
lördag 8 mars 2014

USA: Cassandra 47, mamma till 2: - Polisen krossade oprovocerat mitt ansikte och kranium

Cassandra Feuerstein fick rekonstruera stora delar av sitt kranium med titanplattor för att ersätta den krossade skallen, efter att hon misshandlats av en amerikanska polis som slängde henne in i en betongbänk med huvudet före...(video)
Cassandra var före händelsen en helt vanlig alldaglig 47-årig receptionist och mamma till 2 barn. Hon hade aldrig tidigare blivit arresterad eller haft något som helst problem med den s.k. rättvisan. Cassandra hade inte ens någonsin fått trafikböter för t.ex. felparkering, utan var en modellmedborgare.

Cassandra fastnade en dag i en trafikkontroll, där hon misstänktes för rattfylla. Därefter fördes hon av polisen till häktet...

- Se en video om hennes skakande berättelse om sitt första möte med polisstaten i USA...

*Tilläggas kan att snuten som krossade hennes ansikte i efterhand polisanmälde Cassandra för s.k. "motstånd mot polisman"... Anmälan avslogs "sensationellt nog" när domstolen såg videon på psykopat-misshandeln...

- Cassandra har nu stämt USA:s myndigheter och begär skadestånd.


Policeman Slams Woman into Concrete Bench

Publicerad den 10 okt 2013
A 47-year-old woman alleges she suffered serious injuries after an officer pushed her, face first, into a holding cell.

- Polisen krossade ansiktet och kraniet på 47-årig kvinna - Brott? - Misstänkt rattfylla

- Kvinnans kranium fick rekonstrueras med titanplattor för att ersätta delar av den krossade skallen  + Ansiktsrekonstruktion genom flertal omfattande plastikoperationer


Woman's Face Shattered By Cop In Cell Following DUI [GRAPHIC VIDEO] 

Publicerad den 14 okt 2013
"A Chicago woman has sued the village of Skokie and one of its police officers, alleging she was
seriously injured after being shoved headfirst into a jail cell bench after a drunken driving arrest last winter.

Cassandra Feuerstein,47, said in a federal lawsuit that the incident required facial reconstructive surgery and the insertion of a titanium plate to "replace the bones that had been shattered.**

*Read more from Juan Perez Jr / Chicago Tribune:


Polisstat Extravaganza! - Välkommen till Psykopaternas Nya Världsordning (videos)

Här presenteras lite utvalda händelser på YouTube-videos från Polisstatens underbara värld 2013. - Tror du att du sett allt? ...Kanske, kanske inte, men kolla in de här filmerna först för att vara helt säker.
Ditt liv kan hänga på det...

USA: Cassandra 47, mamma till 2: - Polisen krossade oprovocerat  mitt ansikte och kranium

2 kommentarer:

  1. --NM Cops Shot at Fleeing Suspect: Caught on Video--

    Information Liberation posted 03/06/2014, 11:15 PM (The Daily Sheeple)

    Albuquerque police have released lapel camera footage that shows an officer shooting at a fleeing suspect.

    In October 2013, officers were called about an erratic driver who was running drivers off the road and firing a weapon from his vehicle. Officers said the man, Joaquin Ortega, tried to carjack drivers after crashing his own car.

    The newly-released footage seems to contradict the story that police initially reported. Then-Interim Police Chief Allen Banks would n...


  2. --Police: Useless, Not Harmless--

    by Will Grigg - InformationLiberation

    Anthony Vuona of Worcester, Massachusetts was beaten and robbed by two unidentified assailants during a home invasion. He called the police, who have failed to find the suspects or the stolen cash and jewelry.

    However, they did arrest Vuona after they found marijuana in his basement. Now the victim of a crime of violence is facing the prospect of a prison term for indulging in an act that didn’t injure anybody else.

    This incident offers a microcosm of the hopelessly skewed priorities of what is called our criminal justice system. The only legitimate purpose of peace officers is to apprehend people suspect of crimes of violence or fraud.

    Government police agencies, by way of contrast, enforce laws that make criminals out of people whose actions inflict no harm on anybody else. Their primary mission is not to protect the property of individuals, but to act in the interest of a class that claims the supposed authority to regiment the lives of other people.

    This is the main reason why the US prison system is the largest of any nation in history. Owing to the perverse incentives of the drug war, police are more eager to arrest a non-violent pot smoker than the violent offenders who beat and robbed him.



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