
lördag 22 april 2017

Turist som tog med kameran till NORDKOREA - återvände med oväntade bilder

Aram Pan från Singapore besökte Nordkorea som turist under 2013 och fick då tillstånd att ta med sin kamera in i landet. Aram Pan förväntade sig att överallt få se svältande, gråtande och allmänt olyckliga desperata människor. Detta efter att han hade sett olika så kallade dokumentärer om Nordkorea som BBC och annan västlig oligarkmedia producerat...
Så, har det kanske alltid varit västlig mainstreammedias stolta uppgift att avhumanisera även nordkoreanerna..? 

Om USA-imperiet nu skulle råka radera ut landet med en humanitär atombomb i förebyggande syfte, så är det kanske lämpligt om alla goda västkonsumenter inte reagerar mer än vanligt..?
- Hur som helst kolla in bilderna som tidigare publicerats hos bl.a. Daily Mail...******
Bilder från:

Daily Mail 2014-05-29
When a man from Singapore had his wish to visit North Korea granted, he braced himself for the scenes of 'barren lands' and 'really, really sad people' that he had seen via a BBC Panorama documentary.
But what he found blew his mind - for all the right reasons.

Inside the communist enclave in 2013, photographer Aram Pan witnessed bustling markets, men and women enjoying themselves at a Western looking water park and miles and miles of crops ready for harvest, shattering all of his illusions about what a holiday to North Korea would entail.
Unlike other tourists who have visited the country, Mr Pan did not have to hide the photos and video he was taking from inside the country - he simply asked for permission.

'I have been curious about North Korea for many years. The average person has probably seen more photos about outer space than of North Korea. It's one of those great mysteries that I wanted to discover for myself and I figured it might just be possible,' Mr Pan told MailOnline. [...]

*Mr Pan, a commercial photographer by day who specialises in 360 degree panoramic virtual tours for real estate, hotels and automobiles, has now been on two visits to North Korea and plans to go on a third this autumn.[...]

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