
tisdag 14 maj 2013

Syrisk rebelledare skar ut hjärtat på motståndare och åt det sedan...

 Syriske rebelledaren, Abu Sakkar, skär ut hjärtat på sin motståndare och äter det... (video) +18
*Ersättningsvideo för censurerade videos från Truth Loader & Jessie Spencer

"Shit happens in Syria?"
Tydligen, för enligt en video som cirkulerat på nätet och hamnat på YouTube så händer sånt här i Syrien just nu. Den syriske rebelledaren av Farouq Brigaden, mister Abu Sakkar, har lyckats med den tvivelaktiga prestationen att skära ut hjärtat och inälvorna på en motståndare och sedan äta hjärtat.

Enligt organisationen, Human Right Watch, har identiteten på rebelledaren bekräftats och videon har "förargat" många på båda sidor i den syriska konflikten, som hittills krävt över 70 000 liv, enligt FN:s senaste uppskattning.

I videon så hör man herr Sakkar säga följande, samtidigt som han skär ut motståndarens lever:
"I swear to God we will eat your hearts and your livers, you soldiers of Bashar the dog."
I bakgrunden hörs samtidigt ett antal hurrarop och Allahu akbar (Gud är stor...)

Videon avslutas med att herr Sakkar stoppar det utskurna hjärtat från sin motståndare i munnen och tar ett ordentligt bett.

Human Right Watch, har enligt talesmannen, Peter Bouckaert, tittat på den oredigerade originalvideon och bekräftat både händelse och identitet.
Man kan lugnt konstatera att reality-TV i Syrien nu verkar officiellt ha gått om USA:s i vidrigheter.

Videon undertill är redigerad, men blir ändå en historisk dokumentering av händelsen och av de vidrigheter som människor tydligen är kapabla att utföra när krigets vansinne släpps loss i ett land.

- De syriska demonstranterna som en gång viftade med små plakat och sjöng sånger verkar för länge sedan ha lämnat planen och frågan blir då givetvis:

- Varför vill USA och väst beväpna de här människorna ytterligare?
WARNING GRAPHIC UNCUT Syria rebel cuts out soldier's heart and eats it - video +18. - Maskerad version.

WARNING GRAPHIC UNCUT Syria rebel cuts out soldier's heart and eats it - video +18. - Omaskerad version
Publicerad den 12 maj 2013. Peter Bouckaert of the New York-based HRW says the man has been identified as Abu Sakkar, a founder of the militant Farouq Brigade.

Abu Sakkar's identity has been confirmed by militant sources in Homs and by images of him in other videos wearing the same black jacket as in the latest clip and with the same rings on his fingers

"The mutilation of the bodies of enemies is a war crime. But the even more serious issue is the very rapid descent into sectarian rhetoric and violence," Bouckaert said. Another brutal war crime by the Obama's heroic insurgents the FSA, eating the heart of the soldier they killed. 


RT 2013-05-14
A disturbing video which shows a Syrian rebel commander cutting the heart out of a soldier and biting into it shows that the country’s civil war has rapidly descended into sectarian violence and revenge killings, Human Right Watch said on Monday.

According to the New York-based organization, the video shows the founder of the rebel Farouq Brigade Abu Sakkar cutting into the torso of a dead soldier. The footage has sparked outrage among both the opposition and supporters of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

While the man who is allegedly Sakkar is cutting open the soldier’s liver, the person filming says, “God Bless you, Abu Sakkar, you look like you are drawing [carving] a heart of love on him.”

After he cuts out the corpse’s liver and heart, he is filmed holding the organs in his hands and speaks into the camera: "I swear to God we will eat your hearts and your livers, you soldiers of Bashar the dog."

Off-screen cheers shouting "Allahu akbar (God is great)" can be heard in the background.
At the end of the video - the content of which cannot be independently verified - the man is filmed putting the corpse’s heart into his mouth, as if taking a bite out of it.

Human Rights Watch emergencies director Peter Bouckaert says that he had seen an original, unedited copy of the video and that Sakkar’s identity had been confirmed by rebel sources in Homs. He said that Sakkar had been seen in other videos wearing the same black jacket which he is wearing in the last video clip, and with the same rings on his fingers.

Bouchaert said that in the edited version of the film, Sakkar tells his men to “slaughter the Alawites and take their hearts out to eat them,” before biting into the heart.
"The mutilation of the bodies of enemies is a war crime. But the even more serious issue is the very rapid descent into sectarian rhetoric and violence," Bouckaert said.

It’s not the first time Sakkar has made an appearance in violent videos. Previous footage showed him firing rockets at Lebanese Shia villages on the Syrian border and posing with the body of a soldier purportedly from the Lebanese Shia militant Hezbollah group, which is helping Assad’s forces.

The Syrian uprising against Assad is led by the majority Sunni Muslims. Assad, whose family has ruled for over 40 years, draws most of his support from his own Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shia Islam.
The Syrian conflict, which began in March 2011, has resulted in the deaths of over 70,000 people, according to UN estimates.

CIA Cannibal Eats Dead Syrian Soldier’s Heart

Kurt Nimmo
May 14, 2013

The CIA supported Free Syrian Army has produced a video showing Abu Sakkar eating the heart of a dead Syrian soldier.

Sakkar is the commander of the Farouq Brigades, one of the largest units of the Free Syrian Army. In 2012, the unit merged with the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front, a coalition of Muslim Brotherhood and Salafist groups vowing to create an Islamic state in Syria. It is named after Farouq from Omar bin al-Khatab, a companion of the Prophet Muhammad, and the second caliphate.

The video was described as authentic by several Abu Sakkar’s fighters and supporters, including his brother.
“I swear to God, soldiers of Bashar, you dogs – we will eat your heart and livers! Takbir! God is Great! Oh my heroes of Baba Amr, you slaughter the Alawites and take their hearts out to eat them!” Sakkar declares in the video.

The NGO Human Rights Watch claims the cannibal Sakkar also participated in the indiscriminate sheeling of Shia villages in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley.

The International Committee of the Red Cross and the Geneva Convention prohibit mutilation of the dead. “Mutilation of the dead is actually a fairly rare occurrence in well-disciplined armies. This is probably as much the result of a general revulsion at such conduct as from a fear of criminal punishment,” notes H. Wayne Elliott.

The CIA’s Islamic mercenaries – supported and funded by the Gulf monarchies – have demonstrated on numerous occasions in Syria and Libya they are not beholden to international standards governing the conduct of war.

Amnesty International has documented a steep increase in war crimes committed by CIA supported mercenaries in Syria, including hostage taking, torture and summary executions.
In Libya, NATO’s mercenaries tortured and summarily executed thousands, including Muammar Gadhafi and his son, according to Human Rights Watch. Islamic militias are said to have killed U.S. ambassador Stevens and several other Americans in Benghazi.

Syrisk rebelledare skar ut hjärtat på motståndare och åt det sedan...

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