon and promptly sat down in the streets. The sit-in, which organizers said was aimed at confronting “corporate polluters and those profiting from the fossil fuel industry,” completely shut down traffic in the area for nearly eight hours.

- Around 7:30 p.m., the New York Police Department (NYPD) began arresting protesters en masse and charging them with disorderly conduct. 

Earlier in the day, several arrests were made, with one witness telling RT pepper spray was used in at least one circumstance.[...]


...Det är oklart om polisen hann med att arrestera demonstranterna på bilden ovanför.

- Land Destroyer Report: 
They’re calling it the largest mobilization against climate change in the history of the planet. On Sunday morning, protesters from all over the United States and the world are converging on Manhattan to demand that global leaders take action to avert catastrophic climate change. Earlier this week Bill McKibben, founder of the environmental group 350.org, projected that the march would consist of “hundreds of thousands” of participants.
Not surprisingly little in terms of actual solutions are mentioned by the organizers and instead the march is meant to set the stage for political and financial deals to be made at the 2015 Climate Change Conference in Paris, France. Organizing the march are institutions funded by the very governments and corporate-financier special interests that have helped create devastating environmental and socioeconomic disasters across the planet over the past several decades in the first place.

Also involved are profiteers who have taken advantage of the general population's genuine concern for the environment to propose and benefit from scams consisting of everything from land-grabbing thousands of acres in Africa to peddling "carbon credits" and other financial gimmicks that make immense profits from doing literally nothing at all in terms of production and by creating a false sense of security, may even be compounding environmental catastrophes.

For those drawn to such "marches" and who are dismayed or disillusioned by the disingenuous nature of those trying to hijack their good intentions to peddle self-serving political and financial gimmicks, what can they do to develop and actually make good on the vague promises being made during this year's "People's Climate March?" 

The Climate Always Changes - We Must Always Be Prepared 

The climate is always changing, and nearly everything human beings and nature do, both on Earth and beyond it, has an impact on it. A changing climate, like earthquakes and volcanoes driven by the constantly changing geological state of our planet, or diseases that sweep animal and human populations amid a perpetual biological arms race, will be a challenge humanity will always have to face. [...]
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USA arresterade t.o.m. en isbjörn vid ny (+100) massarrestering av demonstranter i New York

1 kommentar:

  1. --Woman Arrested For Possessing Spoon Covered With Dried Spaghettios--

    A woman spent over 47 days in jail because of a false suspicion.

    GAINSVILLE, GA — An innocent woman had several months of her life destroyed when she was arrested and charged with a felony because of a spaghetti-encrusted spoon found in her possession.

    Ashley Gabrielle Huff, 23, had no criminal history and insisted that “there's no way in hell” that there could have been any drugs in her possession during a traffic stop in July. Nonetheless, a Gainsville police officer honed in on a spoon that was “on her or near her” in the vehicle in which she was riding as a passenger.

    Suspecting that the spoon had drug residue on it, the officer arrested Ms. Huff and charged her with possession of methamphetamines. Even for trace amounts, the charge is a third degree felony in Florida, which could have netted her as much as five years in one of Florida’s brutal and abusive state prisons.




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