
onsdag 26 mars 2014

Ukrainsk nationalist bakom landets EU/USA-demokrati mördad - Hämnas "Right Sector"?

En av det Ukrainska upprorets frontfigurer, den militanta ultranationalisten Aleksandr Muzychko, även känd som "Sashko Bilyi", har dödats under en räd från Ukrainas specialstyrkor mot den extrema gruppen Right Sector...
Internationella experter anser att orsaken till elimineringen är att de militanta nationalisterna i Ukraina nu har tjänat sitt syfte för EU och USA. Eftersom "regimbytet" i landet är genomfört så kommer de mest extema nationalisterna av PR-skäl att få en mindre framträdande roll. Detta var säkert inte något som "Sashko Bilyi" hade tänkt finna sig i...

'Kiev leaders took power with Right Sector's help, but now afraid of them'

Publicerad den 25 mar 2014
Notorious Ukrainian right-wing militant leader Aleksandr Muzychko, also known as Sashko Bilyi, has been shot dead during a police raid against his gang, confirmed Ukraine's Ministry of Interior. Neil Clark, a UK-based journalist and broadcaster who's been covering the events in Ukraine extensivley, explained why allegations that the Right Sector activist was assassinated make perfect sense.

Notorious Ukrainian nationalist militant Muzychko 'shot dead'

Publicerad den 25 mar 2014
Notorious Ukrainian right-wing militant leader Aleksandr Muzychko, also known as Sashko Bilyi, has reportedly been shot dead in western Ukraine, where he coordinated actions of local groups belonging to the nationalist Right Sector movement.


Notorious Ukrainian nationalist militant shot dead in police raid

RT 2014-03-25
Notorious Ukrainian right-wing militant leader Aleksandr Muzychko, also known as Sashko Bilyi, has been shot dead during a police raid against his gang, confirmed Ukraine’s Ministry of Interior.

Muzychko was killed in Rovno, western Ukraine, where he coordinated actions of local groups belonging to the nationalist Right Sector movement.

Police discovered a spare loaded magazine for a Makarov pistol and a total of $3,500 and 5,000 Ukrainian hryvnas in cash on Muzychko’s body, UNN agency reported to a Ukrainian Interior Ministry official as saying. Muzychko received three gunshot wounds to his chest and two to his right leg, the official said.

At a press conference dedicated to Muzychko‘s death, First Deputy Interior Minister Vladimir Yevdokimov announced that charges of hooliganism and obstructing law enforcement agencies had been filed against Muzychko March 8, and on March 12 Muzychko was put on the Ukrainian police’s wanted list.
Yevdokimov provided a dramatic version of the events leading up to Muzychko’s death.

The operation to arrest him took place in a village near Rovno, where the militant leader and three of his bodyguards, all of them armed, were in a local restaurant, called “The Three Crucians.”

An assault group from the Sokol special police task force stormed the restaurant to detain Muzychko and his henchmen. The militant leader made an attempt to flee through a window. He opened fire, and two of his bullets wounded a police officer, who returned fire and shot Muzychko in the leg. Other police officers shot in the air, Yevdokimov said.

Even after Muzychko fell to the ground, he continued shooting.

“When [the police] attempted to detain him, they found out he was wounded. The medics who arrived at the scene proclaimed Muzychko dead,” Yevdokimov said.

The three bodyguards, who were armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles and Makarov pistols, were detained by police.

A former senior official at the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) told RIA Novosti that the objective of the operation – carried out by SBU with the help of the Interior Ministry – was to kill Muzychko, rather than to detain him.

- The goal of the operation was not to detain, but to neutralize Muzychko, to remove him from the stage,” the source said, adding that the militant leader was undermining the new Ukrainian authorities and pursuing his own interests through his leadership of the Right Sector movement.

Muzychko himself earlier said he believed he could be killed. 

In a video address recently posted on YouTube he said that the leadership of “the Prosecutor General's office and the Interior Ministry of Ukraine made a decision to either eliminate me or to capture me and hand me over to Russia, to then blame it all on the Russian intelligence.”

The man was known for his radicalism, attacks on local officials during the coup in Kiev, and refusing to give up arms after the new authorities were imposed.

Under the name Sashko Bilyi, he took an active part in the First Chechen War in 1994-1995, when he headed a group of Ukrainian nationalists fighting against Russian troops.

Russia’s Investigative Committee initiated a criminal case against Aleksandr Muzychko in early March. The Ukrainian was accused of torturing and murdering at least 20 captured Russian soldiers as he fought alongside Chechen militants.

Aleksandr Muzychko came under the spotlight of the Russian authorities after a series of scandals in Ukraine, when the radical nationalist leader went on with the rampage against regional authorities, lashing out at a local prosecutor, threatening local authorities with an AK-47 and making openly anti-Semitic statements.

Ukraine Crisis - What You're Not Being Told

Publicerad den 12 mars 2014 av: StormCloudsGathering
The European and American public are being systematically lied to about the Ukraine crisis.
Sources & full transcript: 
Ukrainsk nationalist bakom landets EU/USA-demokrati mördad - Hämnas "Right Sector"?

4 kommentarer:

  1. --IMF and EU Capture of Ukraine--

    March 26, 2014

    By James Hall

    It should be obvious that the recent putsch and regime change in the Ukraine inspired and backed by the U.S. shadow government, benefits the international banksters. For the average EU resident, only further economic displacement and diminished prospects can be expected from any inclusion of Ukraine into the EU dictatorial structure.

    Not so, for the corporatists who expects expanded opportunities as Consortium News analyzes agricultural and energy companies recent involvement within the Ukraine.
    While corporatists want to extend their monopolies, the appeal of joining the EU with privileges of travel, relocation and better employment, has a very high price tag. So what is really behind the cover that the Brussels technocrats like to provide for the heavy hand treatment, which the banksters always demand? Look to the methods of the IMF for part of the answer.

    Michel Chossudovsky of Global Research, in the detailed essay Regime Change in Ukraine and the IMF’s Bitter "Economic Medicine", gives a comprehensive account of the handpicked players that are eager to do the bidding of the IMF.

    "Shortly after his instatement, the interim (puppet) prime minister Arseny Yatsenyuk casually dismissed the need to negotiate with the IMF. Prior to the conduct of negotiations pertaining to a draft agreement, Yatsenyuk had already called for an unconditional acceptance of the IMF package:

    "We have no other choice but to accept the IMF offer".
    He explains the methods of the standard game plan that the IMF uses to impoverish the peasants and steal assets and resources.

    "While the privatization program ensures the transfer of State assets into the hands of foreign investors, the IMF program also includes provisions geared towards the destabilization of the country’s privately owned business conglomerates.

    A concurrent "break up" plan entitled "spin-off" as well as a "bankruptcy program" are often implemented with a view to triggering the liquidation, closing down or restructuring of a large number of nationally owned private and public enterprises."[...]

  2. --Masked 'Right Sector' nationalists besiege Ukrainian Parliament--

    March 28, 2014

    The Ukrainian parliament is witnessing a second day of picketing, as hundreds of Right Sector activists pressure MPs to sack the interior minister. Earlier other protesters tried to force their way into Kiev’s Rada to stop a vote on austerity measures.

    Just a month after street protests forced President Viktor Yanukovich from the country, Ukrainian capital faces a new wave of anti-government demonstrations.

    The worst action against the authorities is staged by the Right Sector, an umbrella organization of radical activists, who played the key part in the February bloody stand-off.

    At least a thousand of the activists are standing guard around the Verkhovna Rada building on Friday demanding that the MPs vote on sacking the freshly-appointed interior minister.[...]

  3. --Ukraine security officials mull banning Right Sector radical movement – report--

    March 28, 2014

    Following a siege of Kiev parliament building by the Right Sector nationalists, Ukraine’s security officials have discussed banning the movement during an urgent security meeting, a source in Batkivshchina party told Ria.

    According to the source, the meeting was attended by the acting Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, National Security and Defense Council chief Andrey Parubiy, as well as Oleg Tyagnibok, the leader of nationalist Svoboda party.

    During the meeting, Avakov suggested a complete ban of the organization given the radicalization of the Right Sector, the source said.

    Parubiy was allegedly supportive of the idea of dismantling the neo-Nazi movement and said such a move would allow those present at the meeting to whitewash themselves of having any connections to the radicals, the source said. Tyagnibok reportedly did not take any sides.

    According to the source, the proposal will be further discussed on Friday “within a wider circle.”
    Meanwhile on Friday, Verkhovna Rada is also expected to hold an emergency session to discuss the possibility of Avakov’s resignation, after hundreds of Ukrainian nationalists gathered outside the parliament building threatening to storm it unless Avakov takes personal responsibility for the killing of one of their leaders and resigns.

    The right-wing militant leader Muzychko, also known as Sashko Bilyi, was killed in a police raid against his gang in Rovno, western Ukraine.[...]




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