
torsdag 30 april 2015

Unga i New York försvarar kamp mot polisvåld i Baltimore - Polisen sköt mot journalister

Alla låter sig inte duperas av medias demonisering av ungdomarna i Baltimore. Det finns oftast en helt annan sida av många händelser som media medvetet inte berättar. I New York så försvarar exempelvis olika aktivistgrupper Baltimores unga i kampen mot polisvåldet...

2015-04-29 The Free Thought Project
Cops prey on the poor through the enforcement of victimless crimes to fund the system.

The reality of this situation is that #FreddieGray was a mathematical certainty. It wasn’t a matter of if it was going to happen, but when.

- Cops in America have killed thousands of men, women and children over non-crimes. 

- The people are fed up with watching their family members fall victim to trigger-happy police officers.[...]
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New York activists defend Baltimore youth

Publicerades den 29 apr. 2015 PressTV News Videos
As the U-S National Guard has been sent to Baltimore to suppress the rising protests against police brutality, many people across the country sympathize with the protesters. 
In New York, activists have gathered to say they reject what they call the U-S media's demonization of Baltimore youth, and blame police for the continued protests.

RAW: Heavily armed soldiers patrol Baltimore amid fears of violence

Publicerades den 28 apr. 2015

Morgan Freeman has strongly criticised the portrayal of the civil unrest in Baltimore following the death of Freddie Gray – a 25-year-old African-American man arrested for possession of a switchblade – in police custody.
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Baltimore uses extreme tactics to police poor communities – investigative journalist

Publicerades den 28 apr. 2015
Stephen Janis, an investigative journalist who has worked extensively in Baltimore, says that the riots which swept through the city on Monday are bigger signs of the police abuse that have taken place in the city. He speaks with Ben Swann about Monday’s event and what it means to citizens and protesters.

MSM focused on Baltimore unrest like a warzone – Lionel

Publicerades den 29 apr. 2015
Mainstream media outlets, especially CNN and Fox News, are being criticized for their poor reporting on the unrest in Baltimore. Ben Swann chats with the media and legal analyst known as Lionel from LionelMedia about the mainstream media and how they approached the riots.
From Pregnant Women to the Elderly, Baltimore Cops have Dark History of Brutality

By The Free Thought Project on April 29, 2015
Gray was the second person to die in Baltimore PD custody in 2015. In February, Trayvon Scott, 30, died after showing distress while in a holding cell at the Northern District police station on Valentine’s Day. 

Police said no force was used in Scott’s death, according to the Baltimore Sun. An initial examination by the medical examiner indicated that a pre-existing medical condition was to blame.

Over the course of nearly four years, Baltimore paid some $5.7 million to more than 100 people in court judgments or settlements for lawsuits claiming police brutality and civil rights violations, the Sun reported after conducting a six-month investigation.

Payouts were capped at $500,000 per case, unless there were extenuating circumstances like multiple victims or actual malice. The city paid an additional $5.8 million in legal fees in defending the police in those cases. [...]
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Baltimore Police Go After and Shoot Journalists

Publicerades den 28 apr. 2015
In this video during the Baltimore uprising journalists are repeatedly targeted by the police department and shot with less lethal munitions. Clearly journalists do not pose a threat in any way with cameras that are visible to the police so why are they getting targeted? In Baltimore journalists are not only attacked by protesters but also have to worry about police officers who target them now.

Unga i New York försvarar kamp mot polisvåld i Baltimore - Polisen sköt mot journalister
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

11 kommentarer:

  1. Terror mot människor i USA: и

  2. The Israeli Defense Forces developed Skunk in 2008

  3. Brutal Police Arrest In NYC - ....

  4. "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."
    -Woodrow Wilson 1916

    Read more:

  5. Special Warfare Operator 1st Class .... det är krig mot jordens befolkning.... globalt..... väggen till ingenstans!!!!!

    Network - Mad as Hell Scene

  6. Freddie Gray's death ruled 'homicide', charges against all 6 officers involved

    May 01, 2015

    Maryland State's Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby announced criminal charges against all six police officers involved in the arrest of Freddie Gray, which she declared "a homicide" and “an illegal arrest.” Five of the officers have been arrested.

  7. Phil Schneider var mördad i 1996 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Phil Schneider - November 1995 (FULL LENGH) -

    Phil Schneider was a geologist, structural engineer, and underground tunneling expert who participated in the construction of many deep underground cities and bases in North America and abroad for the government. In May of 1995, suffering from terminal cancer, he began giving talks in Las Vegas describing in detail the underground cities, the government's secret deal with negative aliens, high alien technology being employed by the government-including "corbamite" (element 140), mining on the moon, FEMA and martial law, the coming New World Order takeover, the Alien/ NWO genocide agenda to reduce the earth's population by 85% before 2029, and a host of other stunning revelations. Phil Schneider was an extraordinarily brave man who knew that he was going to be killed because of the information he was revealing to the American public.

  8. 2 Phil Schneider his Life & Murder by the CIA

  9. Almost one-fifth of Americans now take psychotropic drugs to cope with everyday life

    US Highway Patrol Trains Ukrainian Officers in Police Tactics
    California highway patrol to share their experise on stopping cars, handcuffing and officer safety

  10. If Baltimore Were In Russia Congress Would be Making Waves - Morris




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