fredag 2 maj 2014

OTROLIGT - Heroinproduktionen i Afghanistan slår alla tiders REKORD igen 2014! - Ny rapport

OTROLIGT - Heroinproduktionen i Afghanistan slår nu alla tiders REKORD igen 2014 och opiumet fortsätter flöda i det fredskrigskoloniserade landet! - Afghanistan levererar idag runt 90% av världens opium/heroin och efterfrågan fortsätter växa rekordartat samtidigt som miljoner människor dör...

- Opium production, addiction booming in Afghanistan!

Publicerad den 1 maj 2014
The opium industry in Afghanistan is booming in part due to the ongoing military drawdown. Since 2002, the US has invested $7.5 billion to fight the industry. Despite this, the country now supplies three-fourths of the world's illicit opium products and its share is growing. The number of regular drug users in Afghanistan has also increased to 7.5 percent of the population. RT's Ameera David has more details on the troubling trend in the war-ravaged country.
Afghanistan har nu över 1,3 miljoner egna heroinmissbrukare.
- Vilket är en 10-dubbling mot 2005 då landet hade runt 130 000 heroinister...

- Fredskrigens otroliga globala succé bara fortsätter & fortsätter - och DU betalar. ...Och glöm inte att; Krig är Fred! (för din egen trygghet, såklart...)

*Diagrammet ovanför visar hur opiumodlingen i Afghanistan fullständigt exploderat fram till 2009 efter att USA/NATO invaderade landet. Talibanerna totalförbjöd opiumodling 2000 och lyckades då omgående närmast utrota Afghanistans narkotikaexport. - Efter att USA/NATO fredskrigsinvaderade landet tillsammans med Sverige, så 40-dubblades omgående Afghanistans narkotikaproduktion och fortsätter hela tiden att sätta nya rekord varje år... 

Heroin production hits record levels in Afghanistan - study

RT 2014-05-01
America’s war on drugs is failing in Afghanistan, with opium production at record levels, despite spending $7.5 billion to tackle the problem. Over 200 thousand hectares is used to grow opium, an increase of 36 percent, according to a US report.

The report, which was commissioned by SIGAR, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction makes grim reading, with opium poppy cultivation increasing by over a third, while the country now has about 1.3 million heroin users. This is a ten-fold increase compared to 2005, when around 130,000 people were using the drug.

Afghanistan is responsible for about three-quarters of the world’s heroin production, with much of it being cultivated in the Helmand and Kandahar provinces in the south of the country. However, the US has concentrated most of its efforts in the east of Afghanistan, which has relatively little poppy production, as it is safer than working in the south.

Attempts to limit production and seize heroin have not been helped due to a downscaling of operations by the ISAF (International Security Assistance Force). In 2013, coalition forces managed to seize 41,000 kilograms of opium out of the 5.5 million kilograms produced in Afghanistan.

“Drug labs, storage sites, and major trafficking networks are concentrated in rural areas that are increasingly off-limits to Afghan forces due the ISAF drawdown and declining security in these areas,” the report found.

- Since NATO began its ‘War on Terror’ in 2001, heroin production in Afghanistan has increased 40-fold, according to the head of Russia’s Federal Drug Control Service.

“Afghan heroin has killed more than 1 million people worldwide since ‘Operation Enduring Freedom’ began, and over $1 trillion has been invested in transnational organized crime from drug sales,”
Viktor Ivanov
said earlier at a conference on the Afghan drug problem in 2013.

*Moscow has repeatedly pushed for the eradication of poppy fields in Afghanistan as the simplest solution. 

- NATO, however, seems to have no intention of doing so.

In 2013, the Afghan Ministry of Counter Narcotics reported that just 7,300 hectares of poppy fields had been destroyed, which was only three percent of the total opium fields in the country. The US has spent $7.5 billion since 2002 trying to combat the problem of opium production.

However, despite these vast sums very little impact has been made on the amount of heroin appearing on the world market. 

Ladda ner rapporten som PDF: 


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Publicerad den 3 maj 2014 av: TheAlexJonesChannel
Heroin a major threat as opium production skyrockets. Should we be going after the small time dealers, or the big dogs running the entire international drug trade?

När slutar de svenska opiumstyrkorna i Afghanistan vakta elitens & CIA:s heroin?

Narkotika har numera lika stor andel av världshandeln som olja och gas.

...Efter att NATO med Sveriges hjälp började "frihetskriga" i Afghanistan 2001 så har mer än en miljon människor dött till följd av Afghanistans heroin. Heroinet har de senaste åren flödat ut från landet i en aldrig tidigare skådad omfattning.

 OTROLIGT - Heroinproduktionen i Afghanistan slår alla tiders REKORD igen 2014! - Ny rapport

3 kommentarer:

  1. FALSE FLAG mot radiostyrda flygfarkoster.

    Makten har panik. De avser förbjuda folk att använda leksaks-flyg

    redan hänt tex på nya Zeeland

  2. mkt bra artikel

  3. WHO says world poised for 'post-antibiotic' era



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