
lördag 27 juli 2013

FBI avrättade vittnet Ibragim Todashev med 7 skott under förhör - intervju med änkan

Abby Martin intervjuar änkan till vittnet Ibragim Todashev, som mördades med 7 skott av FBI under ett förhör om händelser i anslutning till Boston maraton. Extra video tillagd 9:e augusti - Intervju med Ibgraims far som åkt till USA för att stämma FBI och få svar på varför de mördade hans son...


FBI avrättade vittnet Ibragim Todashev under förhör med 7 skott - intervju med änkan - Reni Manukya

Publicerad den 26 jul 2013
Läs tidigare händelser om Todashev här:
FBI dödade vittne till den misstänkta "False Flag -bombningen" i Boston under förhör


Todashev father in the U.S. to demand answers about FBI killing his son

Publicerad den 9 aug 2013
On May 22nd 2013, during questioning 27-year-old Ibragim Todashev for several hours in connection to the Boston bombings and his relationship to the Tsarnaev brothers, the FBI shot and killed the Chechen man. His father has arrived to Orlando, Florida, where his son died, to get answers, including by suing the FBI. RT's Anastasia Churkina meets with the grief-striken father to get his take on what happened.

The Unexplained FBI Assassination of Ibragim Todashev - Exclusive Interview with Wife Reni Manukya

Video (Abby Martin) publicerad den 26 jul 2013
Abby Martin wraps up the show with an exclusive interview with Reni Manukya, wife of Ibragim Todashev, the Florida resident who was killed by federal agents alleging a connection between him and the Boston Bombings. They discuss what motives the government had for raiding Todashev's home and ultimately taking his life, as well as the secrecy surrounding the case after the event.

Vidareläsning om Boston-dådet:

 FBI avrättade vittnet Ibragim Todashev med 7 skott under förhör - intervju med änkan

6 kommentarer:

  1. WASHINGTON, July 17 (RIA Novosti) – The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has barred officials in Florida from releasing their report detailing the cause of death of a 27-year-old Chechen man, Ibragim Todashev, who was shot and killed in his apartment in May by an FBI agent, the medical examiner’s office that conducted the autopsy said in a letter sent to RIA Novosti on Wednesday.

    “Although the autopsy report on Ibragim Todashev was finalized on July 8th, and ready for release, the FBI has informed this office that the case is still under active investigation and thus not to release the document,” Tony Miranda, the forensic records coordinator for the medical examiner’s office in Orlando, said in the letter.

  2. Assassination: Florida won’t investigate police shooting of Chechen man

    State investigators in Florida have rejected a request for an independent investigation of the fatal shooting of a Chechen man while he was being questioned about his ties to one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects.

  3. FBI Agents Gave Informants Permission to Break the Law Thousands of Times in 2011

    August 4, 2013

    Source: USA Today

    The FBI gave its informants permission to break the law at least 5,658 times in a single year, according to newly disclosed documents that show just how often the nation’s top law enforcement agency enlists criminals to help it battle crime.

    The U.S. Justice Department ordered the FBI to begin tracking crimes by its informants more than a decade ago, after the agency admitted that its agents had allowed Boston mobster James “Whitey” Bulger to operate a brutal crime ring in exchange for information about the Mafia. The FBI submits that tally to top Justice Department officials each year, but has never before made it public.

    Agents authorized 15 crimes a day, on average, including everything from buying and selling illegal drugs to bribing government officials and plotting robberies. FBI officials have said in the past that permitting their informants — who are often criminals themselves — to break the law is an indispensable, if sometimes distasteful, part of investigating criminal organizations.

  4. --Killed Chechen’s father arrives in US to sue the FBI--

    August 6, 2013

    Source: RT

    The father of a Chechen man who was fatally shot by a Boston FBI agent has arrived in the United States, where he intends to file a lawsuit against the agency and investigate the mysterious death of his son.

    Abdulbaki Todashev is the father of 27-year-old Ibragim Todashev, a mixed martial arts fighter who was fatally shot seven times by the FBI during an extensive interview about his connection to alleged Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, as well as any knowledge about a triple murder in Waltham, Massachusetts. Todashev, who lived in Orlando, Florida at the time of the interrogation, had been friends with the suspected bomber when they both lived in Massachusetts.

    After several hours of questioning, Todashev was shot dead by the FBI in a case that continues to be shrouded in mystery. The man’s father, who lives in Chechnya, described the incident as an execution-style murder.

    “He was shot seven times,” Mr. Todashev told TIME. “In the heart and in the head. What is that if not murder?”

    Conflicting reports surfaced after the man’s death, with some suggesting that the young Todashev attacked an FBI agent with a knife, metal pole, or broomstick. Other reports claimed the Chechen-American was unarmed.

    “The FBI has offered completely incompatible explanations, they have failed to explain how these inconsistent stories found their way into newspaper accounts of the shootings, and have not offered any clarifying comment about what really happened,” Howard Simon, the Florida executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), told TIME.

    The victim’s grieving father does not believe that his son posed any serious danger to the officers who were interrogating him, especially since he was injured. A photograph of his son’s dead body shows a row of stitches over the right knee.

    “He had just had surgery on his knee and was still walking with crutches,” Todashev said.

    The FBI has opened an internal investigation into the killing, but refuses to comment on the case and blocked the release of the victim’s autopsy report.[...]

  5. -FBI threatened associates of Todashev, slayed friend of Boston Marathon bombing suspect - CAIR-

    September 26

    The FBI has harassed, threatened and even denied Fifth Amendment rights to friends of an Orlando man agents killed in May who was close to alleged Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the Council on American-Islamic Relations said Wednesday.

    Friends of Ibragim Todashev have told the Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) that FBI agents have asked them to spy on Orlando-area mosques, threatening arrest if they failed to comply.

    One friend of Todashev, Ashurmamad Miraliev, was arrested by the FBI on September 18 on a warrant for supposedly threatening a witness in an Osceola County battery case 14 months ago. Yet following his arrest, he was interrogated for six hours only about associations with Todashev despite repeatedly requesting his right to an attorney, CAIR-Florida said. The FBI agents allegedly responded, "That is not happening."

    "Didn't ask him anything about the alleged charges. Just interviewed him for over six hours trying to get as much information on Ibragim Todashev as possible," Hassan Shibly, director of the CAIR-Florida, said Wednesday at a press conference in Orlando.

    CAIR-Florida attorneys said they were not able to meet with Miraliev until September 24. Miraliev remains in Osceola County jail on federal retainer.

    “It is simply unacceptable for the FBI to continue to question our client and deny his requests to speak with his legal counsel,” CAIR-Florida Civil Rights Director Thania Diaz Clevenger said in a statement. “It fits the pattern of abuse and troubling behavior by FBI agents beginning in the days prior to the killing of the unarmed Ibragim Todashev. One can only wonder if Mr. Todashev was denied his rights to legal council (sic) during the questioning that ultimately resulted in his death." [...]

  6. -Ibragim Todashev’s Girlfriend Held in Solitary-

    October 4, 2013

    Source: Salon

    Ibragim Todashev, the Chechnyan immigrant who was believed to have connections to the Boston Marathon bombings, was shot dead under questionable circumstances during an interview with an FBI agent earlier this year.

    Now, his girlfriend is being held in solitary confinement in a Florida prison and according to reports has been told she may be deported for talking to the press.

    Boston Magazine reported:

    In a collect call from Glades County Jail, where she said she is being held in solitary confinement, Tatiana Gruzdeva said that immigration officers told her she was being deported because of her interviews with Boston magazine.

    The Glades County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that Gruzdeva is being held in the county jail.




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