
måndag 16 november 2015

GISSA var världens kvinnor frivilligt stoppar upp cancerframkallande GLYFOSAT GMO-produkter?

GISSA var världens kvinnor stoppar cancerframkallande GLYFOSAT GMO-produkter någonstans? Just det. De stoppar det i sina... (se video längre ner för svaret & mer info)

Missfall, missbildningar, cancer

YLE 2014-06-14
Det har visat sig att glyfosat inte försvinner ur kretsloppet, utan det hamnar till slut i grundvattnet.
I Argentina, där glyfosat används i stora mängder, rapporteras om missbildningar, cancerfall och sjukdomar i andningsvägarna i samhällen som omges av besprutade sojaodlingar.

Det förekommer även misstankar om att glyfosatanvändning ska ha bidragit till bland annat autism och så kallad läckande tarm, med det har inte kunnat vetenskapligt bevisas.

Vid djurexperiment har laboratorieråttor fått fosterskador och missfall av glyfosat. I Frankrike hävdar odlare att det förekommer mer prostatacancer och neurologiska sjukdomar vid gårdar där Roundup använts, skriver .

Finlands naturskyddsförbund uppger att det verkar allt mer uppenbart att glyfosat är farligt för foster, men forskningen kring saken fortsätter.[...]

- Study Says You Might Be Putting Glyphosate-Tainted Tampons in Your Vagina

Publicerades den 20 okt. 2015
I admit I chose this title on purpose to catch your attention, but now that I have it, have you ever considered that the majority of cotton (in the U.S. anyway) is genetically modified, and as such, it might be tainted with cancer-causing, endocrine-disrupting, infertility-promoting glyphosate?

Well, a new study at the University of La Plata found just that: 85% of cotton products like gauze, cotton balls, swabs, pads, wipes, etc. tested positive for glyphosate. Another 62% tested positive for its environmental metabolite AMPA, which has been found to potentially be 1,000 times more toxic in the body. Gauze samples tested positive 100% of the time.

Let's get down to brass tacks, as they say. While all of these things are used on places like cuts, or to clean your ears or even wipe your baby's bottom, when it comes to feminine "protection" products, they are placed in a highly sensitive mucous membrane area near a woman's cervix and her reproductive organs for hours at a time. How often is a potentially harmful chemical seeping into your body this way, ladies?

And we wonder why infertility is on the rise in this country. Unless these products explicitly state they are made from organic cotton, it's a safe bet to assume they are genetically modified. Because over 90% of the cotton here is GMO, if this study is any indication, its very likely tainted with glyphosate!

It's such a common sense connection, and yet, until I read about this study, I will admit to you I hadn't really considered it. The study also found that 90% of the residents tested positive for glyphosate in their urine even though none of the people tested had direct contact with Roundup products.

Of course, you'll probably never hear about this in the media here, in the country where corporations and lobbyists run everything and where Monsanto, whose #1 best-selling product Roundup with the key ingredient glyphosate, has its world headquarters stationed...

Publicerades den 19 sep. 2012
French researchers secretly studied, for two years, 200 rats fed with transgenic maize. Tumors, serious disorders... full-fledged slaughter. And a bomb for the GMO industry.
More information
Läs också: 

Monsantos lobbyist: Att dricka ett glas Roundup växtgift är helt ofarligt - alla idioter borde prova

Roundup ofarligt för idioter? Efter att WHO larmat om att Monsantos vanligaste växtgifter sannolikt är cancerframkallande, så har GMO-företaget Monsanto skickat ut en armé av lobbyister i etablissemangets media för att opinionsbilda konsumenterna om att gifterna trots detta är absolut ofarliga...
GISSA var världens kvinnor frivilligt stoppar upp cancerframkallande GLYFOSAT GMO-produkter? 
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

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