
tisdag 14 maj 2013

Är Libyen på väg att bli ett nytt Irak?

RT 2013-05-13. Upp emot 17 personer däribland 3 barn dödades och ytterligare 30 skadades när en bilbomb exploderade i ett folktätt område utanför ett sjukhus i Benghazi, Libyen.
RT 2013-05-13
At least 17 people, including three children, were killed and another 30 injured when a car bomb exploded in crowded area outside a hospital in Benghazi, Libya.
Libya’s Defense Ministry reported that 17 people died in the blast, shortly after Libyan Deputy Interior Minister Abdullah Massoud confirmed 15 deaths.

“Fifteen people have been killed and at least 30 were wounded in the explosion of a car bomb near the hospital,"
Deputy Interior Minister Massoud said.
Libyan security official Abdel-Salam al-Barghathi said the car bomb was parked outside a bakery near the city's main hospital, AP reported.

"I saw people running and some of them were collecting parts of bodies,"
Reuters quoted a witness as saying.

Scenariot från Irak upprepar sig i Libyen.

RT 2013-05-14
Libyen har blivit terroristernas nya lekplats efter den omfattande inblandningen från västerländska underrättelsetjänster. Detta anser den geopolitiska experten, Patrick Henningsen i en intervju med RT.
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‘Iraqi scenario repeating in Libya’

(Texten avser videon längre upp)
Involvement by Western intelligence services
has turned Libya into a terrorist playground, the way Iraq has become after the US invasion, geopolitical analyst Patrick Henningsen told RT.
A car bomb has exploded in a crowded area outside a hospital in Libya's second largest city, Benghazi, with the blast claiming at least 15 lives. Henningsen, from the 21st Century Wire website, believes that US strategy for the Middle East region is the main reason behind the disintegration of the countries there. When asked about Syria, he says one only has to look at Libya and Iraq to picture what would happen in the event of Bashar Assad’s fall.


'Libya fragmented & dangerous, exports jihadism to neighbours' 

Publicerad den 14 maj 2013
13 people were killed, and dozens wounded in a car blast that ripped through a crowded street in Libya's second largest city, Benghazi. This comes amid a hectic pull-out of foreign embassy staffers from the country - due to the recent spike in violence. Let's get more perspective on the situation now, with Eric Denece, Director of the French Center for intelligence studies.
Är Libyen på väg att bli ett nytt Irak? 

1 kommentar:

  1. Full spektrum dominans. Man skapar krig i deras hemländer, tar hand om flyktingarna och berättar hur snäll man är samtidigt som man bombar dem tillbaka till medeltiden och tar över deras naturresurser och ger dem en riksbank och skattemyndighet.



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