
onsdag 15 oktober 2014

Kanada och kriget mot terror enligt USA:s manual: "Myndigheterna sponsrar terrorister"

"Press For Truth" har gjort en intressant 20-minuters dokumentärvideo om hur de kanadensiska myndigheterna använder samma manual som USA, för att skapa terroraktivitet i landet...

Agenter i hemliga operationer sponsrar fattiga mentalt handikappade människor som inte är kapabla att genomföra några terrordåd utan myndigheternas hjälp, mer än i sin egen fantasi...

Både Kanadas och många andra länders befolkningar skräms till att avsäga sig sina rättigheter för den fantastiska trygghet som bara en totalitär psykopatisk övervakningsstat kan erbjuda. - Allt enligt USA:s beprövade manual...

Conditioning Canadians For The War On Terror 

Publicerades den 12 jul 2013
With the onslaught of recent "foiled terror plots" we have seen here in Canada, one would think that there is an ongoing threat from either outside forces or from radicalized homegrown domestic extremists as we are being led to believe.

However in each and every circumstance there is a hidden hand at play and in its grip lies a sinister motive to generate the fear of an attack in the minds of the Canadian people.

Canadian "Foiled Terror Plot" And The Intelligence Community

Operation Smooth -- The Canadian Connection to Global "Terrorism"

Bill S-7 And The Root Causes Of Terrorism

CSIS is Watching!

America "Attacking" The Terrrorists It Fostered
- James Corbett on Press TV

Publicerades den 13 sep 2014 corbettreport

James Corbett appears on Press TV to discuss the new American-led coalition to attack ISIL targets in Syria and Iraq. He discusses the hypocrisy of a country that has actively helped to foster, train, equip and aid these terrorists presuming to then lead a military expedition against them.

"FBI är pappa till alla Terroristerna" - 95% av terroråtalen i USA är FBI:s brottsprovokationer

En ny rapport slår ännu en gång fast att FBI är terrorpappa till nästan samtliga terroråtal i USA. FBI lurar exempelvis mentalt störda och allmänt instabila fattiga människor i samhällets utkant till att delta i FBI:s egna välplanerade terrordåd..

 'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed:
- Everything else is public relations.'
Kanada och kriget mot terror enligt USA:s manual: "Myndigheterna sponsrar terrorister"

1 kommentar:

  1. -Second Dallas nurse with Ebola took flight with 132 passengers before diagnoses-

    Published time: October 15, 2014

    Amber Vinson, the second Dallas health care worker infected with Ebola, took a flight from Cleveland to Dallas just one day before she reported symptoms of the virus, Reuters reported. The CDC is reaching out to all 132 passengers on the flight.

    Vinson, who was identified by her family according to reports, was among those who cared for initial Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, health officials said early Wednesday after confirming her infection.

    Vinson came down with a fever on Tuesday and was taken into isolation at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, health officials said.

    The hospital had withheld her name, age, and position until the family offered further details.




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