
lördag 12 april 2014

5-åring & mormor i handbojor hos insatsstyrka med kpistar - "Familjeutflykt i USA"

8-åringen i familjen trodde att den militära säkerhetsstyrkan som prejade familjebilen av vägen, skulle avrätta mormor med sina kpistar. Familjen tvingades ner på knä med händerna bakom huvudet. De trodde de att de skulle dödas med nackskott. Pojken har fått söka psykhjälp efter händelsen och kan inte gå i skolan längre.
Familjeutflykten till ett museum slutade i handbojor som gisslan hos en militär säkerhetsstyrka med automatvapen riktade mot familjen.

Den lille 8-årige pojken hade tidigare gått med mormor på bilparkeringen utanför museet  och tittat på alla spännande nummerskyltar, som kom från när och fjärran.

Detta räknas idag som ett misstänkt beteende i USA, och en militär säkerhetsstyrka ryckte ut för att undersöka familjen ordentligt. ...För deras egen trygghet, så klart... Hör deras historia i videon undertill...

Police hold grandmother, young children at gunpoint after museum outing 

Publicerad den 10 apr 2014 av: Police State USA

DAYTON, OH -- A family outing to an airplane museum turned into a horrific nightmare as young children watched their mother and grandmother yanked out of their minivan and forced to their knees at gunpoint.

The Hill family of Columbus had just spent a day at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force located at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. The group consisted of Alice Hill, 65, her daughter-in-law Wendy Hill, and her two grandchildren Aaron, 8, and Brooke, 5.

They hopped in the family minivan, and headed home. They were just outside the base when they were pulled over by "security forces."

- Alice Hill said the stop was terrifying. She immediately witnessed officers coming out of their vehicle with guns aimed at them.

"- My grandchildren are screaming," Alice told WKRC. "I mean they are hysterical, they saw the gun."

Wendy and Alice were both yanked out of the front seats and pulled to the street. They were forced to their knees.

"- I felt like I was in Mexico, or someplace third world... where they force someone to their knees before they shoot them in the back of the head," Alice recalled to Dayton Daily News.

5-åring & mormor i handbojor hos insatsstyrka med kpistar - "Familjeutflykt i USA"

1 kommentar:

  1. --Family Forced From Minivan, Brought To Knees, Held At Gunpoint After Museum Outing--

    InformationLiberation 2014-04-12

    -"My 5-year-old daughter is asking 'is grandma going to get shot?'"-

    DAYTON, OH — A family outing to an airplane museum turned into a horrific nightmare as young children watched their mother and grandmother yanked out of their minivan and forced to their knees at gunpoint.

    The Hill family of Columbus had just spent a day at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force located at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. The group consisted of Alice Hill, 65, her daughter-in-law Wendy Hill, and her two grandchildren Aaron, 8, and Brooke, 5. The kids were on Spring Break and they had taken a short road trip.

    As they wrapped up their excursion of showing the children airplanes, the family headed back to their minivan. But young Aaron had never seen so many out-of-state license plates before. He wanted to walk around and look at the different designs. So the excited boy and his grandma walked around the parking lot to check out the cars.

    They finished up without incident, hopped in the family minivan, and headed home. They were just outside the base when they were pulled over by “security forces.”

    Alice Hill said the stop was terrifying. She immediately witnessed officers coming out of their vehicle with guns aimed at them.

    “My grandchildren are screaming,” Alice told WKRC. “I mean they are hysterical, they saw the gun.”

    Wendy and Alice were both ordered out out of the front seats at gunpoint and pulled to the street. They were forced to their knees.

    “I felt like I was in Mexico, or someplace third world… where they force someone to their knees before they shoot them in the back of the head,” Alice recalled to Dayton Daily News.
    The mom and grandma were not only handcuffed and kneeling, but also remained “held down” by burly officers by force.[...]



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