
onsdag 26 november 2014

USA:s & UK:s underrättelsetjänster roar sig med folks nakenbilder - och skyddar elitpedofiler

Både Zero Hedge och Washingtons blogg har publicerat en rad artiklar (på engelska) och många länkar angående klubben av säkerhetsorganisationer som utger sig för att vara företrädare för "den goda sidan..."
Men kan man verkligen lita på att den bilden av organisationerna stämmer med verkligheten. Detta bl.a. med tanke på agenternas märkliga aktiviteter, vilka avslöjas mer och mer för varje dag på webben?  
- Döm själva...

*Bilden har inget med artikeln att göra - fast ändå?
*The Associated Press notes:
- The stockpiling of sexually explicit images of ordinary people had uncomfortable echoes of George Orwell’s “Nineteen Eighty-Four,” where the authorities — operating under the aegis of “Big Brother” — fit homes with cameras to monitor the intimate details of people’s home lives. 

Express 2014-06-29
The former civil servant has told detectives investigating the activities of paedophiles in national politics that the Metropolitan Police’s Special Branch was orchestrating the child-sex lobbying group in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

The whistleblower, who has spoken exclusively to the Sunday Express, says he was also warned off asking why such a notorious group was being handed government money.

It emerged late last year that PIE was twice gave amounts of £35,000 in Home Office funding between 1977 and 1980, the £70,000 total equivalent to over £400,000 in today’s money.

Those details surfaced only after the whistleblower highlighted his concerns to campaigning Labour MP Tom Watson and his revelations have triggered an ongoing Home Office inquiry into why the cash was given to PIE which was abolished in 1985 after a number of prosecutions.

Until now, speculation about the grant has centred on Clifford Hindley, the late Home Office manager who approved the payments. However, the whistleblower told the Sunday Express he thought higher and more sinister powers were at play.

He has given a formal statement to that effect to detectives from Operation Fernbridge, which is looking into allegations of historic sex abuse at the Elm Guest House in south-west London.[...]

Läs mer:

British and American Security Services Pass Around Our Nude Photos ... While Protecting Pedophiles

The British spy agency GCHQ and the NSA collected millions of webcam images ... many of them nude.  
NSA employees routinely pass around nude photos and videos of everyday normal citizens gathered through mass surveillance.

They say: "Trust us, we won't misuse any nude images."  They say: "We're the good guys ... just trying to stop bad guys."

But the British security services allegedly helped to cover up widespread pedophelia in Britain.  Indeed, a whistleblower alleges that the British security services supported and funded pedophile rings as a way to blackmail establishment figures.

Something similar may have happened in the U.S.  Yahoo News reported in 2010:

A 2006 Immigration and Customs Enforcement investigation into the purchase of child pornography online turned up more than 250 civilian and military employees of the Defense Department — including some with the highest available security clearance — who  used credit cards or PayPal to purchase images of children in sexual situations. But the Pentagon investigated only a handful of the cases, Defense Department records show.


But the DCIS opened investigations into only 20 percent of the individuals identified, and succeeded in prosecuting just a handful.
What about the other 80 percent?  Were they blackmailed?
Yahoo continues:
Without greater public disclosure of how these cases wound down, it’s impossible to know how or whether any of the names listed in the … papers came in for additional scrutiny.


According to the records, DCIS prioritized the investigations by focusing on people who had security clearances — since those who have a taste for child pornography can be vulnerable to blackmail and espionage.


At least some of the people on the … list with security clearances were never pursued and could possibly remain on the job ….
The NSA also tracks people’s porn-viewing habits in order to discredit activists.  The NSA also keeps nude and suggestive photos of people in order to blackmail them.
 Bill Binney – the high-level NSA executive who created the agency’s mass surveillance program for digital information, a 32-year NSA veteran widely regarded as a “legend” within the agency, the senior technical director within the agency and managed thousands of NSA employees, an expert on spying by the Soviets – told Washington’s Blog:
This is just one of the ways to make controlling people possible.  Standard KGB/Stasi tactics.
Should we really trust these people? Are they the good guys?

Rapport: Över 40 Engelska Politiker och Parlamentsledamöter i Gigantiska Pedofilringar

Peter Mckelvie har under 20 års tid samlat bevis om myndigheternas och elitens pedofilringar i Storbritannien. Minst 10 parlamentsledamöter och politiker som är aktiva idag, samt ett 30-tal från tidigare regeringar, utpekas i en rapport om etablissemangets gigantiska pedofil-verksamhet...

Engelsk polis "råkade slarva bort" 114 bevis mot Elitpedofilernas Gigantiska Nätverk

Engelsk polis "råkade slarva bort mängder av viktiga bevis" i fallet mot de engelska elitpedofilernas gigantiska nätverk. 114 dokument som bevisar elitpedofilernas övergrepp mot barn är nu spårlöst borta på "UK Home Office"...

NSA & GCHQ & FRA:s agenter lagrade miljoner porrbilder från webcams - för ökad trygghet!

NSA/GCHQ/FRA etc, har lagrat miljoner bilder och därav ett mycket stort antal nakenbilder och porrbilder från vanliga människors privata webcams. Detta nitiska spionarbete har skett i hemlighet för att öka vår trygghet! Bra, nu kan alla genast slappna av och njuta av den ökade friheten här i väst, i vårt s.k. moderna fria demokratiska samhälle. Uppgifterna kommer från nya dokument från Edward Snowden...

Både NSA och USA:s militär trollar webbens sociala nätverk - bedriver masspropaganda

Här är några smakprov från myndigheternas internetskola: Lär dig hur man manipulerar undersåtarna på webben med deras egna skattepengar genom lite kul extremt näthat och några roliga "false flag -operationer".
- Allting som NSA kan göra, kan givetvis även alla andra medlemmar i det notoriska "säkerhetskollektivet" där Sverige ingår också göra...

Höga domare, politiker & TV-kändisar i engelskt elitpedofil-nätverk - misstänks ha mördat barn

Vishambar Mehrotra, pappa till en 8-årig engelsk pojke som mördades på 80-talet, säger nu att Scotland Yard var aktivt inblandat i att dölja elitpedofil-nätverks mord på hans son. Englands aristokrati, höga domare, politiker och TV-kändisar utpekas som medlemmar i ett elitpedofil-nätverk som utförde regelbundna våldtäkter av barn...

Former British Intel Operative Andrea Davison, on the run for exposing child sex abuse

Publicerades den 21 nov. 2014 davidicke
Former Intelligence agent Andrea Davison, stitched up by the system for her VIP paedophile revelations, talks on the Richie Allen Show on

No 'inquiry' into political paedophilia, historic or otherwise, has any credibility unless Andrea is allowed back into the country, the bogus and laughable conviction against her quashed, and her evidence presented - including her mass of documents revealing 'elite' paedophiles stolen by the police and still held by them years later.
USA:s & UK:s underrättelsetjänster roar sig med folks nakenbilder - och skyddar elitpedofiler
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

3 kommentarer:

  1. En undersökning här i Sverige som genomfördes för ca tio år sen visade att den enda yrkesgruppen som var signifikant mer representerad bland dömda pedofiler var domare. Det tog en stund innan jag begrep varför.

  2. Jo, vissa yrkesgrupper drar till sig samma typ av människor i alla länder.

    och de är "bra att ha" för organiserad brottslighet både inom och utanför myndigheterna

  3. -U.S. and U.K. Spy Agencies Likely Source of Malware Attacks on EU-

    Cyberwarriors are at it again, this time with a malicious program called Regin that has infected computers in Russia, Saudi Arabia and other countries and is so complex that security experts say it probably came from the United States, Britain or another Western government.
    A Belgian cryptographer, Jean Jacques Quisquater, was one victim of a Regin attack, according to computer security firm Kapersky Lab. Another victim was an unnamed Middle Eastern country. “In this specific country, all the victims we identified communicate with each other, forming a peer-to-peer network. The P2P network includes the president’s office, a research center, educational institution network and a bank,” Kapersky reported on its blog.
    Many countries, including China and Russia, engage in cyberwarfare, but those nations don’t appear to be the source of Regin. “We believe Regin is not coming from the usual suspects. We don’t think Regin was made by Russia or China,” Mikko Hypponen, chief research officer at F-Secure, told The Guardian. The only other countries thought to have the capability to create Regin are the United States, Britain and Israel.
    There have been no incidents of Regin attacks in any of the “Five Eyes” countries—Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the U.S.—which comprise an intelligence alliance that dates back to World War II.[...]



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