
tisdag 6 oktober 2015

Bomber Utan Gränser - Hämndaktion från USA? Webben söker svar efter TERRORN mot MFS...
Läkare Utan Gränser (MFS) har länge högljutt motsatt sig USA:s TPP-avtal och drivit omfattande anti-TPP kampanjer. MFS anser att avtalet medför en total katastrof för alla sjuka människor i världen, speciellt i fattiga länder. - Människor som motsätter sig imperiets agenda råkar ofta ut för "olyckor"...


Glenn Greenwald the Intercept 2015-10-07
In Geneva this morning, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) demanded a formal, independent investigation into the U.S. airstrike on its hospital in Kunduz. 

The group’s international president, Dr. Joanne Liu (pictured above, center), specified that the inquiry should be convened pursuant to war-crime-investigating procedures established by the Geneva Conventions and conducted by The International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission. “Even war has rules,” Liu said.

“- This was just not an attack on our hospital. 
- It was an attack on the Geneva Conventions. This cannot be tolerated.”
Liu emphasized that the need for an “independent, impartial investigation is now particularly compelling given what she called “the inconsistency in the U.S. and Afghan accounts of what happened over the recent days.” On Monday, we documented the multiple conflicting accounts offered in the first three days by the U.S. military and its media allies, but the story continued to change even further after that. [...]
Läs mer:
KABUL — The U.S. military aircraft that attacked an Afghan hospital over the weekend made at least five passes over it dropping explosives, even though two flags draped across the roof of the building marked it as a medical facility, hospital officials said on Thursday.

MFS: -Write to President Obama

MSF has written to President Obama about the TPP in 2013, 2014, and together as part of a coalition. He should hear from you too. Tell President Obama to protect access to medicines for poor people. Check out our suggested script and submit your comments to the White House here.

Dear President Obama:

I am writing to urge you and the U.S. government to withdraw aggressive provisions in the Trans-Pacific Partnership that will restrict access to affordable medicines for millions of people.

I am concerned about specific provisions in the intellectual property, investment and pharmaceutical pricing chapters that will make it harder for patients, governments and treatment providers to access affordable generic medicines in developing countries Too many people already suffer and die because the medicines they need are too expensive or do not exist.

I cannot stand by as this proposed agreement threatens to restrict access even further. Through its global health programs, the U.S. has helped millions of people living in developing countries, and continues to invest heavily to end and control some of the world’s most devastating diseases.

I urge you to ensure that the final text of the TPP does not sabotage these efforts and existing programs. Medicines should not be a luxury.

USA/NATO FREDSBOMBADE Läkare Utan Gränsers SJUKHUS i Afghanistan +20 DÖDA i västterror

Ett av Läkare Utan Gränsers sjukhus med 400 patienter i Afghanistan fredsbombades nyligen av USA/NATO. Ett 20-tal personer, däribland ett flertal barn, uppges ha dött vid fredsbombningen.
Nio av Läkare utan gränsers anställda har bekräftats döda. Läkare Utan Gränser: - NATO fortsatte fredsbomba sjukhuset i 30-minuter efter att USA fått reda på att sjukhuset träffats...
Bomber Utan Gränser - Hämndaktion från USA? Webben söker svar efter TERRORN mot MFS...
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

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