
fredag 13 november 2015

Amerikansk attackhelikopter övervakade enorm ISIS-karavan på väg IN I SYRIEN från Irak

En video på "LiveLeak" visar hur en amerikansk attackhelikopter följer efter och "övervakar" en enorm ISIS-karavan med nya "Toyota-krigare" på väg in i Syrien från Irak...

United States Apache attack helicopter following behind ISIS convoy into Syria from Iraq

Publicerades den 9 nov. 2015
United States Apache attack helicopter following behind ISIS convoy into Syria from Iraq November 7, 2015

"TOYOTA - När Terroristen själv får Bestämma" - USA levererade "armada" av Toyotabilar till ISIS

Enorma karavaner av flaggviftande ISIS-terrorister i splitter nya Toyotabilar har regelbundet "osynligt" kunnat smyga förbi USA/NATO:s hjälplöst blinda globala satellit-övervakningssystem, för att sedan inta hela städer och regioner i Syrien. - Så naturligtvis blir det TOYOTA, när terroristen själv får bestämma. "Ron Paul Institute" avslöjade nyligen att USA levererade bilarna till ISIS...
Amerikansk attackhelikopter övervakade enorm ISIS-karavan på väg IN I SYRIEN från Irak
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

4 kommentarer:

  1. US Army Apache Helicopters securing ISIS convoys from Iraq to Syria...
    (first sight 1.39)

  2. on Wednesday that Israeli Air Force (IAF) fighter jets struck the Damascus Airport in the morning hours. - -

    "just flat-out starting a war between Syria/Russia and Israel/US"

    «BlUE FlAG»

    Airbus A320-211
    "US Laser Test That Destroyed Germanwings"

    How Jimmy Carter and I Started the Mujahideen
    "Operation Cyclone"-c

    Måste läsas mellan rader....
    "The CIA called this and in the following years poured $4 billion into setting up Islamic training schools in Pakistan (Taliban means "student"). Young zealots were sent to the CIA's spy training camp in Virginia, where future members of al-Qaeda were taught "sabotage skills" - terrorism.Others were recruited at an "Islamic school" in Brooklyn, New York, within sight of the fated Twin Towers.

    35 Countries Where the U.S. Has Supported Fascists, Drug Lords and Terrorists

    Jeb Bush - 1% (4 votes)
    Ben Carson - 2% (7 votes)
    Ted Cruz - 2% (8 votes)
    Carly Fiorina - 1% (4 votes)
    John Kasich - 2% (8 votes)
    Rand Paul - 13% (59 votes)
    Marco Rubio - 1% (6 votes)
    Donald Trump - 79% (362 votes)!

  3. The White House Gave ISIS a 45-Minute Warning Before Bombing Oil Tankers

    After waiting over a year to attack the source of ISIS revenue, the US finally attacked their oil supply. However, they gave them plenty of time to flee first

  4. US Apache helicopter giving cover to ISIS convoy?

    The UAE-based al-Sa'a displayed a video clip of over 200 Toyota vans carrying the flag and members of the ISIL terrorist group driving on one of the main highways of Syria while an Apache chopper of US military was accompanying them in a friendly manner.

    The Arab media outlet reported that the ISIL convoy did not open fire at the US chopper, which was flying in a very low altitude.



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