
måndag 14 juli 2014

Sanningssökaren: Folkmordet i Östra Ukraina - "bara en dag på jobbet för USA, EU och media"

I Sanningssökaren episod 43 så diskuteras det pågående folkmordet i Östra Ukraina. Precis som folkmordet i Gaza, så undviker västmedia synkront att rapportera vad som händer i verkligheten.  Journalisten William Engdahl och ledande krigsbrottsåklagare Francis Boyle m.fl. intervjuas... (videon censureras på Youtube)

Videon blev hastigt borttagen från YouTube efter 20 000 visningar på kort tid 15 juli kl. 10. "- They also removed the article on their site:"

***Kopia 1:

***Kopia 2:

***Kopia 3: - Verkar va en känslig video:) reds. anm.

Kopia 5

The Truthseeker:
'Genocide' in Eastern Ukraine

Publicerades den 13 jul 2014
'Degeneration into genocide' as President Poroshenko calls for the murder of 'hundreds' of rebels for each of his troops killed - more than Nazi Germany ordered as punitive reprisals in World War Two; eyewitnesses report Kiev death squads going 'house to house' executing all men under 35 on the spot, 'crucifying' babies and forcing their mothers to watch - unspeakable atrocities under a complete mainstream media blackout. On Sunday Ukraine's missiles killed and injured civilians in the Rostov region, the latest bombing on Russia.

Seek truth from facts with leading war crimes prosecutor Francis Boyle; US Navy veteran Mark Sleboda; investigative journalist William Engdahl; and George Eliason, who lives with his Ukrainian family in the crosshairs of Kiev's bombing near Lugansk.


Sanningssökaren: Folkmordet i Östra Ukraina - "bara en dag på jobbet för USA, EU och media"

2 kommentarer:

  1. Media lies are responsible for wars, mass killings, and genocide.

    They frame issues (propaganda) and justify killings.

    We can STOP this dangerous assault on the truth and save humanity. We must act quickly.
    Media’s power comes from its reach – from ratings, which translates into money. We, as individuals and collectively, feed this cycle.

    Reduce the reach, lower the ratings, deprive it income. Boycott.

  2. Barn torterat till döds på offentlig plats i Slovjansk av Ukrainska armén



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