
onsdag 31 december 2014

Frankrikes Hemlösa fick Stålburar i Julklapp - "Anti-hemlös-burar för säkrare städer"

En något udda julklapp till hemlösa? - I Frankrike så installerades ett antal trendriktiga "anti-hemlös-burar" på Julafton 2014. Stålburarna ska förhindra att hemlösa sitter på bänkar och att de vistas på vissa centrala platser...

Ja, man får ju inte skjuta dem än så länge, (USA undantaget) så de empatiska överpresterande ledarna i en fransk stad blev tvugna att tänka ut en alternativ lösning på problemet med hemlösa...

Det mest effektiva hade kanske ändå varit att bygga murar runt städerna och inte släppa in hemlösa och andra oönskade genom stadsporten.

- Detta fungerade ju precis som tortyr alldeles utmärkt under medeltiden, så varför skulle det inte kunna fungera igen..?

France: - Anti-homeless CAGES installed around public benches

RT 2014-12-25
The right-wing city council of Angouleme in southwest France has come under fire for banishing homeless people from its city center, after it installed cages that completely cover benches used by local hobos.

The municipal deputy responsible for security, Joel Guitton, told AFP that the benches were “almost exclusively used by people who consume alcohol on a regular basis,” and claimed the decision was taken in concert with local traders, who complained that threatening behavior was driving away customers.

Regional daily Sud Ouest alleged that the Champ de Mars had become a scene of regular fights between the homeless, often provoked by drugs and involving dogs.

But social media users say the unusual severity of the measure shows that local authorities “lack empathy.” and have called for protests, and even unsanctioned demolitions of the cages.

Earlier this year, the city of 40,000 people elected Xavier Bonnefont, an ambitious 34-year-old whose rise has already earned comparisons to the career of Nicolas Sarkozy – who himself came to prominence as a young mayor of a small community. [...]
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Spikmattor ska lösa problemen med hemlösa i Europas storstäder - efter test på duvor

I Europas storstäder har man under senare år börjat installera spikmattor för att lösa problemet med hemlösa människor. Efter att metoden tidigare framgångsrikt visat sig fungera på duvor så har nu "anti-hemlös-aktivister" från rika kvarter tillsammans med statliga medarbetare, utsmyckat städerna med diverse vassa föremål för att hålla de hemlösa borta...

Frankrikes Hemlösa fick Stålburar i Julklapp - "Anti-hemlös-burar för säkrare städer"
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

1 kommentar:

  1. --Police dismantle soup kitchen for London homeless, evict activists--

    RT December 31, 2014

    Social justice activists determined to feed the homeless have faced eviction for the second time following their attempts to open a soup kitchen in Westminster, in the heart of London.

    They were forcibly ousted by police Tuesday night.

    Following their eviction from a listed Victorian building near Trafalgar Square they had been occupying in the run-up to Christmas, the group decided to set up a soup kitchen outside.
    Since December 25, they had been distributing food, coffee and tea outside the vacant offices to people sleeping rough on the streets of London.

    In a statement Tuesday afternoon, the group, who call themselves the “Love Activists,” said that the situation facing the homeless in central London has hit crisis point. Services to help the homeless in the area are woefully inadequate, they argued, with all dedicated centers due to remain closed until January 3.

    “[The] Love Activists are one of the only groups protecting the homeless now,” the group warned, adding it would not “be moved on by the council.”

    But on Tuesday night, police officers and council staff forcibly ousted the activists from the area and forced them to dismantle their soup kitchen.

    It is thought the authorities wanted to clear the street in preparation for New Year’s Eve festivities.[...]



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