
onsdag 2 april 2014

USA: Protester mot dödsskjutning slogs ner med tårgas och XL-batonger av säkerhetsstyrka

Efter USA-polisens senaste dödsskjutning/avrättning i New Mexico av en campande hemlös man, så anordnades lokala protester och demonstrationer. 100-tals människor visade sin avsky mot polisstaten och dagens militärutrustade poliser "med elitens tillstånd att döda"...

Polisen i Albuquerque har lyckats skjuta ihjäl minst 23 personer under de senaste 4 åren, vilket är "något" mycket i en stad som har 550 000 innevånare...

- Demonstrationen slogs till slut ner, brutalt och demokratiskt av stridsberedda säkerhetsstyrkor i gasmasker, ett antal SWAT-team och militärutrustade poliser med XL-stora baseboll-batonger, tårgas och automatvapen.

- Albuquerque security forces use tear gas on raging protesters after fatal police shooting

Published time: March 31, 2014
Albuquerque police have violently cracked down on protesters, using tear gas and arresting several demonstrators, after over nine hours of unrest. Hundreds expressed their anger over last week's police shooting that saw a homeless man killed.

At the beginning of the rally, protesters asked police to take responsibility for their actions.

“The police serve us, they do not kill us,” one protester told the local KRQE media outlet, while one of the demonstrators held a sign that read, "APD: Dressed To Kill."

Another activist, Alexander Siderits, 23, told AP he was participating because he was "fed up" with how police treat citizens.

"- It has reached a boiling point, and people just can't take it anymore," he stressed.

However, another activist stressed that the rally wasn’t about hating police, rather about standing up for injustice, as he spoke through a microphone to others in the crowd.

Protesters initially gathered around noon on Sunday and marched towards the local police headquarters shouting, “We want justice.”

Several people were dressed up for the rally, with their faces painted and posters in their hands. They were shouting, “Hey hey, ho ho, killer cops have got to go.”

Albuquerque mayor Richard Berry said the protest had descended into “mayhem” and one police officer had been injured in clashes with the protesters.

“We respected their rights to protest obviously,” Berry said to the Albuquerque Journal, “but what it appears we have at this time is individuals who weren’t connected necessarily with the original protest … they’ve taken it far beyond a normal protest.”


- The protesters are angry at the Albuquerque police’s involvement in 37 shootings, 23 of them fatal, over the past four years. Many believe it is far too many for a city with around 550,000 inhabitants. 

The most recent case of a police shooting happened on March 16 when a homeless man was shot dead on the east side of Albuquerque.

The incident was caught on video and the FBI has now opened an investigation into the man’s death. 


Hundreds protest police brutality (killing James Boyd) in Albuquerque

Publicerad den 31 mars 2014

ALBUQUERQUE, NM -- Citizens outraged by the frequent brutality of the Albuquerque Police staged exciting protests over the weekend, drawing the ire of the very same police department. Multiple SWAT units swarmed the area clad in riot gear. Men in gas masks displayed guns and batons as the crowd was gassed. The protest continued throughout the night on March 30, 2014.

The catalyst for the demonstration was the death of James Boyd, a homeless man living in the foothills outside of town. When police tried to drive him out of the hills because he didn't have a permit to camp there, a confrontation arose that resulted in Boyd's death. Police used a concussion grenade on Boyd, then shot him to death when he reacted. Finally an attack dog gnawed on his leg and cops shot his dying body with lead beanbags.


Police violence sparks riots in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Publicerad den 31 mar 2014
Riot police clashed with protestors in Albuquerque, N.M. who were angry over police violence. In response to the March 16 shooting and killing of a homeless man, the protests started peacefully but later became violent as night came. Heavily armed riot police using tear gas and batons forcefully ended the protests. Lindsay France speaks with RT's Ramon Galindo about the problematic record of the Albuquerque Police Department leading up to the protests.***


Jaktsäsongen på hemlösa inledd i USA - Polisgäng fällde "olagligt campande jaktbyte"

"Den årliga jaktsäsongen på hemlösa" har tydligen börjat i USA och de jaktintresserade och välbeväpnade amerikanska poliserna ville givetvis vara ute på fältet och fälla några byte i vildmarken. På bilden ser vi hur ett jakt-gäng av motiverade poliser har ringat in sitt villebråd och avlossar sedan en svärm skott för att vara säkra på att det hjälplösa bytet dör omedelbart... (viss satir kan förekomma?)
 USA: Protester mot dödsskjutning slogs ner med tårgas och XL-batonger av säkerhetsstyrka

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