
söndag 8 november 2015

"OBAMAS MISSIL" SKÖT NER RYSKA PLANET? "Svarta lådan" utesluter tekniska problem

Sannolikheten för att "Obamas missil" eller bombmän i anknytning till "USRAEL-Imperiet" orsakade kraschen för det ryska passagerarplanet och dödade 100-tals människor, ökade väsentligt efter utredarnas avslöjande att den svarta lådan utesluter tekniska problem. Utredarna är nu närmast helt säkra (90%) på att en bombexplosion orsakat tragedin...

Sinai Plane Crash: 'External Influence' Caused Aircraft to Rip Apart, Debris Scattered for Miles

Ett antal flygbolag från väst har slutat flyga över området där planet störtade...
*** *Sannolikheten att amerikanska/israeliska vapen och inhyrda legoknektar är inblandade i den ryska flygkatastrofen är nu plötsligt stor...

Russian passenger jet crash:
- Black boxes analyzed, show no sign of system failure

RT 07 November 2015
All of the systems of the crashed Russian A321 plane had been working normally before its black box records abruptly ended, the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) announced after conducting an official preliminary analysis of the tapes.

The IAC analyzed the copied and deciphered information from both the flight data recorder (FDR) and the cockpit voice recorder (CVR) of the plane.

The FDR stopped recording at an altitude of about 9,400 meters (30,800 ft), and “until that moment the flight was going as planned, there was no information registered on any system or mechanical failures of the plane,” the body said.
Läs också:

Läkare Utan Gränser släppte rapport om USA:s terrorbombning av MSF-sjukhus i Afghanistan

Läkare Utan Gränser har släppt en intern rapport om USA:s terrordåd och massmord mot den Nobelprisvinnande hjälporganisationens sjukhus i Afghanistan... (video)
"OBAMAS MISSIL" SKÖT NER RYSKA PLANET? "Svarta lådan" utesluter tekniska problem
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

5 kommentarer:

  1. Sinai crash: New intel says bomb to blame

    We are 90 percent sure it was a bomb,” a member of the Egyptian investigation team told Reuters.

  2. I believe Airbus has something similar to the Bowing uninterruptible autopilot. Enabling the plane to be taken over remotely . First reports, that now seem to be forgotten, told how the planes radio began to fail. Then the plane when into a steep climb before a steep dive. I keep hearing the plane wreckage was spread for miles. But at the crash site ,all be it burn ,nearly the whole plane is there. I'm just saying

    1. *A remote takeover is quite possible - maybe with a little help from these guys:

      - Israel Held ‘Largest Ever’ Air Combat Drill Nearby, On Same Day as Russian Sinai Crash -

      As it turns out - on the very same day as the Russian airline crash in the Sinai Peninsula on October 30th, and only 40 miles away from the crash zone, the Israeli Military was hosting its largest-ever international Air Defense drill based at Ovda Airfield near Eilat and taking place over the Arava desert in the south of Israel.

      According to its organizers, the military exercise included Israeli, American, Greek, and Polish air personnel, together “squaring off against a fictional enemy state in two-week drill”.

      The event included all of Israel’s most advanced air and communications capabilities.[...]


    John McCain wanted Russian planes brought down.

  4. British Foreign Secretary Says “Bomb,” which means “Missile”

    "That means that the missile was fired from the Israeli side of the border"



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