
tisdag 13 januari 2015

Otrolig dubbelmoral i Paris - Manifestationens ledare har mördat miljoner & censurerar media

Världens högt ärade ledare besökte Paris för att hedra noga utvalda terroroffer och selektiv yttrandefrihet. Ett fejkat gruppfoto åt mainstreams "presstitutes" hanns även med. Bland världsledarna som slöt upp i manifestationståget (=gruppfotot) fanns Tysklands förbundskansler Angela Merkel, israels premiärminister Benjamin Netanyahu, Palestinas President Mahmoud Abbas och Natos generalsekreterare Jens Stoltenberg...(uppdaterat 2015-01-14)
Att hylla offren från terrordådet i Paris tillsammans med krigshetsande världsledare som mördat miljoner människor och även censurerar sin egen media - är fullständigt normalt 2015...
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Att hylla offren från terrordådet i Paris tillsammans med samma krigshetsande världsledare som beväpnar och finansierar de Islamistiska extremisterna i Syrien - är fullständigt normalt 2015. 

Att hylla offren från terrordådet i Paris tillsammans med krigshetsande världsledare som gjort Libyen, Irak och Syrien till fristäder för Islamistiska terrorister - är fullständigt normalt 2015...

Att hylla offren från terrordådet i Paris tillsammans med krigshetsande världsledare som har en s.k. "fri press" som inte får kritisera vissa saker -  är fullständigt normalt 2015...
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Gunshots fired at Al Jazeera bureau in Gaza
Al Jazeera 22 July 2014
Shots fired into Al Jazeera's office in Gaza, a day after Israeli FM said Israel will work to close down the network.

"Two very precise shots were fired straight into our building," Al Jazeera's Stefanie Dekker, reporting from the bureau, said. "Our office building also has many residential apartments. People [are] leaving, panicked."

Media avslöjar skillnaden mellan en attack mot yttrandefrihet och en attack mot yttrandefrihet


Libyens & Syriens CIA-tränade västfinansierade "demokratirebeller" besökte Paris? - 12 döda
Minst 12 personer dödades i centrala Paris vid ett attentat mot tidningen Charlie Hebdo, som bl.a. publicerar politisk satir. Samma typ av västfinansierade & CIA-tränade rebeller som infört "demokrati" i bl.a. Libyen och Syrien tros ligga bakom dådet i Paris...
Alla terrordåd är naturligtvis INTE "false flags" men attentatet i Paris verkar ändå lite väl proffsigt utfört för att ännu ett magiskt ID-kort från kroniskt glömska terrorister på nytt dyker upp och "räddar dagen".
- Av den anledningen så publiceras här en del av de många "lösa ändar" och s.k. konspirationsteorier som cirkulerar på webben angående Charlie Hebdo-skjutningen...

RR 2015-01-12
Ett nytt nummer av den franska veckotidningen Charlie Hebdo, som nyligen drabbades av en terroristattack, publiceras snart med nya roliga karikatyrer på profeten Muhammed, samt nya skämt om religion och politik, uppger tidskriftens advokat Richard Malka.
- Det nya numret kommer att ha en upplaga på en miljon i stället för vanliga 60 000 exemplar. 
För tillfället förbereds numret av journalisterna, medan omslaget skapas enligt Malka på måndagskvällen.[...]
Läs mera:
Bild från: Svenska Freds f.d. ordförande: - Förintelsen en Hollywood-bluff - sionistmedia ljuger
*In Solidarity With a Free Press:*
- Some More Blasphemous Cartoons

- Glenn Greenwald nails the Charlie Hebdo affair:
Sunday morning news channels report a huge “anti-terror” rally in France with 50 “world leaders” flown in to participate, including the Chancellor of Germany and the Prime Ministers of Great Britain and Spain.

- This looks more and more like an orchestrated affair.
- Assembling “world leaders” in such a short time reminds me of the 10,000 man army ready to occupy Boston in response to the Marathon Bombing.
Otrolig dubbelmoral i Paris - Manifestationens ledare har mördat miljoner & censurerar media
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

20 kommentarer:

  1. West's leaders are despicable hypocrites who use the Paris attacks to pretend they are defenders of their citizens.


    Avigdor Liberman

    Hadas Parush/Flash 90

    There has been a series of confusing reports and counter-reports according to which a senior Israeli minister – apparently Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman – met on December 25 with an Arab personage in Paris. Liberman is denying the reports and there are conflicting versions regarding the identity of the person he met. Initial reports named the person he met as Mohammed Dahlan, a Fatah terrorist leader and the chief rival of Palestinian Authority (PA) head Mahmoud Abbas, but these are now being denied.

    The report that the meeting was an unauthorized one are also being denied.

    "Apparently, Israel's idea of freedom of expression is poking fun only at Christians and Muslims.Read more:

  3. "Energy Crash — 97% of Fracking Now Operating at a Loss at Current Oil Prices. This Could Be A Disaster In The Making. as oil prices went from $100 to $50. America's 10 Largest Oil And Gas Companies Have Lost Over $200 Billion /

  4. The Attacks on Charlie Hebdo and the “Kosher Grocery Store”: Israel’s Mossad “to the Rescue”?

  5. Porochenko participera aujourd'hui à Paris à cotés des chefs d'Etats européens à la marche contre le terrorisme.

    Alors cette marche ne vaut pas un sou, si Porochenko y paricipe, car c'est lui-meme qui a donné l'ordtre de bombarder les villes de Donbass au moyen d'artillerie de destruction massive "Grèle" et meme par les fusées tactiques, le personnage qui est responsable du meurtre des milliers des civils.

    Alors, c'est une marche satanique, car Porochenko, tueur de masse et de serie, y apporte un sens de diablerie.

    C'est pourqoi, Oh les hypocrites - les chefs d'Etats europeens et "l'opinion" plein d'indignation, votre marche n'est pas contre le terrorisme, mais contre celui qui vise vous-memes!

    Et vous etes POUR le terrorisme qui vise les "étrangers".

    Et vous considérez comme étrangers qui vous voulez - pays-proscrits: Irak, Lybie, Syrie, peuple de Donbass.

    Je ne doute pas, que vous accepterez, dans vos rangs, Porochenko avec ses mains, imprégnées du sang.

  6. Das Feindbild und der Putinversteher - Die Anstalt 29.04.2014 - die Bananenrepublik

  7. självmords-benägen klimatförnekare utmanar etablissemanget?

  8. Imploding the Myth of Israel

    By Chris Hedges 2013

    Israel has been poisoned by the psychosis of permanent war.

    It has been morally bankrupted by the sanctification of victimhood, which it uses to justify an occupation that rivals the brutality and racism of apartheid South Africa. Its democracy—which was always exclusively for Jews—has been hijacked by extremists who are pushing the country toward fascism.

    Many of Israel’s most enlightened and educated citizens—1 million of them—have left the country.

  9. Truly Massive Display of Hypocrisy by Western Leaders

  10. --A Photo-Op and Photoshop For the Hypocrites--

    Even criminals who were allegedly uninvited, like Netanyahoo, took part in the photo-op.

    Actually the fake "front row" of the march was rearranged, with the Palestinian dictator Abbas suddenly missing, to fit Natanyahoo's election campaign needs.

  11. How can we ban hate speech against Jews while defending mockery of Muslims?

  12. --March of the Hypocrites--

    Anti War 2015-01-12

    In Paris they march for "free speech" – and they’ll soon be marching off to war

    [...]That politicians would steal the spotlight and turn the sincere outrage of millions into an opportunity for self-advertisement is hardly surprising.

    Sincerity has its uses, however, and these will become apparent in the days and weeks to come.

    Those marchers will soon be cheering their soldiers as they go marching off to war, with "Je suis Charlie" inscribed on their banners.

  13. “Je Suis Hypocrite”: Enemies of ‘Freedom of Expression” Hijack “Charlie” in Paris

  14. --Turkish President's Stunning Outburst: The French Are Behind The Charlie Hebdo Massacre; Mossad Blamed--

    Turkey did the unthinkable: accused the west, and French citizens in particular, of staging the Charlie Hebdo murder in order to blame Muslims, even as the mayor of Ankara said "Mossad is definitely behind such incidents . . . it is boosting enmity towards Islam."

  15. The #CharlieHebdo attack was a strike against free speech. So why is the response more surveillance?

  16. Link till information om den tidningen CharlieHebdo.... där finns bild med en av karikatyristerna vid arbete på redaktionen.... (där arbetar enligt info homoseksuela, pedofiler etc) sida är på
    ruska men de som kan översätta kan få mera information.....

  17. Hypocrisy In Paris

    Hypocrisy was all over the front line leading the march in last Sunday’s big event in Paris. Bibi Netanyahu decision to push his way to the front line in Sunday’s march against terrorism was not only “Chutzpa” but also hypocrisy at its best. The man who killed and murdered 17 journalists, killed 500 babies, killed over 1500 civilians should not be marching in Paris, but should be marching to jail for crimes he committed and continues to commit in Palestine specifically in Gaza.

  18. Netanyahu massacred Gaza like Paris terrorists – Turkish PM

    January 15, 2015

    Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has made a parallel between last summer’s Israel-Gaza conflict and the recent attacks in Paris, putting equal blame “against humanity” on Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and the Islamist terrorists.

  19. “World-leaders leading march through Paris”? A blunt deception. Here is the evidence

    The material Professors’ Blog has analyzed consists mainly in a five-hours consecutive filming of the demonstration “Unity March” in Paris, published by RT. Also other videos were considered. Judging from the sequences, a fair conclusion would be: a) the participation of the world-leaders in association with the demonstration in Paris was staged all through; b) They never actually “led” the over one million demonstrators through Paris” – as deceivingly was informed by Western media; c) Further, the small three groups of demonstrators showed in some videos in conjunction with the world-leaders performance), appears in the main composed by security or military people disguised in civilians clothes, staff or reporters.

  20. Porochenko et "le bal des hypocrites" d'Ukraine et d'ailleurs.



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