måndag 27 juli 2015

Tokig "foliehatt-konspirationsteori" om att hacka bilar på avstånd - BEKRÄFTAD

Den tokiga foliehatts-konspirationsteorin om att hacka och kontrollera standardbilar på avstånd har nyligen bekräftats av "Wired" i mainstream. Detta efter att hackare trådlöst tagit kontroll över en Jeep och bl.a. tvingat ner bilen i ett dike... (Bilden ovanför visar journalisten Michael Hastings bil)



Another "Conspiracy" Confirmed:
- Your car can be hacked!

Publicerades den 26 juli 2015 corbettreport
SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=15662

In today's Thought For The Day James discusses the confirmation of yet another "conspiracy theory," namely that cars can be remotely hacked and controlled. Michael Hastings, anyone? And let's not even mention airplanes. OK, let's...
Another Conspiracy 'Theory' Confirmed: a car can be hacked and crashed:
Läs också:

Professor Ferrada: - Sverige har högst antal "osäkra självmord" i Europa

Professor Ferrada, om den amerikanske journalisten Hastings s.k. dödsolycka : "As a matter of fact, Sweden was found to have the highest rate in Europe among such cases, and where these are labelled as “osäkra självmord”. A typical forensic scenario: vehicle at high speed, crushing to a pole or tree, no breaks traces in pavement, mechanical failure not otherwise established."
Tokig "foliehatt-konspirationsteori" om att hacka bilar på avstånd - BEKRÄFTAD
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

1 kommentar:

  1. Training Israel's cyber warriors

    Inside IDF computer labs, troops use a model city to practice creating mayhem: Causing a nuclear reactor to overheat, taking over traffic lights and rail, cutting power, hacking missiles, creating chaos in the stock market, and more – all in preparation for the next major conflict.



    Greece’s Parliament Cannot Override the NO Vote. The Agreement with the Creditors is Illegal http://www.globalresearch.ca/greeces-parliament-cannot-override-the-no-vote-the-agreement-with-the-creditors-is-illegal/5463594






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