
tisdag 8 juli 2014

Konspirationen om RAND CORPORATIONS memo - Koncentrationsläger & avrättningar i Ukraina

I ett läckt hemligstämplat memo som påstods komma från den amerikanska tankesmedjan RAND Corporation, föreslogs att de ukrainska myndigheterna skulle inleda ett fullskaligt krig i östra Ukraina. Memot beskriver en 3-stegsplan för den Ukrainska militären med etnisk utrensning, avrättningar, koncentrationsläger och andra trygghetsreformer...

RT publicerade först en omfattande artikel och videon ovanför (privat uppladdad) - för att sedan hastigt dra tillbaka publiceringen. 

Rand Corporation uppges i efterhand ha förnekat att de är upphovsmän till skrivelsen. 

Med tanke på innehållet så kan man nog inte förvänta sig att Rand skulle kännas vid memot. 

Oavsett vem som författat innehållet så är det mest intressanta i sammanhanget att rysk media stenhårt påstår att mycket i planen håller på att genomföras i Östra Ukraina, - så här är konspirationen om Rand Corporations Memo:
RAND MEMO: All kommunikation med omvärlden i Östra Ukraina skall stängas ner och medborgare i regionen skall sättas i interneringsläger/koncentrationsläger. 

Alla personer som motsätter sig att placeras i läger, eller har negativa åsikter om militäroperationen och dess åtgärder, skall avrättas/dödas omedelbart.
I militäroperations-memot som läckte ut till online-medier, ger RAND Corporation sina barbariska råd i en "steg för steg guide" om hur man handskas med befolkningen i östra Ukraina. 

RAND Corporation är ideell global tankesmedja som erbjuder forskning och analys till den amerikanska militären. 
RT körde först en artikel om händelsen och hade även producerat en video. Deras material försvann sedan  helt från webben utan förklaring...

Här finns konspirationen fortfarande kvar 2014-07-05

2014-07-04 Before It's News
Confidential document on Ukraine by the RAND Corporation leaked. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko follows the action plan proposed by RAND analysts.

This Memorandum on the advisable course of action automatically means that peace plan confirmed by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko fails.

The document provides three stages of a military operation in eastern Ukraine.

The first stage implies total isolation of the region considering that all local citizens are terrorists or sympathizers. Region should be encircled with troops and sealed off entirely from any flow of goods and persons.

Broadcasting services, Internet connection, telephone and mobile communications in the region shall be shut down.

The second stage is named Mop-up. Ground assaults shall be preceded by air strikes against the strategic facilities. The use of non-conventional arms is allowed.

- The document also provides for internment camps outside the cleared settlements. People featuring traces of combat engagement shall be tried in court for terrorism.

During the third stage Back to Normal power supplies and communications shall be restored. The borders shall be strengthened to avoid possible provocations. All the refugees should be checked for possible support for separatists in internment camps.

Special focus shall be made on information security. All foreign media shall be blocked there.[...]
"Any future peace talks between Kiev and the self-proclaimed eastern republics will be about their surrender, Daniel McAdams, the Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute, told RT, adding that Ukrainian authorities are carrying out ethnic cleansing.[...]
2014-07-03 Ron Paul Institute
Global chessboard enthusiast Zbigniew Brzezinski has a plan for Ukraine. In a recent speech to the Woodrow Wilson Center, excerpted by the Atlantic Council, he argues forcefully in favor of the United States providing the Ukrainian military far more weapons. 

Under the guise of preventing a Russian invasion of Ukraine, which has been the rallying cry of those who seek more US involvement in the region, Brzezinski believes that the US must provide Ukraine with enough weapons to deter Russian aggression toward Ukraine.

The odds of defending against the invading Russian military being very low, Brzezinski has a different idea of how the US should arm the Kiev government.

Said the former National Security Advisor:

I feel that we should make it clear to the Ukrainians that if they are determined to resist, as they say they are and seemingly they are trying to do so (albeit not very effectively), we will provide them with anti-tank weapons, hand-held anti-tank weapons, hand-held rockets—weapons capable for use in urban short range fighting.
The US must provide urban warfare equipment to the Kiev government, he says, in order to forestall the impending Russian invasion.

But what else could a huge shipment of urban warfare weapons and the advisors that go with them be used for?

Ethnic cleansing.
Brzezinski has long advocated US domination of Ukraine to deprive Russia of any productive relationship with its neighbor. "Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire,” he wrote in his 1997 book book, The Grand Chessboard.

Ethnic cleansing of ethnic Russians and Russian speakers may be exactly what Brzezinski has in mind.

 Some of the houses in Luganskaya were burned down in the military assault.
 The site of the second strike by Ukrainian military on densely-populated residential areas in the Lugansk Region looked even worse than the first. Nine people died and 11 were wounded in the attack, said the head of the local administration, Vladimir Bilous.

 Victims of the air raid by Kiev's military on Luganskaya included children as young as 5 years old.

 Luganskaya, with a population of about 15,000 people, was not directly involved in the fighting between government forces and the self-proclaimed People’s Republic of Lugansk.

 Ukrainian forces also intensified massive shelling of another eastern Ukrainian city, Kramatorsk, in the Donetsk Region, July 2.

 The building were damaged in the raid by Kiev troops and local residents had to hide in the bomb shelter at a Kramatorsk factory.


On Point with Charlie McGrath
- RAND Corp Leaked Memo Spells Out Ukraine Blitzkrieg

Publicerades den 11 jul 2014 av: boilingfrogspost
Charlie presents activist Gary Hendershot & an overview of leaked RAND Corp memo.
...Tillbakablick...december 2013

Konspirationen om RAND CORPORATIONS memo - Koncentrationsläger & avrättningar i Ukraina

9 kommentarer:

  1. Kiev Juntas nazister tappade verklighets uppfattning av sitt lyckad och accepterad blodbad framfart med stöd från EU o USA - detta skriver de på ryska blogg site för information till Ryssar....
    (i Ukraina under senaste 23 år i skolan presenterades sagor och propaganda utan grund - fostrades psykopater sadister som hjärntvättades och som fått storhetsvansinne utan verklighetsanknytning - de tror att hela Baltikum och Ruska territorier som efter Sovjet kollaps hamnade i Ukraina - men Ukraina som land existerade inte förre sionist revolutionen 1917 )-

    Detta skriver en av ledarna för "pravij sektor" .... :

    "Максим, Вильно вернём ,рано или поздно , у нас хватит сил что бы захватит Эстонию Латвию и Литву вместе взятыми и даже они в 3ём не превосходят нас количеством по населению ,а что бы от вас Срусичей отгородится у Украины Польши и Беларуси силёнок хватит . "

    Maksim (namn), vi tar tillbaka Vilnius tidigare eller senare, vi har tillräckligt kraft för att invadera Estland, Lettland och Lithuania därför dessa länder tillsammans icke är större oss vad gäller befolkningsmängd.... och för att från er Ryssar försvara vårt territorium gränser som skall inkludera Ukraina, Vitryssland och Polen ..... vi har tillräckligt med kraft !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Han menar att Ryssland skall icke kunna stoppa deras blodiga okupations framfart.....

    -Ukraina skapade "specialister" på alla områden men mest intelligenta just kapabla bara skapa dataspel..... :) med perversa innehåll !!!

    (jah och Baltikum de redan planerar ta i sitt helhet .....han menar att de skall erövra hela Baltikum, Vitryssland och Polen...... storhetsvansinne av blodbad så fastnad i skallen att de snidar vidare planer för EU också men nämner inte än om det)

    De är psykisk sjuka och tror att ukrainare är nation som funnits överallt som de lärt sig från ukrainska "skolan"- i verkligheten så var det påhitt av sionist revolutionärer skapa nytt nation av Ungrare, Ryssar, Vitryssar, Zigenare, Rumäner, Polacker för att separera en del av territorium för att lättare styra och överta, samt skapade nytt språk-ukrainska från att "karikatyrisiera" Ryska och Polska språket - röda judiska kommissarier skrattade omätligt när de fixade detta nya språket ....

    Info från bloggkommunikation på sidan:
    ditt Juntas nazister nu lägger sina varningar till Ryssland.....

  2. Ukraine to Legalize Organ / already trading anyway

    info om att Junta stjäl organ från skadade i strid ukrainska soldater .....
    Julia Timoshenko advokat sysslar med den business tillsammans med ledare för nazist bataljon "Donbas" Semen Semenchenko (som finansierar judiske oligark Kolomojskij - troligt går för ersättning av hans krigsinsatser.....), som transporterar stulna organ till tysk läkare Olga Veber vars kommunikation var hackad....

  3. nazistisk propaganda site ligger för bataljon "Azov" ligger på server i Stockholm med hjelp av sionist-judar från Polen som styr SD

  4. --‘Leaked RAND Corp. document is classical warfare coming from the CIA’--

    July 07, 2014

    The RAND Corporation plan on Ukraine looks similar to CIA plans, as it involves “total annihilation” of the region, infrastructure, and demoralizing the people, author and political commentator Dean Henderson told RT.

    RT:The leaked RAND Corporation document apparently outlines an advisable course of action if the Ukraine peace plan fails. However, this plan has nothing similar with any peaceful solution. Does it make sense?

    Dean Henderson: Well, it makes perfect sense because the RAND Corporation is the think tank which is basically CIA. I mean it is a private version of the CIA, and there is this back and forth between people working at RAND and people working at the CIA. So no surprise the RAND Corporation is involved in this. It always reminds me of this pink plan which the CIA wrote in order to counter war is the same kind of stuff, basically the total annihilation of this region, infrastructure, and demoralizing the people. And this is classical warfare coming from the CIA.

    RT: Does it even make any sense for the US to want such a violent crackdown?

    DH: Why not? Poroshenko is basically a puppet worth two billion dollars, he is involved in the drug trade, he is involved in making cars, chocolate – he is an oligarch. We found out that he already financed the Right Sector before the putsch even happened, and he financed these people on Maidan. So this is consistent to what we know about oligarchy, with the bunch of the Right Sector people now in the military. And this is nothing different from Nicaragua in 1984, nothing different from Angola, Mozambique, El Salvador, Panama – it is a classic textbook example work by the CIA, and Poroshenko is a puppet. More than one carried it out. The amazing thing is the restraint shown by Vladimir Putin, but I am not sure how long that has to run.


  5. 'US too embarrassed to advocate war crimes to Ukraine, subcontracts job to RAND'

    July 07, 2014

    RAND Corp. is hired by Washington insiders to play games for them, indicating that despite all the money spent on national security and intelligence the US government is not up to the task, Chronicles magazine’s Srdja Trifkovich told RT.

    A confidential document on Ukraine by the RAND Corporation was leaked last week. This ‘Memorandum on the advisable course of action’ provides three stages of a military operation in eastern Ukraine, which would ensure that a peace plan confirmed by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko would actually fail.

    The first stage implies total isolation of the region considering that all local citizens are terrorists or sympathizers. Region should be encircled with troops and sealed off entirely from any flow of goods and persons, whereas all broadcasting services, internet connection, telephone and mobile communications in the region would be shut down.

    Under the second stage named ‘Mop-up’, RAND Corporation analysts propose airstrikes against the strategic facilities with possible use of non-conventional arms. The document also provides for internment camps outside the cleared settlements. People featuring traces of combat engagement should be tried in court for terrorism.

    During the third stage, ‘Back to Normal’, power supplies and communications would be restored, the borders strengthened to avoid possible provocations, while all the refugees should be checked for possible support for separatists in internment camps. Special focus should be made to information security, and all foreign media blocked.


  6. Ukrainska sadister efter krigs härjningar skall snart påbörja rån -mård rajder i Europa /Norden - och de är hänsynslösa......!!!!!!!! Varning.....

    "Get in touch with reality. All the fairy stories about fascists are not connected to what is really happening. Small group of thugs, a minority in a minority, join with russian mercenaries to destroy law and order in SE Ukraine. They take up arms an attack the Ukrainian state and its people, and you talk about humanity and peace????. The sacrifice of the Ukrainian people is obvious. Time for self-seeking terrorists now hiding in Donetsk to go to russia and bring this disaster to an end. Novorossiya does not exist, it never existed, it was the product of putin's warped imagination and his propaganda machine."

    The Only Thing More Shameful than the Shelling of Eastern Ukraine is the Silence From the Left

  8. när man tänker så kommer mera saker som är konstiga:
    - Putin kunde stoppa hela den situationen tidigare utan problem - juridisk har han samma situation som när han stoppade slakt i Ossetien tidigare.....
    -man kommer på tankar att det pågår ngt spel i spelet....(eller "fördelning" bakom kulisserna?)
    - Bleckwater = Academi hela brigaden av 30 pers + underretelse/spion grupp 9 pers försvunnen utan kontakt eller livstecken. Kan det vara att de deserterade när de fattade att de hamnade bland riktiga mördare? eller de tagits till fånga som bevis att USA internationella trupper invaderar Ukraina och just nu blir vid internationell process levande bevis på de som stiftade den krig aggression och människoslakt (Ryssar har också alla medel som kemiska som tortyr att ta fram sanning och information- även ockulta medel att ta in sig mänsklig hjärna).....
    - egentligen kan tänkas att Putin fattar att Ukraina med Junta idioter och nazister skall bli stor fara för hela Europa och vill inte tillta att ställa till ordning som EU o USA hoppades och med detta slå tillbaka då EU och USA fixade det och skall bli slagna av egna handlingar....

    tiden visar.... men situationen är konstig och farlig

  9. --Organ Harvesting in Ukraine Goes Unreported--

    July 9, 2014 (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Unlike the terrorist offenses in Libya, Syria, and now Iraq, backed by the United States, the UK, the EU, members of NATO as well as regional collaborators such as Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Qatar, where any attempts to stop extremists from seizing entire nations is met by the West's howling indignation and accusations of "human rights abuses," the unmitigated brutality executed by literal Nazis in Ukraine against breakaway provinces in the east are accompanied by a hypocritical silence from the West.

    Refugees streaming away from encircled and bombarded populated centers tell tales of mass murder, indiscriminate targeting of civilians, and even grisly accounts of forced organ harvesting taking place from the bodies of those killed by Kiev's combined arms offensive, or from those kidnapped by criminal gangs operating in the vacuum of impunity afforded by the West's silence.




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