lördag 29 november 2014

Den sanna historien om hur det blev en terrorhandling att filma polisen i Storbritannien

Act of Terror. - En animerad historia som berättar hur det plötsligt blivit en terrorhandling och terrorism att filma polisen i Storbritannien...

Act of Terror from Fat Rat Films on Vimeo.
Filming Cops in UK is Act of Terror
Source: Fat Rat Films
While filming a routine stop and search of her boyfriend on the London Underground, Gemma suddenly found herself detained, handcuffed and threatened with arrest. 

Act of Terror tells the story of her fight to bring the police to justice and prevent this happening to anyone else, ever again.

It is easy to forget about the 2000 Terrorism Act and its damaging effect on civil liberties and human rights.

Act Of Terror puts the spotlight back on this murky law, and demands that we keep vigilant in the face of ever increasing state power.

Den sanna historien om hur det blev en terrorhandling att filma polisen i Storbritannien
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