
lördag 7 november 2015

Abby Martin: - Det Amerikanska Imperiet är en Bankkontrollerad Företagsdiktatur åt Übereliten

Abby Martin intervjuas av MintPressNews angående sin serie om dagens USA-Imperium. Imperiet är givetvis en bankkontrollerad företagsdiktatur med en militär som arbetar åt de 0.1 procent rikaste tokstollarna i världen. Men de flesta i väst verkar tycka att det är vackert så, även om motståndet globalt växer för varje dag...(video)

Abby Martin: Rise Of A US Corporate Empire & Global Resistance Bringing It To Its Knees

Publicerades den 28 okt. 2015 
The U.S. empire gives all its predecessors a run for their money, especially in terms of human and resource exploitation. But is resistance building that could bring the U.S. empire to its knees, MintPress Editor-in-Chief Mnar Muhawesh asks Abby Martin, host of “The Empire Files.”

The swords and horses of the empires of antiquity have been replaced with shiny metal guns, drones and tanks. And our rulers are made up of a 1% elite and multinational corporations aiming to totally dominate the world -- a world where they own 60% of the wealth.

The tentacles of empire today stretch throughout the world via U.S. military alliances with institutions like NATO. The U.S. works with the U.N. and big banks like the IMF and World Bank to exploit resources and wealth, and to topple democratically-elected governments and prop up dictators instead.

Yet the corporate media will never refer to the United States as an empire, nor will it cover the horrors of exploitation at home and abroad.
Abby Martin: - Det Amerikanska Imperiet är en Bankkontrollerad Företagsdiktatur åt Übereliten
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

1 kommentar:

  1. Israel Held ‘Largest Ever’ Air Combat Drill Nearby, On Same Day as Russian Sinai Crash



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