
söndag 8 februari 2015

FN djupt oroat över Sveriges diskriminering av invandrarbarn - förödande kritik i ny rapport

En ny FN-rapport riktar förödande kritik mot Sverige och mot den ökande diskrimineringen och våldet mot de yngsta barnen som kommit hit från andra länder. Våld och ofredande av unga barn i minoritetsgrupper utredes inte heller ordentligt av myndigheter. Sveriges behandling av nyanlända flyktingbarn och ungdomar i fängelser kritiserades också av FN...

FN säger att Sverige måste skärpa till sig för att leva upp till konventionen om barns rättigheter. Sverige och Schweiz var för övrigt de enda Europeiska länder som kritiserades i rapporten...

UN raises concerns about children’s rights in Sweden, Switzerland

RT 2015-02-06
A UN report notes that child abuse is on the rise in Sweden and criticizes the Nordic nation as well as Switzerland, the only two European countries featured in the report, for failing to comply fully with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The report, released by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child on Wednesday, included an assessment of children’s rights in 12 countries, such as Turkmenistan and Iraq, where far more egregious violations were found, including horrifying revelations of the Islamic State using kidnapped children as suicide bombers.
READ MORE: ‘Beheaded, crucified, buried alive’: UN slams ISIS for killing Iraqi children

The two wealthy Western countries, however, didn’t emerge unscathed. Although the committee commended some of the countries’ efforts in improving conditions for minors in recent years, it also expressed grave concern for the “significant rise in child abuse especially of children up to six years of age” in Sweden, and noted that few police reports of abuse result in prosecution. Access to recovery and rehabilitation for victims of abuse is also insufficient, according to the report.

- The treatment of immigrant children living in Sweden, juvenile prisoners, underage minorities and asylum seekers was cause for concern.
- The report says the state isn’t doing enough to help children from disadvantaged families, who are at an increased risk of discrimination and bullying.

“Certain groups of children continue to face discrimination, in particular children from disadvantaged and marginalized families as well as children of migrant families, including African and Afro-Swede children,” the report reads.

Criticizing a revision to Sweden’s Anti-Discrimination Act, the report laments the deletion of the word “race” from the language of the law, saying that this leaves no legal provision criminalizing the promotion of racial hatred.

The report also mentions that minority children, including Roma and LGBT youths, are frequent targets of bullying. The Committee suggests the state undertake “awareness raising programs” to eliminate all forms of discrimination.
Läs mer:

Alanis Morissette "Guardian" 


 FN djupt oroat över Sveriges diskriminering av invandrarbarn - förödande kritik i ny rapport
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