
söndag 13 april 2014

Ryska journalister hindras rapportera i Ukraina - Ny Demokrati & Yttrandefrihet à la Orwell?

Ukrainas nya regering har under de senaste veckorna hindrat över 20 etablerade ryska journalister, på stora nyhetskanaler att resa in i landet, och göra sitt arbete. Trygghetscensuren från den nya USA & EU-backade juntaregimen imponerar nog bara på Orwell...
Det blir allt svårare för medias "talande huvuden"  i både Ukraina, USA och EU att kritisera och demonisera Putin & ryssarna för bristfällig yttrandefrihet, när man själva skapat ett klimat av Orwellsk pseudodemokrati, obefintlig myndighetsmoral och selektiv yttrandefrihet...

'Beat Reporting': Female Russian journo 'kicked' over coverage of chaotic base siege in Ukraine

Publicerad den 18 apr 2014
More than ten thousand Russians have already been denied entry to Ukraine recently - including dozens of journalists covering the crisis. Two Russian journalists say they were detained and beaten by Ukrainian troops in the aftermath of protesters' attempts to seize a military base in the southern city of Mariupol.  

Life-news reporter Kristina Babayeva told RT what happened to her.


Out of Print: 20+ Russian journalists barred from entering Ukraine...

Publicerad den 12 apr 2014
Over 20 Russia journalists have been denied access to Ukraine in recent weeks. The move has caused outrage from both the CPJ and Moscow.

Möt Ukrainas nya Yttrandefrihetskommitté...

Publicerad den 20 mars 2014
The office of the acting CEO of the National Television Company of Ukraine, Aleksandr Panteleymonov, was stormed by people who claimed to be members of the freedom of speech and information committee. 

Among them were Ukrainian Svoboda MP Igor Miroshnynchenko and party ideologist Andrey Ilyenko. What began as a loud conversation quickly turned into a fight.

The Ukrainian politicians used violence and threats to force the head of the Ukrainian National TV Channel into resigning and handing over power to them.

The same violent tactics have also been used to force Ukrainian MPs, mayors and civil servants to resign or hand over power across Ukraine.

To read more about the events in Ukraine please visit Global Research:

‘Only widens gap’: Outrage as 20+ Russian journalists barred from entering Ukraine

RT 2014-04-12
Over 20 Russia journalists have been denied access to Ukraine in recent weeks on the grounds that they do not have sufficient funds to enter, according to Ukrainian authorities. The move has caused outrage from both the CPJ and Moscow.

“- Democratic governments have no business barring journalists from working based on nationality,” nonprofit press freedom organization the Committee to Protect Journalists said. “Restricting media access only increases suspicion and misunderstanding,”

One journalist shared his experiences with RT. “I spent nearly seven hours in a room they called either a hotel or a lounge. It was a small, very hot stuffy room with nothing but a bed and a table there. There are no people there, they just lock you in and leave,” Maksim Dodonov, a correspondent with Russian television channel Zvezda, told RT after being stopped at the border.

Crews from a dozen Russian news outlets have been turned away, including from Russian business daily Kommersant, a RIA Novosti correspondent, reporters from Forbes Russia, and RT’s video news agency Ruptly.

One of the Forbes journalists was attempting to write a business news report.

“We showed our press cards, but that only made things worse,”
said Pavel Sedakov, a journalist from Forbes Russia.

“They told us we’re being denied entry for three years. They interrogated us for quite a long time and then filmed all the equipment we had with us.”

The CPJ expressed concern over Russian journalists being denied entry to the country.

“- We call on Ukrainian authorities to ensure that all journalists, foreign and domestic, are able to report freely and without obstruction on the unfolding events in Ukraine,” CPJ Europe and Central Asia Program Coordinator Nina Ognianova said in a statement published on the CPJ website.

Moscow has slammed the apparent attack on press freedom in the country and attacked double standards employed over reporting in the country. [...]
Ryska journalister hindras rapportera i Ukraina - Orwells version av demokrati & yttrandefrihet?

3 kommentarer:

  1. --Media freedom in Ukraine ‘deteriorating’ – European security organization--

    Published time: April 10, 2014

    The OSCE says it is concerned about deteriorating media freedom and journalists’ safety in Ukraine, warning that the media “has become a part of an information war” and should not be used for political purposes.

    The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe has reported over 20 cases when Russian journalists were denied entry to Ukraine, Dunja Mijatovic, the organization’s representative on media freedom, told journalists on Thursday.

    “We still have reports about Russian journalists not being able to travel to Ukraine. More than 20 cases now from several media outlets,” she said, adding that those journalists should be able to challenge the ban.

    According to the OSCE official, the situation is not getting any better.

    “I can only say that the situation is not moving in the direction that we would call vibrant and healthy media freedom environment,” Mijatovic said, Itar-Tass reported. “We have many reports of journalists being harassed and intimidated and media offices raided.”

    Since Wednesday, another four Russian journalists have been denied entry to Ukraine, including a correspondent and photographer for Kommersant daily and a cameraman and soundman for Rossiya TV channel, according to a spokesperson for a Border Directorate of Russia’s Federal Security Service in Belgorod and Voronezh.

    All the four “were forced to get off the train en route to Ukraine and were sent back to Russia,” Dmitry Zhukov told Itar-Tass. The deportation was made under the pretext of “lack of money” to stay in Ukraine. [...]

  2. --Forbes, Ruptly journalists banned entry to Ukraine--

    --​Rights groups condemn Ukrainian nationalist MPs’ beating of media chief --

  3. --Upper House blasts Ukraine’s treatment of Russian media--

    Published time: April 16, 2014

    The Federation Council has called infringements of Russian media’s rights in Ukraine “inadmissible” and urged an “adequate reaction” by the international community.

    “Russian journalists are facing psychological and physical pressure and Russian online media reporting on Ukraine is being attacked by hackers,” reads the statement published on the Federation Council’s web-site on Wednesday.

    The Russian senators also said some Russian reporters were barred from entering Ukrainian territory and that several Russian TV channels have been officially taken off the air in Ukraine

    “These facts are blatant violations of democratic freedoms and the Ukrainian people’s right for free information,” the statement reads.

    “The Federation Council holds that any future violations of Russian journalists’ rights and restrictions of the Russian mass media’s activities in Ukraine are inadmissible and that the international community, in particular the representatives of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and international groups advocating press freedom, must at last adequately react to these violations,” the senators wrote in their message.

    Shortly before the statement was published, Russia’s plenipotentiary for Human Rights, Ella Pamfilova, said that she had received a number of reports about Russian reporters refused accreditation or entry bans in various countries, especially Ukraine. [...]



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