
onsdag 2 april 2014

CIA:s stora globala tortyrnätverk exponerat - Torterade fångar "trots att de hade all info"

En rapport säger att CIA har ljugit för den amerikanska senaten om aktiviteterna sitt stora globala tortyrnätverk. Tortyroffren flögs till hemliga så kallade "black sites" där CIA:s noggrant utvalda personal organiserat och systematiskt torterade sina fångar på de mest vedervärdiga och människofientliga sätt...
Uppgifter säger också att CIA:s tortyrnätverk gärna torterade fångar utan anledning och att man gärna fortsatte tortera, trots att man redan hade all info...

Senate report: CIA has been lying about torture 

Publicerad den 1 apr 2014
The CIA has been misleading Congress and the public about its interrogation practices for years, according to The Washington Post. 
Post reporters
spoke with officials who have seen a still classified report by the Senate Intelligence Committee, detailing the growth of secret "black sites," misstatements on the effectiveness of harsh interrogation techniques, and how the CIA has misled Congress about how they gain intelligence from detainees. 

The controversial report is expected to come before the full Senate on Thursday for a vote on whether to declassify the document. RT's Ameera David speaks with national security journalist Marcy Wheeler about these new revelations.

Torture didn't help find Osama bin Laden...

Publicerad den 31 mars 2014
Waterboarding and other harsh interrogation methods provided no key evidence in the search for Osama bin Laden, according to a senate report obtained by the Associated Press. 
The classified report by the Senate Intelligence Committee examines the effectiveness of waterboarding and other interrogation techniques as intelligence gathering tools. Congressional aides and other experts however have refuted the AP's claim, saying that the report does not reach that conclusion. RT's Lindsay France takes a look at the claims on both sides.

Former CIA agent John Kiriakou pleaded guilty Tuesday morning to crimes related to blowing the whistle on the US government’s torture of suspected terrorists and was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison.


CIA:s stora globala tortyrnätverk exponerat - Torterade fångar "trots att de hade all info"

2 kommentarer:

  1. -CIA scandal: Leaks reveal brutal torture methods and government lies-

    April 2, 2014

    Source: Intel News
    A United States Senate report on the use of torture to extract intelligence from terrorism detainees accuses the Central Intelligence Agency of severely overstating the usefulness of the information gained.

    Details of the long-awaited report, produced after a four-year investigation by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, have been leaked to The Washington Post. The paper reports that the probe is a damning indictment on the CIA’s ‘enhanced interrogation’ program, implemented during the administration of President George W. Bush.

    The report contains over 20 different conclusions. But the most critical are that the CIA misled the government and the American public by: (a) understating the severity of the interrogation methods used; and (b) overstating the actionable intelligence extracted through torture.

    The Post cites unnamed “US officials” who have reviewed the Senate report as stating that the CIA’s ‘enhanced interrogation’ program “yielded little, if any, significant intelligence”.

    According to one source, in some cases the Agency proceeded to waterboard terrorism detainees after recognizing that all actionable intelligence had already been extracted from them.[...]

  2. --More than Failure, the CIA Torture Report--

    April 3rd, 2014 by Gordon Duff and Press TV

    Americans are waiting to see if President Obama will order prosecutions based on the most recent report on CIA torture.

    Sections leaked from the least classified portions of the report outline fraud and incompetence on a massive sale, that and criminal abuses.

    Americans may well have to wait forever. Even during Obama’s second “lame duck” term, he is unlikely to proceed against those clearly cited as criminals in this most recent report.

    Torture advocate John Brennan, Obama’s current CIA Director, would be one of the first arrested.

    The few who have seen “the juicy parts,” read of mutilation, death squads, detainees being dragged behind vehicles until their bodies were unrecognizable. Current CIA director, John Brennan, now an “Obama insider,” was very much a part of this process.

    Brennan was a major torture supporter during the Bush administration. Brennan, with no military or operational experience in intelligence, rose to his current position through “telling people what they want to hear.”

    Americans are deeply concerned that Brennan, very much part of the CIA’s “cult of torture,” will be able to block needed reforms.



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