
fredag 16 oktober 2015

USA:s MASSAKER mot Nobelprisvinnande Läkare i Afghanistan - "Ett Välplanerat Terrordåd"

USA:s massaker mot de Nobelprisvinnande humanitära hjälparbetande läkarna i Afghanistan, var ett noga planerat terrordåd. Nya uppgifter som presenterats av AP avslöjar att sjukhuset i Afghanistan i själva verket var USA:s huvudmål för terrorattacken och inte ett pinsamt misstag som tidigare påståtts...

”Tyder på planerad massaker”

AB 2015-10-15
Läkare utan gränser har tidigare krävt en oberoende utredning av attacken som de har kallat för ett krigsbrott. De nya uppgifterna får deras operationella chef Meinie Nicolai att uttrycka sig allt annat än diplomatiskt.

– Vad de nya uppgifterna tyder på är att sjukhus var ett medvetet mål, säger hon till AP.

– Det skulle antyda att det var en planerad massaker.

Hon säger också att det understryker vikten av en internationell oberoende undersökning av attacken.
Meinie Nicolai ger också uppgifter till AP som motsäger de amerikanska uttalandena om att det pågått en eldstrid där USA-allierade styrkor ska ha beskjutits från byggnaden där sjukhuset låg. 

Deras personal på plats rapporterar att det varit en lugn natt där det inte förekommit några strider inom sjukhusets område.[...]
Läs mer:

- The AC-130 gunship is the deadliest killing machine in the US Air Force's weapons roster of mayhem. 


- The AC-130 gunship is not a precision targeting weapon, but a weapons system designed to spread death over a wide swath.


US Forces that Repeatedly Bombed Afghan Hospital, Knew it was a Hospital All Along
Mike Sawyer - Activist post 2015-10-15
New information suggests the US deliberately targeted the Kunduz hospital, killing 22 patients and staff, despite knowing it was a protected medical site.

US special operations analysts investigated the hospital for days prior to the deadly October 3 attack, describing the hospital as a base of operations for a Pakistani agent coordinating Taliban activities, AP has learned from a former intelligence official familiar with the documents.

 The site, operated by Doctors Without Borders (Medecins sans frontieres, MSF), was attacked five times in the span of an hour by a C-130 gunship, despite repeated please by the MSF to US forces. MSF official described repeated strafing runs against the main hospital building, which housed the emergency room and the intensive care unit. No surrounding buildings were hit, they say.

How many innocent men, women, and children must die before the United States can declare a victory on the war on terror? A hundred, a thousand, a million, ten million? What number will be enough to satisfy the bloodthirsty politicians in their perpetual expansion of the military industrial complex?
Läs mer:
RT 2015-10-15
New information suggests the US deliberately targeted the Kunduz hospital, killing 22 patients and staff, despite knowing it was a protected medical site.

US special operations analysts investigated the hospital for days prior to the deadly October 3 attack, describing the hospital as a base of operations for a Pakistani agent coordinating Taliban activities, AP has learned from a former intelligence official familiar with the documents.

The site, operated by Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres, MSF), was attacked five times in the span of an hour by a C-130 gunship, despite repeated pleas by the MSF to US forces. MSF officials described repeated strafing runs against the main hospital building, which housed the emergency room and the intensive care unit. No surrounding buildings were hit, they say.

- The new details suggest "that the hospital was intentionally targeted,” Meinie Nicolai of MSF told the AP by email. “This would amount to a premeditated massacre,” she added.

According to AP's source, intelligence reports suggested the hospital was being used as a Taliban command and control center and a repository for heavy weapons.

MSF insists that no weapons were allowed in the hospital. While the US military has claimed that US and Afghan forces came under fire from the hospital, Afghan hospital employees told AP that no one had fired from the building [...]
Läs mer
US officials knew they were bombing Doctors Without Borders hospital - this is a WAR CRIME  
The US ignores the call for independent investigation of Afghan hospital bombing, sends a tank to destroy evidence.

Bomber Utan Gränser - Hämndaktion från USA? Webben söker svar efter TERRORN mot MFS...
Läkare Utan Gränser (MFS) har länge högljutt motsatt sig USA:s TPP-avtal och drivit omfattande anti-TPP kampanjer. MFS anser att avtalet medför en total katastrof för alla sjuka människor i världen, speciellt i fattiga länder. - Människor som motsätter sig imperiets agenda råkar ofta ut för "olyckor..."

USA/NATO FREDSBOMBADE Läkare Utan Gränsers SJUKHUS i Afghanistan +20 DÖDA i västterror

Ett av Läkare Utan Gränsers sjukhus med 400 patienter i Afghanistan fredsbombades nyligen av USA/NATO. Ett 20-tal personer, däribland ett flertal barn, uppges ha dött vid fredsbombningen.
Nio av Läkare utan gränsers anställda har bekräftats döda. Läkare Utan Gränser: - NATO fortsatte fredsbomba sjukhuset i 30-minuter efter att USA fått reda på att sjukhuset träffats...
USA:s MASSAKER mot Nobelprisvinnande Läkare i Afghanistan - "Ett Välplanerat Terrordåd" 
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

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