
torsdag 16 april 2015

När EU:s ledare omfamnar fascismen - Då demonstrerar spanska folket via hologram

Aktivister i Spanien demonstrerar via hologram när deras ledare omfamnar fascismen. Nya extrema lagar mot yttrandefrihet är på väg att införas i Spanien för att ge de "Francoinspirerade" myndigheterna i EU-landet extrem totalitär kontroll över undersåtarna. Men att spruta tårgas på spöken har väl en något begränsad effekt..? (+video)

Ghost march in Spain - Hologram demo against protest fines

Publicerades den 13 apr. 2015
Holographic projections of Spanish protesters have marched outside the Spanish parliament. 
The activists behind the unique performance say the goal is to draw attention to a new law - imposing drastic limits on people's right to protest. The regulations come into force in July, with heavy fines attached.

Anyone who takes part in unauthorized protest camps will have to pay 600 euros. Rallying near a government building or putting up a barricade comes with a penalty of up to 30 thousand euros.

But the heaviest fine of all - over half a million euros- is for blocking national infrastructure including airports and nuclear power plants. Stéphane Grueso - member of the 'NoSomosDelito' movement which organized the hologram protest is In the Now.


'Can't pepper spray a ghost':
- Holograms parade in Madrid enraged over anti-protest ‘gag law’

Publicerades den 13 apr. 2015
A new Spanish law restricting public protests is met with a wave of anger - with activists calling it a crackdown on freedom of speech.


När EU:s ledare omfamnar fascismen - Då demonstrerar spanska folket via hologram 
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

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