
fredag 16 maj 2014

USA: Polisen slog till mot familjefest - Peppar-sprayade småbarn, sköt mormor med elpistol

Se en ny privatinspelad video när USA-polisen slår till mot en familjefest efter att en sur granne klagat på att familjen spelade för högt. RESULTAT: - Pepparsprayade småbarn, mormor skjuten med elpistol, misshandel av hela familjen etc, etc...

Noise Complaint Makes Cops Tase Grandma

Publicerades den 20 maj 2014
Abby Martin goes over a round-up of some of the most outrageous recent police stories, including a noise complaint that turned into a SWAT team style raid and the sentencing of Occupy protestor, Cecily McMillan for assaulting a cop after having her breast grabbed. 

Baytown Police Texas Raid Family Party Pepper Spray Children Taser Grandma & call them 'Wetbacks'

Publicerad den 12 maj 2014
2014-05-13 InformationLiberation
Baytown Police, who were responding to a noise complaint, turned an evening of joy into a nightmare for those involved.

For something as trivial as a noise complaint, police felt it necessary to dispatch 5-10 officers and enter through the back door in a SWAT style raid.

Once inside, the situation quickly turned violent. Pepper spray, tasers, and pistol whipping was now the scene inside this house, which moments early consisted of laughing and celebrating.

- Toddlers were left crying, wondering what is going on as they try and wipe the pepper spray from their eyes, watching in horror as their parents are being beaten, tased, and hauled away.
 USA: Polisen slog till mot familjefest - peppar-sprayade småbarn, sköt mormor med elpistol

2 kommentarer:

  1. --Kids Traumatized, Have Nightmares After Cops Raid Wrong House--

    2014-05-07 Source: Police State USA

    KALAMAZOO, MI — A family was terrorized and accosted when a masked paramilitary outfit unexpectedly broke through their back door. Frightened children hid in a closet as the masked invaders spent hours tearing apart all the possessions in the home. The family assumed they were being attacked by robbers, but it turned out to be a SWAT team sent from the local “Department of Public Safety.”

    The incident happened on May 1st, and has been the source of continued nightmares for the two children who experienced it, ages 7 and 8.

    It began as the family was jolted to attention by the sound of their rear entrance being breached. The door was splintered as the men kicked it in.

    “I thought it was somebody either trying to rob us, or hurt us,” said homeowner Jeremy Handley to WWMT.

    Jeremy and his wife, Becky, were forced to the floor by masked agents at gunpoint. They were handcuffed and searched.

    The Handley children, Aurora and Brenden, ran for cover in their bedroom closet. The men began ransacking the house.[...]

  2. --Police 'Sorry' They Raided Wrong Home & Terrorized Innocent Children--

    2014-05-05 Chris | InformationLiberation

    From MyFOXBoston:

    A Framingham family was awakened Thursday by police breaking down their front door and forcing everyone to the ground at gunpoint after they conducted a drug raid at the wrong house.
    Framingham and State Police were conducting a multi-jurisdictional drug investigation when the mistake occurred around 6 a.m. Thursday.

    "They had me down on the hallway upstairs, my daughter was coming out of the shower, she didn't have [any] clothes on, they make her get down, my kids are on the floor," said Michelle McClain, whose apartment was raided.

    She has five kids between four and 18 years old. Some, she says, have behavioral problems, making it hard for them to understand what happened.

    "They were asking me 'why are they here, why are they doing this, what did we do?'", said McClain.

    After police acknowledged their mistake they proceeded to raid the next door apartment and make an arrest. A Sergeant later returned to McClain to apologize. The town manager did as well.

    "We acknowledge the mistake, we feel remorse and we offered an apology," said Town Manager Bob Halpin.[...]



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