
torsdag 18 december 2014

Polisterror? Stalkande USA-polis skulle avrätta f.d. flickvän och hennes familj - Sköt 2 Dödade 1

Den amerikanske polismannen Stephen Rozniakowski (bild) sköt  i måndags ihjäl sin tidigare flickvän, mamman Valerie Morrow, och skottskadade hennes tonårsdotter svårt...
Stephen Rozniakowski sparkade in offrens dörr iklädd en skottsäker väst. Därefter började han skjuta mot familjen.

Enligt källor var det sannolikt tänkt att polismannen hade planerat att avrätta hela Valerie Morrows familj.

Mördaren polisman Stephen Rozniakowski var sedan tidigare anklagad för inte mindre än 75 stycken olika fall av ofredande och stalking mot före detta flickvänner.

- Men eftersom Stephen jobbade som polis så valde arbetsgivaren att blunda för brotten och satte honom bara tillfälligt på administrativ tjänst istället för att åtala.

...och så gick det som det gick...

Cop Was Not Fired Despite 75 Counts of Stalking and Harassment
-- Now He Just Shot a Mother and Her Daughter

2014-12-17 InformationLiberation
PHILADELPHIA — A mother and her daughter have been gunned down in a deadly shooting incident that happened Monday night in Glenolden.

Valerie Morrow, the mother, has been pronounced dead. Her daughter suffered bullet wounds but is now recovering.

The shooter has been identified as Officer Stephen Rozniakowski, according to a report by NBC 10.
Officer Rozniakowski was an employee of the Colwyn Borough Police Department.

According to reports, Officer Rozniakowski had dated the victim, Valerie, several years ago, but was still stalking her.

Earlier in 2014, Officer Rozniakowski was reported and charged with 25 counts of stalking and 50 counts of harassment relating to another fiance of his, who filed reports to keep him away from her.

Despite the charges, the police department evidently did not fire him, and he was not convicted.

He was instead placed on administrative leave.

After basically getting away with 75 counts of stalking and harassment, Officer Rozniakowski was in a position where he was able to kill a mother and shoot her daughter.

One would think that after 75 counts, the department would ensure that he wasn’t able to harm anybody. But unfortunately, that does not appear to be the case.

Läs mer:

Unpunished Cop Kills Woman

Text till video frånNextNewsNetwork Publicerades den 17 dec. 2014
Another day, and another fatal headline. This time, the victim saw it coming. Valerie Morrow was shot to death, just less than 24 hours after talking to an NBC reporter in Philadelphia. 

In her interview with investigative reporter Harry Hairston, her words were chilling and direct. She said, “If you find me dead, he did it.”

The HE she was referring to: POLICE officer Stephen Rozniakowski. He was the reason why the reporter was asking her questions in the first place. Valerie filed a restraining order against the officer, accusing him of stalking her. 

It turns out, the two dated each other years ago, and he had been stalking her ever since. And from what we can tell in court records, stalking might be an understatement. It appears to be some kind of addiction.

- This police officer is charged with 75 counts of stalking.


- 25 of them against Valerie, and the other fifty against another ex girlfriend of his.

And his superiors at the police department knew about his problem. And instead of prosecuting him like a normal citizen, the department decided to slap him on the wrist by placing him on administrative leave.

He wasn’t fired. He wasn’t arrested. And now, one is dead. Shot to death by the same police officer. Valerie’s daughter, also shot in the home. But doctors do expect her to recover from her gunshot wounds.

And no surprise, the Colwyn Borough Police Department refuses to answer any questions about the shooting. From what we can tell from emergency phone calls, Rozniakowski learned about the restraining order, and just three hours later, went straight to Valerie’s home with a loaded gun.

- The District Attorney says he has no doubt, Rozniakowski went to that home with the intention of killing everyone inside.

When police refuse to police themselves, and continue to cover up for their brothers in blue, other lives get tossed aside, and far too often thrown into the path of danger.

The Colwyn Borough Police Department was supposed to serve and protect their community from criminals, but they couldn’t even protect them from one of their own.

RT 2014-12-19
Shortly after being served with a restraining order from a former girlfriend, a Pennsylvania police officer went to his ex’s house and killed her. He also shot and injured her daughter before the woman’s husband fired back with a gun of his own.

The incident occurred Monday, NBC 10 reported, just three hours after Colwyn Borough Police Department Officer Stephen Rozniakowski, 32, was handed a protection from abuse order by Valerie Morrow, a 40-year-old former girlfriend.

Rozniakowski, who also faces 75 charges for stalking, resigned from the police department that same day.
Around 9 pm in the evening, Rozniakowski reportedly broke into Morrow’s home while wearing a bulletproof vest and fatally shot her. The gun involved was private, and did not belong to the police department, officials said.

"He came up the steps with his gun drawn, and as soon as he saw Mrs. Morrow and her daughter in the hallway, he started repeatedly firing at them in their direction, striking Mrs. Morrow and also hitting her 15-year-old daughter," Delaware County District Attorney Jack Whelan said to

After the daughter, named Bridget, was shot, she ran into her bedroom while the mother died, Whelan added.

The officer’s attorney, Marty Mullaney, said Rozniakowski simply wanted to talk to Morrow before he shot her.

Morrow’s husband, a part-time officer who was apparently sleeping at the time, was woken up by the sound of gunshots.

“He had a revolver in his dresser drawer, he reached for it. He came out and returned fire against Mr. Rozniakowski. At that point, he emptied his revolver and then fled back into his bedroom. He realized he was trapped and he jumped from a second-floor window,” said Whelan, as quoted by CBS Philly.

After the shooting, Rozniakowski notified authorities of what he did using his police radio and told them he was unarmed.

When law enforcement and medical teams arrived at the scene, the officer surrendered and was arrested. He has been charged with first-degree murder, and Whelan said Rozniakowski could face the death penalty.

- The officer had been on administrative leave since March, reported, due to a separate case in which a woman complained that he had been stalking her. Rozniakowski allegedly called and texted her dozens of times a day – sometimes more than 100.

Notably, right after following her restraining order, Morrow called an NBC 10 reporter familiar with the allegations against Rozniakowski. Law enforcement was reportedly in the midst of gathering an arrest warrant for Rozniakowski, who allegedly keyed Morrow’s car, but Morrow was killed before the officer would be arrested.

“If you find me dead,” she told NBC 10, “he did it.”
“- If you find me dead, he did it...”

- That’s what Valerie Morrow told NBC10 Investigative reporter Harry Hairston just hours before she died, allegedly at the hand of the Delaware County police officer she feared.
2014-12-17 NBC-10
Stephen Rozniakowski, an officer with the Colwyn Borough Police Department, wore a bulletproof vest when he kicked down the door of Morrow’s home on Glenfield Avenue in Glenolden, Pennsylvania around 9 p.m. Monday and began firing, according to investigators. 
The shooting came
just three hours after police served Rozniakowski with an court order to stay away from Morrow, and days before he was due in court in a separate stalking case.
“He went there to execute the entire family, in my opinion. I have no doubt about that,” said Delaware County District Attorney Jack Whelan. [...]
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 Polisterror? Stalkande USA-polis skulle avrätta f.d. flickvän och hennes familj - Sköt 2 Dödade 1
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

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