- STOP WATCHING US! Bilder från de senaste protesterna mot NSA:s globala fascistövervakning.
- Demonstrationen ägde rum den 26:e oktober i Washington DC, USA och organiserades av över 100 olika frihetsförespråkande grupper från hela politiska kartan...***
Demonstrators hold placards and banners during a protest against government surveillance on October 26, 2013 in Washington, DC.

Jesselyn Radack, whistleblower and director of the Government Accountability Project, speaks during the Stop Watching Us Rally protesting surveillance by the U.S. National Security Agency, on October 26, 2013, in front of the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C.

A protester wears a mask depicting a skull beneath
the head of the Statue of Liberty, as he demonstrates beneath a model of
a U.S. drone aircraft during the "Stop Watching Us: A Rally Against
Mass Surveillance" near the U.S. Capitol in Washington, October 26,

Protesters march through downtown Washington D.C. during the Stop Watching Us Rally protesting surveillance by the U.S. National Security Agency, on October 26, 2013, in front of the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C.
Bilder från protester mot NSA:s globala fascistövervakning. Demonstrationen ägde rum den 26:e oktober i Washington DC, USA: http://rt.com/in-vision/stop-watching-us-washington/agency-october-stop-us/
Publicerad den 23 okt 2013
StopWatching.us is a coalition of
more than 100 public advocacy organizations and companies from across the political spectrum. Join the movement at https://rally.stopwatching.us.
more than 100 public advocacy organizations and companies from across the political spectrum. Join the movement at https://rally.stopwatching.us.
”Den som inte har något att dölja har inget att oroa sig över?”
- Historisk protest mot NSA i USA
- Historisk protest mot NSA i USA
STOP WATCHING US! - Bilder från demonstrationen mot övervakningsstaten
-If All These Countries Are So Outraged By Revelations Of US Spying On Them, Why Aren’t They Offering Snowden Asylum?-
SvaraRaderaOctober 29, 2013
Source: Tech Dirt
Glenn Greenwald makes some really good points in a Guardian column (one of his last) discussing the reactions to the latest revelations about the NSA surveillance on citizens and (mainly) top politicians in other countries.
The key one being, if these countries are really so outraged by these revelations, shouldn’t they be offering Ed Snowden asylum, since they appear to be admitting that these revelations are important?
-EU Proposal to Monitor "Intolerant" Citizens-
SvaraRaderaOctober 29, 2013
Source: Gatestone Institute
"There is no need to be tolerant to the intolerant" — European Framework National Statute for the Promotion of Tolerance, Article 4
"The supra-national surveillance that it would imply would certainly be a dark day for European democracy." — European Dignity Watch [...]
SvaraRadera2 FBI agenter var knuffade fr helikopter (naturligtvis "själva trampade i fel"), som var eliminerade alla som var med operationen mord patrullen mot "Bin Laden"
Feds Raid Reporter, Seize Notes http://rinf.com/alt-news/breaking-news/obama-war-on-journalism-feds-raid-reporter-seize-notes/
SvaraRaderahttp://nation.time.com/2013/10/25/record-number-of-u-s-students-homeless/ -