Journalists Glenn Greenwald and Jeremy Scahill are joining forces to prepare a report on the National Security Agency's role in the "US Assassination program." Greenwald was behind the releasing of Edward Snowden's NSA leaks and since that report officials at the agency have been under fire for their practices. The two have released limited details on the report and RT's Meghan Lopez brings us more on the latest revelation.
Paul Craig Roberts om CIA:s dödspatruller angående Assange
*** Uppladdad den 25 februari 2011
Former Reagan Administration Paul Craig Roberts says there is a concerted effort to shut Assange up. If the legal attempt fails, he'll be assassinated by a CIA assassination team...
USA planerar lönnmörda NSA-läckan Snowden - NSA: Snowden kommer att "försvinna"
Edward Snowden: - CIA/USA kan betala Triaderna för att mörda mig...
RT 2013-06-10 (Engelsk text)
A US editor has alleged he overheard security officials saying that the NSA leaker and the Guardian columnist who broke his story should be “disappeared.” Leaker Edward Snowden said that American spies often prefer silencing targets over due process.
“I mean, we live in a bad time where American citizens don't even have rights and that they can be killed. But the gentleman is trying to tell the truth about what's going on," Paul said.
Läs mer:
Greenwald och Scahill tänker exponera USA:s enheter för lönnmord och politiska avrättningar
-NSA Central to U.S. Assassination Program-
SvaraRaderaSeptember 30, 2013
Source: Washington's Blog
Intelligence Agencies Central In Assassination Programs Carried out Without Oversight
We’ve previously documented that the NSA isn’t just passively spying like a giant peeping tom, but is actively using that information in mischievous ways … such as assassinations.
A lot more information is about to come out on the topic. AP reports:
Two American journalists known for their investigations of the United States’ government said Saturday they’ve teamed up to report on the National Security Agency’s role in what one called a “U.S. assassination .”
Jeremy Scahill, a contributor to The Nation magazine and the New York Times best-selling author of “Dirty Wars,” said he will be working with Glenn Greenwald, the Rio-based journalist who has written stories about U.S. surveillance based on documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.
“The connections between war and surveillance are clear. I don’t want to give too much away but Glenn and I are working on a project right now that has at its center how the National Security Agency plays a significant, central role in the U.S. assassination program,” said Scahill ….
-Obama Waives Ban on Sending Military Aid to Countries With Child Soldiers-
SvaraRaderaOctober 1, 2013
Source: Antiwar
Ask any policymaker in the White House or Congress, what’s more important than human rights? Their response: “Our government, of course.”
The Obama administration yesterday issued blanket waivers exempting three countries from a federal law banning U.S. military aid to countries that use child soldiers. Think Progress:
The Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008 (CPSA):
...is meant to bar the United States from providing military assistance to countries who have “governmental armed forces or government- supported armed groups, including paramilitaries, militias, or civil defense forces, that recruit and use child soldiers.” As per the Optional Protocol on the Convention of the Rights of the Child, “child soldiers” include children under 18 who have been forced into service, those under 15 who have volunteered to fight, and and those under 18 who have joined up with any force aside from an army. It also includes those who serve in a “support role such as a cook, porter, messenger, medic, guard, or sex slave.” [...]
en mycket intressant artikel. Ole Dammegård berättar. http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/10/04/unexpected-links-in-the-murders-of-jfk-john-lennon-and-olof-palme-2/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=unexpected-links-in-the-murders-of-jfk-john-lennon-and-olof-palme-2
SvaraRaderaLänkar till Ole Dammegårds sajt:
"Dear Friends, my name is Ole Dammegård, I'm a prize winning author, investigator, former journalist, etc. For more than 20 years I have worked hard on exposing some of the biggest conspiracies around the globe, something that has turned out to be a very dangerous task".
" Are you concerned about your children's future?
Shocked about how quickly the world has changed?
Interested in what is really going on?
Worried, but not knowing how to make a change?"
- We all deserve so much better.
It's time to stop the madness and
wake up the world with love.
VIDEO: Woman shot and killed by Capitol Police was Not Armed and did Not Fire any shots http://www.blacklistednews.com/Woman_shot_and_killed_by_Capitol_Police_was_Not_Armed_and_did_Not_Fire_any_shots/29335/0/38/38/Y/M.html
http://l1.yimg.com/nn/fp/rsz/100313/images/smush/capitol-car_635x250_1380840521.jpg http://news.yahoo.com/capitol-hill-on-lockdown-after-reports-of-shots-fired-183834445.html
http://l2.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/xWo6NukIK7HmZhcH_HZR3Q--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9ZmlsbDtoPTYxMTtweW9mZj0wO3E9NzU7dz05NjA-/http://media.zenfs.com/en_us/News/ap_webfeeds/cd47accf8e1148213f0f6a7067009c22.jpg http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/10/04/man-sets-himself-on-fire-on-national-mall/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+foxnews%2Fnational+%28Internal+-+US+Latest+-+Text%29
SvaraRaderaPolice arrested numerous Vietnam veterans during a vigil at a war memorial in New York City last night
Added by James μολὼν λαβέ on October 8, 2013 at 9:52am
Snowden har missat det viktigaste; http://politicalandsciencerhymes.blogspot.se/2013/10/secisrael-idf-developed-nsa-snooping.html
SvaraRaderaStörre än Hollywood fiktion men sant.
Mkt Intressant. Det finns alltså en större värld bortom mainstream...:)
Radera(Tänk vad Snowden kan "missa")
Det enda jag sett om Israel från Snowden tidigare var detta:
Mainstream & elitens sponsrade favoriter får extrautbildning: (SD på möte i Israel om psykologisk IT-krigföring)
Ja Undermattan; Snowden, Assange, Anonymous. Listan över falska sanningsägare är längre. Sanningen om mänsklighetens historia är större än vad en människa kan svälja och acceptera. Jag trodde tidigare att summan av ondskan och godhet är konstant men missade proportioner.
RaderaAssassination program som avhjälper fel i världen låter rationellt och bra.
SvaraRaderaVi behöver akut hjälp i Sverige med våran regering.
För dom gömmer sig med säkerhetsvakter och låsta dörrar.
För svensk politik ligger bakom stängda dörrar av någon anledning.
Att Hägglund skulle behöva ett skjut som tar död på lite inskränkthet är det ingen som i frågasätter.
För våra politiker ligger inte i tiden med det påtagliga åldrandet med samma ansikten.
Vi svenskar tittar bara på utländsk TV så det går bra att smygdöda helt öppet.
För det är våran regering vi inte får flytta på och det är dom som har makten att göra bort sig.
Gör som raggarna! Gör slut efter ett snabbt skjut!