
måndag 2 februari 2015

Latinamerikansk mamma: USA-polisen dödade min obeväpnade 16-åriga dotter med 18 skott

Laura Rosales Hernandez, mamman i en latinamerikansk familj, boende i USA berättar: - Polisen dödade min 16-åriga dotter med 18 skott. Polisen påstår att 16-åringen hotade polisen med bilen hon färdades i. Ögonvittnen säger istället i en video att polisen först sköt ihjäl tonårstjejen och därefter ljög om att de hotades av bilen...

Jessica Hernandez Shooting:  - Explosive Witness Details Conflict with Official Police Report

Publicerades den 28 jan. 2015 Dahboo777

Witness to the DPD Shooting of Jessica Hernandez Describe the Police As Shooting Jessi Before the Cop was Hit and Pinned.

It happened in an alley at the 2500 block of Newport Street around 6:30 a.m.

Friends said the teenaged girl who was shot was 16-years-old. They identified her as Jessie Hernandez. Officials had not released names or ages of anyone involved in the incident.
Laura Rosales Hernandez
Jessica Hernandez, en 16-årig latinamerikansk flicka dödades med 18 skott av USA:s polis.
Laura Rosales Hernandez: - Sjukvårdarna slängde min dotters döda kropp på marken liksom  sopor, framför mig...

Latina Teen Shot And Killed By Denver Cops Leads To Questions, Anger

2015-01-31 The free thought project
Denver, CO– The family of Jessica Hernandez, who was fatally shot by two Denver Police officers early Monday morning is continuing to speak out about the incident that left their beautiful teen dead.  
This time it’s coming from her mother, who explains that police shot her child 18 times- more bullets than years the teenager spent alive.
Jose Hernandez, Jessica’s father, has said that police initially told him that his daughter had been shot once, however, Denver’s medical examiner has confirmed that to be false
“They shot her 18 times, she could not rest at peace,” Laura Rosales Hernandez, Jessie’s mother stated with tears in her eyes.

The police department also originally claimed that the two officers fired at Hernandez after she struck an officer with the vehicle.

However, witnesses who were in the car dispute their story and maintain that the vehicle hit the officer only after Hernandez had been shot and fell unconscious, causing her to lose control of the vehicle.

The department has since stated that it is unclear if Hernandez had intentionally struck the officer and says that how the officer was injured is still part of the investigation.  None of the five teenagers in the vehicle were armed.
“I was expecting the paramedics to take my daughter’s body out with caution, but NO, they slammed her body to the floor and dragged her like garbage,” her mother said in the interview.
The Denver Post is in possession of a video from the scene that reportedly shows officers searching Hernandez’ limp and dying body as she bled out, moving her around like a rag doll. The video has not yet been released.

Laura Rosales Hernandez is now calling for a second, independent autopsy, citing that she does not trust the official investigation.  She is also calling for the Department of Justice to conduct a civil rights investigation into her daughter’s death.[...]

Read more at:

Family Of Jessica Hernandez Confront DA's Office

Publicerades den 27 jan. 2015
17-year-old Jessica Hernandez was murdered by members of Denver's largest gang, DPD. The Denver Police shot Jessie dead on the morning of Monday January 27, 2015 while they were in a car with four of their teenage friends. Information is limited as the gang leaders (DA's office) refuses to release any information let alone condemn the murder of a child. But from eyewitness account as well as friends and family it is clear beyond doubt that the police did not need to shoot and kill young Jessie.
For more of the story go to
Latinamerikansk mamma: USA-polisen dödade min obeväpnade 16-åriga dotter med 18 skott
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

1 kommentar:

  1. How Many People are Killed by Police? Crowdsourcing Identifies the Officer-Involved Killings Government Doesn’t Count

    February 2, 2015

    Source: All Gov.
    A Mother Jones story by Jaeah Lee last August didn’t have an answer to the question posed in its headline: “Exactly How Often Do Police Shoot Unarmed Black Men?” So it painted a portrait using anecdotes and tangentially-related statistics.

    U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder acknowledged two weeks ago that there is no answer. “The troubling reality is that we lack the ability right now to comprehensively track the number of incidents of either uses of force directed at police officers or uses of force by police,” he said in a speech honoring Martin Luther King, Jr.

    It’s the lack of the latter that concerns Americans who suspect a widespread, systemic problem with how white police officers treat people of color. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) collects a lot of crime data from cities, counties and states, but does not ask law enforcement who they are killing and why.

    What information is known at the various levels of government is often self-reported and unreliable. The federal government’s best information identifies around 400 “justifiable homicides” by police per year. But that is woefully lacking.

    While governments get ready to possibly gather that information, the website Killed by Police is attempting to fill the gap by crowdsourcing the question through Facebook.

    ---Killed by Police---



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