
måndag 16 november 2015

ISIS företräder ISLAM och KU KLUX KLAN företräder KRISTENDOM - "Världen i svartvitt"
ISIS företräder ISLAM och KU KLUX KLAN företräder KRISTENDOMEN?
  Om ISIS kan jämställas med Islam så måste ju klanen va identisk med Kristendom? Anonymous har i alla fall nyligen släppt en lista på tusentals (kristna?) medlemmar i just Ku Klux Klan. Anonymous - Operation KKK #OpKKK - Här finns länkar till listan m.m....

*Bibeln mot Koranen. En jämförelse av ord som förknippas med hat eller kärlek.

I sådana fall är det naturligtvis alla kristnas skyldighet att offentligt be om ursäkt varje gång Klanen begår terrorattacker och rasistiska angrepp på världssamhället.

I annat fall är ju alla kristna möjliga terrorister och sannolika Ku Klux Klan -supporters.

Nu marknadsförs självklart inte Kristendomen på det viset i mainstreammedia eftersom vi här i nordväst och övriga EU nästan är lika exceptionella som amerikanerna...

Fast intressant att notera är att även klanens medlemmar anser sig vara "exceptionella...."

Anonymous - Operation KKK #OpKKK
The Ku Klux Klan has approximately 150 active cells, operating in 41 states, with membership concentrated in both the South and the Midwest. 

The KKK is not what it once was but it does continue to survive in various locations throughout the United States. At its peak, membership was in the millions. Now, membership is likely less than 5,000. It is very important to understand - the KKK does not have a central unified leadership. Instead, they are split off into local cells or groups.

We present you with this dox list, In this dox list, you will find official members of various KKK groups throughout the United States as well as their closest associates (most are also in other extremist hate groups). You will see many names with ALIAS beside it. If indicated, these are CONFIRMED aliases. Other names on this list may be aliases, as well. Some aliases we were unable to crack. The klan sometimes hides behind several online identities. Given name or alias, these are the real people underneath the hoods.

It is important to note that many klan members change klan affiliations as well as go back and forth between being klan members and neo nazis etc (sometimes both, if permitted). There is quite a bit of movement between these types of groups (usually due to infighting). For this reason, you will see some names of individuals that are listed as neo nazis and so on. Some members of this list are quite dangerous, sociopathic individuals. Others are not.

Data collected for Operation KKK was gathered over approximately 11 months and those included on this list were identified primarily through HUMINT (human intelligence) data collection strategies. This means that individuals on this list were often identified by human sources of information through both overt (interviewing expert sources) and covert (digital espionage / social engineering) methods. Individuals on our list were also identified through open source intelligence strategies (OSINT). This is a broad array of information and sources that are generally available to the public. This includes: multimedia, academic records and public data.

Members often told on themselves to us about their connections with the KKK during various chat conversations we had with klan members and affiliates throughout the course of our operation. You never know who you are talking to on the internet.

We consider this data dump as a form of resistance against the violence and intimidation tactics leveraged against the public by various members of Ku Klux Klan groups throughout history.
Dox list:

ISIS företräder ISLAM och KU KLUX KLAN företräder KRISTENDOM - "Världen i svartvitt"
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

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