
torsdag 20 april 2017

HOLOCAUST SYRIEN: Västfinansierade terrorister lockade 80 barn med godis - brände dem levande

De västfinansierade terroristerna i Syrien använde bland annat godis för att locka till sig 80 uthungrade  barn, vilka var på väg att evakueras från en krigszon. Terroristerna brände sedan barnen levande genom  planerade explosioner. Explosionerna dödade även ett 80-tal andra civila syrier, mestadels kvinnor. Västmedia har av förklarliga skäl till stor del mörklagt och desinformerat sina läsare om händelsen. Detta eftersom västmedia och vårt etablissemang stöder, beväpnar och finansierar just de barbariska terrorister som mördade barnen. Se videos som dokumenterar dådet och kolla även in välkände amerikanen Jimmy Dore som förklarar vad som hände...
...INTE speciellt känt från TV & media...

Västvärldens skattepengar i arbete...
- VI finansierar elitens moderata terrorister i Syrien.

Publicerades den 16 apr. 2017 SyrianGirlpartisan
This video is uploaded for the purpose of documenting war crimes and not for the sake of showing violence. These images of war receive no coverage by the mainstream media.

- T-E-R-R-O-R-I-S-T-S Butcher 80 Children in S-Y-R-I-A, US Media Silent - Jimmy Dore

Publicerades den 18 apr. 2017 
The Jimmy Dore Show

Terrorists just massacred over 100 civilians in Syria...
- So where's the media outrage??

Publicerades den 17 apr. 2017 IN THE NOW

HOLOCAUST SYRIEN: Västfinansierade terrorister lockade 80 barn med godis - brände dem levande
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

2 kommentarer:

  1. Syrian Girl: “Rebels Promised To Bomb Buses Evacuating Shi’ite Civilians”

  2. Syria: The USA evacuate spies from the territory of IGIL and smooth out witnesses (video)

    .. Hayat Takhrir Ash-Sham continued carrying out operations in the city of Darjaa. Forces Hayat Takhrir Ash-Sham attack the remained positions of the Syrian army in northern part of the area Al-Manshiya and his vicinities. On April 19 Hayat Takhrir Ash-Sham declared that they could destroy the tank and the easel grenade launcher of the Syrian army in the area Al-Sadzhna to the North from Al-Manshii. Hayat Takhrir Ash-Sham also put explosive under the house to strike blow to the remained positions of the Syrian army in Al-Manshiye.

    It is reported about that at the night of this Monday the American Forces of special operations made landing on 3kh positions on under control IGIL territories of the East of Syria. According to local sources, the American forces landed around a dam of Mayzal, the thrown city of Granig and in vicinities of the T2 base in the settlement Al-Tanf of the desert Al-Mayadin.

    On April 19 IGIL declared in mosques of Deyr-ez-Zora that the American troops evacuated the spies acting in this territory. If it is the truth, only for this month it will be 4y time when Americans evacuated spies from under control IGIL of the territory.
    ...These events clearly show that foreign sponsors of various parties participating in this war increase the activity in Syria waiting for division of spheres of influence after IGIL disorder.



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