
fredag 14 augusti 2015

ASSANGE - Korrespondens mellan Justitiedepartementet och Ecuador 2015

ASSANGE - Korrespondens mellan Justitiedepartementet och Ecuador under 2015. Dramat fortsätter och bloggen publicerar ett stort antal handlingar som belyser vad som skett bakom kulisserna den senaste tiden...

Britain Challenges Julian Assange’s Asylum in Ecuadorian Embassy as Sweden Vows to Continue Inquiry

Publicerades den 14 aug. 2015
Democracy Now!
Britain has announced plans to challenge Ecuador’s decision to provide asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in its London embassy, saying the $18 million price tag for policing the Ecuadorean Embassy during Assange’s residency is "unacceptable" to the British taxpayer. 
In response, Ecuador’s Foreign Ministry released a statement saying it is saddened Assange’s confinement has lasted so long, adding that its government had offered "31 times" to facilitate an "open judicial process" in Sweden. 
This comes just a day after Swedish prosecutors dropped part of their sexual assault inquiry against Assange, but the most serious part of the probe remains in place even though he has never been formally charged. Assange has been holed up in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London for three years, where he’s received political asylum. 
He fears he will be extradited to the United States to face prosecution for his role at WikiLeaks if he leaves the embassy. We are joined by Carey Shenkman, a First Amendment and human rights lawyer. He, along with Michael Ratner and the Center for Constitutional Rights, is representing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

2 of 4 sex allegations against Assange dropped due to statute of limitations expiry

Publicerades den 13 aug. 2015 RT
Swedish prosecutors have withdrawn two sex crime allegations against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange after they expired under statute of limitations law. 

One more allegation is due to expire on August 18, while a fourth and final one will remain in force for years to come.
RT 2015-08-13
The 44-year-old Australian hacktivist has been seeking sanctuary in the Ecuadoran Embassy in London since 2012, when the country offered him asylum. Britain has refused to allow him to leave for Ecuador, however.[...]
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RT 2015-08-10
Julian Assange is believed to have been ‘victimized’ by Swedish prosecutors following revelations that they interviewed 44 people in the UK, but refused to interview the WikiLeaks head in the Ecuadorian Embassy, where he has been for over three years.

A Freedom of Information request submitted by the Hazel Press news organization has revealed that Sweden has granted 44 requests to interview witnesses or suspects in the UK since 2010, the Press Association reports.

This has led supporters of the WikiLeaks founder to claim that Assange has been “singled out,” as he has also agreed to be interviewed by Swedish prosecutors inside the embassy concerning sex allegations in the Scandinavian country.

A member of Assange’s legal team, Jen Robinson, says that a number of important questions have been raised, adding that “Julian hasn’t been charged, yet he is being punished.” [...]
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Läs också:

ASSANGE - Korrespondens mellan svenska åklagaren Marianne Ny och Ecuador 2015

ASSANGE - Korrespondens mellan överåklagare Marianne Ny och Ecuador under 2015...

ASSANGE - Korrespondens mellan Justitiedepartementet och Ecuador 2015
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

3 kommentarer:

  1. IP: - August 17, 2015 - 12:43:11 PM
    ISP: Regeringskansliet - Host:
    Landed: UNDER MATTAN: ASSANGE - Korrespondens mellan Justitiedepartementet och [+]

  2. Det är falskt rättegång och falska anklagelserna..... Sverige borde skämmas! Men, men ... de tror inte att det existerar karma!.... de får det de förtjänar under deras livs tid! Vilken lidande de orsakade till oskyldig!

    Men.. . men vänta och se..... de skyldiga familjer skall få den bumerang karma tillbaka!

  3. Assange says Snowden’s escape to Russia was his idea

    Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange could have played a role in the decision by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden to seek asylum in Russia, instead of Latin America. Assange says it was he who advised Snowden to turn to Moscow for refuge.
    Snowden “preferred Latin America, but my advice was that he should take asylum in Russia despite the negative PR consequences, because my assessment is that he had a significant risk of being kidnapped from Latin America on CIA orders…kidnapped and possibly killed,” Assange said in an interview with The Times.
    Snowden flew to Moscow from Hong Kong in June 2013. A year later, he received a Russian residence permit valid for three years, starting from August 1, 2014.
    The WikiLeaks co-founder added that the ex-NSA agent “was well aware of the spin that would be put on it if he took asylum in Russia.” The whistleblower faces several charges, including espionage and theft of government property, which could lead to 30 years in prison if he returns to US.



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